Figura 1 - uploaded by Márcio Minto Fabricio
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Projeto para Manutenção (consideração de fatores de manutenção na fase de projeto para fornecer subsídios para Projeto da Manutenção).
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During the Integrated Product Development – IPD, the process considers every stage
as life cycles. Of these, an important cycle is the logistics and other assembly. In this
context, this work established guidelines for the logistics and assembly of industrialized
modular buildings. It sought to establish the most suitable methods and processes, as
well as the tools that best adapt to the processes of design, creation and production of
a system focused on quality and sustainability, but that provides maximum flexibility to
your end users. So, it was decided to use the IPD-based processes, as well as
methods of analysis and creation which complied with the requirements of the initial
project. Among these include the Concurrent Engineering – EC process, the Design
for eXcellence – DfX and Product Life-Cycle – PLC. The reason for the choice of these
methods and processes was in the fact that through the tools described, it is possible
to develop continues iteratively and all subsystems simultaneously, allowing for
changes and new evaluations in real time with feedback from the entire process and
all the members of the development team. This reduces the loss of information and
makes it possible to achieve product quality levels that other processes do not allow.
The research was carried out in an interactive way with the global project of the group
GETin – UEL denominated FlexHouse, and based on the input data provided by the
group, data collection, reference bibliographies and consultations to norms and
legislation. Then, it was carried out the iterative studies of possible scenarios of
logistics and assembly - LoA, taking into account the guidelines of development,
product life cycle, normative and legal. The definition of the LoA scenario resulted in
the elaboration of the LoA Plan, or LoAP, which includes the detailed activities and
tasks of LoA and together with the Dynamic Model of Unloading and Assembly –
DMUA generated the Specific Work Instructions – SWI´s. These discretized
procedures necessary for the execution of activities and tasks, considered the tools
and equipment required, labor and assembling sequence. From FlexHouse's LoAP, it
was possible to extract the guidelines that make up the load planning protocol for
modular industrial buildings, the objective of the present research.
The design process of a building should be a collective activity, with the participation of different specialties. In these processes, an effective coordination is necessary to foster interactivity among the design team. In Brazil, the hospital design process developed by the architect João Filgueiras Lima at the Centro de Tecnologia da Rede Sarah Kubitschek (CTRS) [Technology Center of the Sarah Kubitschek Network] is an important example of integrated design of industrialized buildings, encompassing all stages of the building process. The CTRS was an innovative experience in the construction industrialization in Brazil, and also a major center of research. The present study analyzes the integrated design process of the CTRS through a case study based on direct observations, guided visits, surveys for data collection carried out in the CTRS design collection, and interviews with the architect João Filgueiras Lima, also known as Lelé, and professionals of his team. The results show the development of all stages of the building in the CTRS, from the planning to the maintenance, which facilitates the design process and improves the building functioning. RESUMO O processo de projeto um edifício deve ser uma atividade coletiva, com a participação de diferentes especialidades. Nesses processos, uma coordenação eficaz é necessária para promover a interatividade entre os membros da equipe de projeto. No Brasil, o processo de projeto de hospitais desenvolvido pelo arquiteto João Filgueiras Lima no (CTRS) é um importante exemplo de projeto integrado de edifícios industrializados, abrangendo todas as fases do processo de construção. O CTRS foi uma experiência inovadora na industrialização da construção no Brasil, e também é um importante centro de pesquisa. O presente estudo analisa o processo de concepção projeto integrado do CTRS por meio de um estudo de caso com base em observações diretas, visitas guiadas, pesquisas para coleta de dados realizada na coleção de projetos do CTRS e entrevistas com o arquiteto João Filgueiras Lima, mais conhecido como Lelé, e com os profissionais de sua equipe. Os resultados mostram o desenvolvimento de todas as etapas da construção no CTRS, desde o planejamento até a manutenção, o que facilita o processo de projeto e melhora funcionamento do edifício.