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Since its introduction, live e-commerce has shown rapid growth, especially in regions such as China, where the total market size has exceeded trillions of RMB. However, e-commerce live streaming has also caused widespread consumer impulse-buying behaviour during the development process. Therefore, based on stimulus–organism–response theory, from th...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... shown in Table 2, the CA of the latent variables in this study ranged from 0.844 to 0.953, and the CR ranged from 0.906 to 0.970, reflecting a high degree of internal consistency, indicating that the scale has good reliability. Table 3 indicates the factor loadings and cross loadings of each variable. The outer loadings of all indicators in Table 3 exceed 0.850, which is higher than the standard of 0.708 [35], also indicating that the model has good reliability. ...Context 2
... 3 indicates the factor loadings and cross loadings of each variable. The outer loadings of all indicators in Table 3 exceed 0.850, which is higher than the standard of 0.708 [35], also indicating that the model has good reliability. Then, we used average variance extraction (AVE) to assess convergent validity. ...Context 3
... the traditional method, the discriminant validity of the model can be judged by observing the factor loadings and cross loadings of each item in each latent variable. Table 3 shows that the variances of each potential variable and its related indicators were greater than those of the other potential variables, indicating that the model has good discriminant validity. In addition, this study compared the square root of AVE and the absolute value of the correlation coefficient to evaluate discriminant validity [82]; the results are shown in Table 4. Table 4 describes correlations among constructs and the square root of AVE. ...Citations
... The extent and importance of impulsive buying is best illustrated by research on its prevalence. Research in North America shows that as many as 75% of purchases are made on impulse [24,25]. Prior studies indicate that impulsive buying correlates with increased maladaptive narcissism [26], higher materialism and individualism [27], and greater hedonism [28]. ...
Impulsive buying is a growing problem in modern society with significant financial and psychological consequences, and it is necessary to examine the mechanisms underlying it. Understanding the mechanisms driving this behavior is crucial. Impulsive buying consists of two key aspects: a cognitive aspect, characterized by a lack of planning and reflection, and an affective aspect, involving emotional responses that can occur before, during, or after a purchase. This study aims to explore the relationship between personality traits, as measured by the HEXACO model, and tendencies toward impulsive buying. Specifically, it examines how the HEXACO traits differentially predict the cognitive and affective components of impulsive buying tendencies. Data were collected from a sample of 420 students, with 32 excluded due to incomplete responses, resulting in a final sample of 388 students (155 men, 233 women) with an average age of 22.8. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that HEXACO personality domains significantly predicted overall impulsive buying tendencies. As expected, Honesty–Humility and Conscientiousness were negatively associated with impulsive buying, while Emotionality and Extraversion positively predicted impulsive buying tendencies. Moreover, Honesty–Humility, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion significantly predicted the cognitive component of impulsive buying, while Honesty–Humility and Emotionality were significant predictors of the affective component. These findings suggest the importance of educating individuals, from an early age, on the negative consequences of impulsive buying, effective money-saving strategies, and the principles of mental accounting.
... On the contrary, incongruent cues with the product require extra cognitive resources to resolve these inconsistencies, increasing cognitive workload (Ausín et al., 2021). With a deep sense of presence and immersion (Shin, 2017;Sun et al., 2019), costumers in live streaming shopping may be greatly affected by the atmospheric cues in the studio (Yang et al., 2022a(Yang et al., , 2022bLai et al., 2021). When the contextual cues (such as background visual cues, sounds and music, etc.) are fitted to the target product, the product would come in more readily and predictably (Lee & Labroo, 2004). ...
With the growing popularity of live streaming shopping, designing an effective live streaming commercial strategy is a focus for retailers as well as researchers. Drawing on stimulus-organic-response model and feeling-as-information theory, the current study explores the role of congruence between live streaming elements and the product in facilitating shopping intention in live streaming shopping context. A total of 543 customers who engaged in live streaming shopping in the past three months were surveyed and asked to reflect on one recent experience for completing the questionnaire. We conducted a series of confirmatory factor analyses to ascertain the research constructs’ reliability and validity. Furthermore, structural equation modeling was performed to test the research hypotheses. By distinguishing three forms of congruence between commercial elements and products (that between products and live stream content, atmosphere, and streamer, respectively), we found that a higher fit of live streaming elements with the product contributed to higher purchase intention via improved processing fluency and increased perceived authenticity of the product. From a cognitive perspective, our findings enrich the understanding of congruence between key live commercial elements and products. Specifically, our study highlights the significance of contextual stimuli in live streaming, by demonstrating its effectiveness in promoting sales through a cognitive friendly consumption experience. Additionally, it offers practical insights for optimizing design and sales promotion in the live streaming environment.
... The rustic image and rural-style attire of assistance to farmers live streamers evoke positive emotions in the fast-paced modern life. Atmosphere cues explain the scene symbols, as the layout and interaction in the live streaming room create a pleasant atmosphere, stimulating impulse purchase intentions [6] . Additionally, interactivity explains the body language symbols, where live streamers reduce information asymmetry through professional information and interaction, promoting changes in customer emotions and purchase intentions [7] . ...
With the rapid development of the Internet, farmer-assisting live streaming has emerged as a new model combining agricultural products with e-commerce. This study, based on the S-O-R theory, constructs a model of “symbolic elements in the context of farmer-assisting live streaming” and introduces moral identity as a moderating variable. Using SPSS 27.0 and SmartPLS statistical analysis software for empirical testing, the results show that symbolic elements significantly and positively influence customers’ impulsive purchase intentions through positive emotions and perceived trust, and moral identity significantly moderates this relationship. This paper provides new research perspectives for the sustainable development of the live e-commerce model.
... Trust is the expectation of consumers that sellers fulfill their commitments to consumers as promised (Yang, et al., 2022). In e-commerce where sellers and buyers do not physically meet, trust plays an important role. ...
Objective: The objective of this research is to analyze emerging digital technology and their impact on SDG’s innovation and digital economy. SME’s participation in live streaming will be explored to understand the impact on SME’s SDG’s Theoretical Framework: Social cognitive theory (SCT) is used as a theoretical base. The SCT can explain why individuals want to learn to observe others in social media/online shopping, Method: The variables studied were Product Information Quality (PIQ), Streamers’ Information Quality (SIQ), trust, and impulse buying. A quantitative approach by survey questionnaire distribution was conducted. The population is anyone who has experience with live streaming in Indonesia. Purposive sampling is chosen, and 325 valid data have been gathered for analysis using PLS-SEM. Results and Discussion: Product and streamers Information Quality positively influence trust but PIQ and SIQ do not positively influence impulse buying. Trust fully mediates between PIQ and SIQ to impulse buying. This confirms the role of trust as perceived by customers, as SMES have not yet gained market awareness thus trust is crucial to lead the decision to buy. Research Implications: The success of SMEs in the digital economy will help them access the market more effectively and efficiently. SMEs’ success means increasing community welfare more evenly as well as a more sustainable environment is achieved due to SMEs’ sense of belonging to their homeland. Originality/Value: The originality is the structural model and the observation of the model to SMES in adopting live streaming. The PIQ and SIQ were analyzed in the context of SME’s offerings.
... Guo et al. (2021) examined the influence of live streaming functions on consumers' cross-border purchase intention from the perspective of overall perceived value and overall perceived uncertainty based on the SOR theory. Yang et al. (2022) established an impulse buying model for e-commerce live streaming consumers from the perspective of human-computer interaction based on SOR theory. The research results indicate that consumers' visual attractiveness, perceptual arousal, and engagement play a mediating role in the relationship between interface design, on-site atmosphere, and impulse buying. ...
As a new business model emerging in the rapid development of technology, e-commerce live streaming not only promotes the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, but also has significant historical value and far-reaching impact on the formation of new e-commerce economic models. E-commerce anchors have become a new business growth engine for e-commerce live streaming enterprises. During the live streaming, e-commerce anchors rely on their strong professional knowledge or authority in the product field to provide consumers with cost-effective information and help them make purchasing decisions. Although scholars have conducted various studies on e-commerce anchor, there are few studies analyzing relevant research literature from a statistical perspective. Based on this background, this study used bibliometric method and adopted CiteSpace 6.1 R6 analysis software to analyze 82 literature related to "e-commerce anchor" in Web of Science, revealing the research rules of scholars on this topic and providing important references for researchers to understand this field.
... Live marketing technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality experiences, interactive live streams, and immersive brand activations, create a dynamic and engaging environment for consumers (Kotler et al., 2023;Sung et al., 2021). These technologies provide a unique and memorable interaction with the brand, leaving a lasting impact on the consumer's psyche (Yang et al., 2022). As consumers engage with these innovative technologies, they often perceive the brand as forwardthinking, modern, and customer-centric (Fader, 2020;Rosid et al., 2023). ...
This quantitative research study explores the impact of live marketing on consumers’ irrational consumption behavior within the context of the new economic era. Adopting a structured approach, data were collected from 236 consumers through structured questionnaires utilizing Likert scale responses. Simple random sampling ensured a statistically representative sample across diverse demographics. The questionnaires comprehensively addressed various dimensions including exposure to live marketing events, emotional engagement, social media influencer impact, cognitive dissonance, socioeconomic factors, innovative marketing technologies, and irrational consumption behaviors. The data analysis was conducted meticulously utilizing SPSS and SmartPLS, involving various statistical techniques like summary statistics, correlation study, validation of factor analysis, and structural equation modeling, as well as comparative, moderation, and mediation analyses. The study uncovers novel insights, particularly highlighting the role of social media influencers in live marketing, elucidating how their involvement significantly amplifies the impact of social influence on consumers’ irrational consumption decisions. Furthermore, findings reveal that consumers perceiving live marketing as immersive and memorable are more inclined towards engaging in irrational consumption behaviors. Additionally, the adoption of innovative live marketing technologies emerges as a key driver of brand perception, consequently leading to heightened levels of irrational consumption behaviors. Moreover, cognitive dissonance following such behaviors is identified as a significant factor contributing to increased repeat purchases. This research contributes to a more profound comprehension of consumer behavior within marketing contexts, providing valuable insights for marketers navigating the complexities of the contemporary economic landscape.
... When individuals are fully engaged to streamers, they are more likely to be convinced to purchase the tourism and hospitality products they advertise. Similarly, viewers who are highly engaged in the virtual environment are more susceptible to experiencing self-control failure, which can lead to impulsive purchases, as compared to those who are less engaged (Yang et al., 2022). Thus, in this study, we hypothesize that emotional engagement would increase the likelihood of impulsive buying. ...
Grounded in the social cognitive theory, the main aim of this study is to explore the impact of tele-presence, social presence, and emotional engagement on impulsive buying tendencies within the realm of travel live-streaming (TLS). To examine further, the moderating effect of guidance shopping was included. An online questionnaire was distributed to 332 live-streaming viewers from China, and the collected data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate that telepresence and social presence exert significant influences on emotional engagement and impulsive buying tendencies. Notably, the study identifies the mediating effect of emotional engagement and the moderating effect of guidance shopping. In practice, this research highlights the importance of streamers leveraging TLS platform functionalities to amplify the sense of "presence" and cultivate stronger emotional connections with viewers, thereby stimulating impulse buying. Additionally, streamers are encouraged to guide viewers in their decision-making process, addressing concerns to elevate engagement levels.
... The fourth study was taken from an international journal by Yang et al. (2022), with the title "Effects of Interface Design and Live Atmosphere on Consumers' Impulse-Buying Behavior from the Perspective of Human-Computer Interaction" which is a reference for researchers. The sample taken in this study was 339 respondents with valid questionnaire analysis. ...
... User interface has a very important role in online shopping than the services provided by conventional stores to their customers (Endah et al., 2019a). With a good quality user interface, it will positively affect consumer buying interest (Yang et al., 2022). In the context of online shopping, user interface design is the most important part of the program system that can be seen, heard, and also touched to be able to attract customers (Saputra et al., 2023). ...
Shopee is one of the largest online marketplaces in Indonesia, making it possible for most people in Indonesia to be online marketplace Shopee users. In meeting user needs to obtain information, the ease of obtaining information is a component of the user interface as a series of website design displays. A supportive user interface can encourage users to make purchases online. Gender differences can also influence different perspectives on the user interface. Therefore, this research was conducted to analyze the influence of the user interface on purchase intention at the online marketplace Shopee, and to use gender differentiation as a moderating variable. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires online via Google form to 250 respondents who are active students aged 16–37 years who live on the island of Java and use the online marketplace Shopee. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. The valid questionnaires to be analyzed were 250 questionnaires. The type of research used in this research is using descriptive quantitative methods with data processing using PLS (Partial Least Square) software. The data processing results show that the user interface has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, gender differentiation has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, and there is a moderating effect of gender differentiation on the user interface variable on purchase intention.
... Within this theory, a stimulus represents an external factor that triggers internal organismic states, as delineated by Mehrabian and Russell [18]. Although some previous studies on online shopping [6,19,20] and other studies on impulse buying [16,17] have adopted the S-O-R theory, these studies are not comprehensive. They have paid limited attention to the livestreaming context and have overlooked important psychological factors such as cognitive reactions (CR), affective reactions (AR), and individual impulse buying tendencies (IIB). ...
... Similarly, some research has been conducted on livestreaming shopping in China; however, much of it has examined the effects of convenience, interactivity, playfulness [21], celebrity endorsements [22], interface design, live atmosphere [6,19], human-computer interaction [19], and website attributes [23]. Surprisingly, with the exception of a few studies, the influence of susceptibility of social influence, affective reactions, cognitive reactions, and individual impulse buying tendency toward IBB has received very limited attention, with the exception of a few studies [24][25][26] demonstrating the significant impact of susceptibility to social influence, affective reactions, cognitive reactions, individual IIIB, and the UBI on predicting individual IIB. ...
... Similarly, some research has been conducted on livestreaming shopping in China; however, much of it has examined the effects of convenience, interactivity, playfulness [21], celebrity endorsements [22], interface design, live atmosphere [6,19], human-computer interaction [19], and website attributes [23]. Surprisingly, with the exception of a few studies, the influence of susceptibility of social influence, affective reactions, cognitive reactions, and individual impulse buying tendency toward IBB has received very limited attention, with the exception of a few studies [24][25][26] demonstrating the significant impact of susceptibility to social influence, affective reactions, cognitive reactions, individual IIIB, and the UBI on predicting individual IIB. ...
This research aimed to identify the factors that influence impulse buying behavior during livestreaming and advance the existing literature based on a proposed conceptual framework grounded in the stimulus-organism-response (S–O-R) model. We also tested the moderating effects of price perception and scarcity persuasion. An online self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 837 Chinese participants aged over 18 years. The data were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling using Smart-PLS version 4.0. The findings showed that susceptibility to social influence, impulse buying tendency, cognitive reactions, affective reactions, and the urge to buy impulsively are statistically significant predictors of impulse buying during livestreaming, with price perception and scarcity persuasion as moderators. The study expands the S–O-R model for livestreaming impulse buying in e-commerce context, highlighting its multifaceted nature and revealing the mediating role of Urge to Buy Impulsively in translating cognitive and emotional factors into impulse buying behavior. These insights offer practical guidance for marketers to design tailored strategies that leverage psychological triggers and external cues to enhance consumer engagement and encourage desired behaviors, ultimately leading to more effective marketing campaigns and improved consumer experiences.
... Furthermore, consistent with the assertion of engagement's role in shaping customer behavior Devino and Engriani, 2023), our results identify engagement as a strong predictor of customers' impulse buying tendency (H6). Earlier studies provide anecdotal evidence that engagement is particularly important in connecting customers, brands, and fellow customers, including in LSC contexts (Yang et al., 2022;Yi et al., 2023). This finding implies that retailers should shift away from traditional one-way communication, toward collaborative, bilateral (or multilateral) interactions with their target customers (e.g., through high responsiveness to their questions). ...
With the ever-growing popularity of live-streaming commerce, it is crucial for marketers to understand how live-streaming contributes to sales. While prior studies mainly focused on customer motivations for using live-streaming commerce, few studies, to date, elucidate consumers’ decision-making process in this context. Addressing this gap, we adopt the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion to examine how live-streaming influences customers’ engagement and impulse buying behavior, as moderated by their deal proneness. To explore these issues, we analyzed data collected from 735 Millennials in China using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that factors characterizing the ELM-informed central (i.e., product information quality, streamer interaction quality, and streamer credibility) and peripheral (i.e., review consistency) routes exert positive effects on customer engagement and impulse buying. Moreover, deal proneness was found to moderate the relationship between engagement and impulse buying. The findings offer valuable insight for e-tailers seeking to encourage impulsive buying among millennial shoppers. Specifically, they highlight the role of central- and peripheral route factors in promoting customer engagement and impulsive buying, with the effect of customer engagement on impulsive buying being contingent on deal proneness-based differences among millennial shoppers.