Fig 6 - uploaded by Khairi Azhar Aziz
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e-Commerce today is a remarkable experience. However, finding and purchasing a right quality product based on numerous product reviews and manual rating in the e-commerce websites utilize much time among the consumers. This paper presents the problems faced by the consumers when buying products in e-commerce websites and a solution to solve the pro...
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Context 1
... reviews of a product. 60% of the respondents took more than one hour to read the reviews. There are also some respondents who voted for 10 -30 mins and 30 mins -1 hour. This is mainly because of the number of reviews a product has. The more the reviews a product has, the more the time taken to read the reviews one by one. Fig. 6 shows a pie chart to know whether the respondents experience unmatched product reviews and ratings. All the respondents voted for "Yes" which means all of them experienced seeing unmatched product reviews together with manual product ratings. This is meant by, either they have seen a good review with low product rating or a bad review ...