Fig -3 - uploaded by Harendra Pal Singh
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L, LC and LCL filter bode plot. In summary, the design of the LCL filter concerns the following points; • Overall filter size, cost, losses • Current distortion in different components • Resonance and dynamic performance of the overall system • Low voltage drops across the filter • Higher power factor. The parameter selection, according to the recommended maximum current distortion limit in the output current set the percentage of current ripples in the inverter output current is the primary concern to describe the lower limit of the filter inductance value. Similarly, the filter capacitance is chosen based on the energy stored in the capacitor. The selection for the filter capacitor is a trade-off between the energy stored in the capacitor and the inverter-side inductance (Lf )[39]. The higher value capacitance uses more reactive power to flow into the capacitor and more load current demand from the Lf and the inverter switches. As a consequence, the system efficiency will be decreased. The
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... voltage drop across it [36]. Compared to first and second-order filters, the third-order LCL filter has a lower cost and is smaller in size which makes it more suitable for the inverter output connection with the main utility at medium and higher voltage levels. LCL filter provides excellent attenuation of bode 60 dB to the switching frequency Fig. 3. But, in case the grid side impedance is lower, resonance can be triggered, leading to system instability [10]. Moreover, this resonance effect can subsequently cause voltage and current instability in proximity to the resonance frequency. The purpose of applying the resistive damper is to reduce the attenuation and increase the ...
Context 2
... Fig -3: (a).Equivalent circuit diagram of LCL filter connected between VSI and grid, (b). Phasor diagram for the unity power condition. ...
Context 3
... the ωc. The higher value of ωc is responsible for the increase in peak magnitude at the system frequency, which corresponds to a higher gain value and better current ripple attenuation. The lower value of ωc corresponds to wider bandwidth at the system frequency [47]. The comparison for THD analysis by using PI and PR controller is shown in Fig. 13. The output current THD levels are below 3% as per requirements for the weak grid applications, which shows the quality of the output current. load fluctuations, but here the power flow is smooth without using any external damping ...