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Fetch-execute cycle with pipelining.

Fetch-execute cycle with pipelining.

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In modern computing, multitasking is the most favorable aspect. An un-pipelined instruction cycle (fetch-execute cycle) CPU processes instructions one after another increasing duration at lesser speed in completing tasks. With pipelined computer architecture, unprecedented improvement in size and speed are achievable. This work investigates the pos...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... computer systems evolve, greater performances are achieved by taking advantage of improvements in technology, such as faster circuitry and organizational enhancements such as adding instruction pipelining to the processor 1,4-6 . By implementing pipelining, the processing of instructions is overlapped as illustrated in Figure 1, meaning while the first instruction is in the decode stage; the second instruction is fetched. When the first instruction is in the execute stage, the second instruction moves to the decode stage and another instruction, instruction 3 is fetched. ...
Context 2
... designed simulator user interface and data input screenshot are Figures 5and 6 respectively. The simulator evaluation was majorly to test the response to data hazard, control hazard and combination of all 8 basic RiSC-16 Instructions set and its results are shown in Figures 7-12. The operations and code are been given below. ...

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... Currently, the VLSI digital systems design overburdened with many complex features. Multitasking, parallelism makes the system slow and consumes more power to meet these customer requirements; and designers have to compromise with the critical factors [1]. ...
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The main aim is to implement 128-bit RISC processor using pipelining techniques through FPGA with the help of von Neumann architecture. With the increase in the use of the FPGA in various embedded applications, there is a need to support processor designs on FPGA. The type of processor proposed is a soft processor with a simple instruction set which can be modified according to use because of the reconfigurable nature of FPGA. The type of architecture implemented is von Neumann. Prominent feature of the processor is pipelining which improves the performance considerably such that one instruction is executed per clock cycle. Due to the increase in innovations in the development of processors, the increasing popularity of open source projects like RISC-V ISA (Instruction Set Architecture), there is a need to also rapidly understand these designs and also upgrade them which can easily be performed on FPGA with trade off in speeds and size as compared to commercial ASIC processors, and hence, we are motivated to understand these systems. In this paper, a 128-bit RISC processor is implemented using FPGA pipelining.KeywordsRISC—reduced instruction set computerFPGA—field programmable gate arrayISA—instruction set architectureASIC—application specific integrated circuit
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RISC-V is a free and open instruction set architecture (ISA) based on reduced instruction set computer (RISC) principles. RISC-V ISA enables a new phase in the field of processors through open standard association. The address of RISC-V is based on 32-bit and 64-bit variants. The essential RISC-V is a 32-bit integer instruction set defined as RV32I, which efficiently supports the operating system environments and also suits for the embedded system applications. In this paper, a survey is carried for 5-stage in-order pipeline implementation and ways to overcome pipelining hazards for structural hazards, data hazards, and control hazards on RISC-V processors. Being open-source and free, this is adopted in many commercial and academic research and projects.
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