Fig 3 - uploaded by Vivek Kumar Singh
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Experimental setup for using SHARP-Net Fig. 3 shows the experimental setup for testing the SHARPNet's architecture. To enable synchrophasor communications, virtual PMUs are modeled in the real time digital simulator (RTDS), which generates synthetic phasors at a sampling rate of 60 samples per second. The Linux-based PDC software, iPDC, is operating as a local PDC for the substation that receives the PMU data from the simulator using the IEEE C37.118 protocol, and forwards it to the software-based PDC, openPDC, operating in the control center environment. As a case study, we implemented an ARP spoofing attack on the local active PDC to disable the communication between the local active PDC and the super PDC. The IDS, IMS, and AMS are operated over the wide-area network to coordinate the reorchestration process in the event of an attack. Initially, the local standby PDC is offline and unreachable via the network. Once the IDS detects the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, based on the rule defined in table 1, the IMS removes the compromised PDC, assigns internet protocol (IP) credentials to the new active PDC, and orchestrates a new standby PDC. The AMS generates the alert message and network address
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