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Web applications continue to grow however web attacks are also increasing, this shows an increase in web application vulnerabilities. Several methods have been used to detect vulnerabilities in web applications such as black-box testing, dynamic analysis, and static analysis. In this article, we propose a framework for detecting web application vul...
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Internet has been dominating the world nearly a decade. Web application is known to be the most widespread platform of the internet especially when it comes to share resources, e-commerce services, education and business platforms. Since the usage of web applications are increasing dramatically, it’s becoming more vulnerable for security attacks. E...
... Setelah implementasi selesai, tahapan selanjutnya adalah pengujian (testing) terhadap sistem yang dirancang untuk memastikan sistem telah memenuhi persyaratan dan menghasilkan keluaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Adapun teknik pengujian yang digunakan adalah black box testing yang berfokus pada spesifikasi fungsional dari perangkat lunak [17]. ...
Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) merupakan wujud pengembangan kurikulum yang dibuat berdasarkan Dokumen Kurikulum. Pengelolaan RPS yang baik adalah salah satu kunci untuk memaksimalkan proses pengawasan dan pengembangan pembelajaran. Sistem pengelolaan RPS di Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Andalas masih dilakukan secara konvensional. RPS belum terstruktur dengan baik sesuai standar penyusunan RPS sehingga akan menyulitkan dosen dalam melakukan pengawasan, evaluasi, dan pengembangan rencana pembelajaran, yang selanjutnya juga akan mempengaruhi kualitas lulusan serta akan menyulitkan proses penilaian pada saat Re-Akreditasi program studi. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan RPS berupa penulisan yang terstruktur dan adanya wadah untuk mengarsipkan perubahan RPS yang dilakukan selama proses pengembangan, penting dilakukan. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan sebuah sistem informasi sehingga dirasa perlu untuk membangun sistem informasi pengelolaan RPS. Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan RPS dibangun berdasarkan metode Waterfall yang terdiri dari tahap analisis kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, implementasi sistem dengan memanfaatkan arsitektur MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, dan Node.js) sebagai empat teknologi utama, yang dilanjutkan dengan tahap pengujian. Dengan sistem yang dikembangkan, dosen dapat membuat RPS secara terstruktur serta memiliki arsip RPS yang pernah dikembangkan untuk nantinya dijadikan bahan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pengujian fungsional yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi pengelolaan RPS sudah berjalan sebagaimana yang direncanakan.
... Quite complex web applications usually have a lot of web pages, which are sometimes not all linked or traceable from the first page of the web. These pages are referred to as hidden pages [6]. ...
The Hapesong New Village Office is a village asset building specifically designated for the operational activities of the Hapesong Baru Village government. The absence of employees at the Hapesong Baru Village office is an important and mandatory role for all employees to be used for official purposes in administration and administration. So far, the government of Batang Toru District, South Tapanuli Regency is still using the attendance system in a manual way that is still not computerized where employees must fill in attendance by writing down attendance signs for example the signature of the employee concerned, this way of attendance has the risk of committing fraud. quite large, because there is still an opportunity to fake employee attendance signs. Data accumulation and errors often become obstacles in processing employee attendance data. Therefore, the authors chose Batang Toru District, South Tapanuli Regency as the object of research. With the development of digital technology, one of which is in the field of computerization, it can help the system in employee attendance. The result of this research is the Design of an Employee Attendance Information System at the Web-Based Hapesong Baru Village Office. In making attendance attendance applications, which are built using a programming language, on the server side is PHP while on the client server side it is HTML. In the database using SQL language with MYSQL DBMS. The modeling of this expert system uses the Unified Modeling Language model.
... Alanda et al. [9] highlighted vulnerability and techniques used to find an exposure in mobile-based penetration testing using the OWASP. Yulianton et al. [10] suggested a framework for identifying web vulnerabilities using taint analysis and black-box testing. Jinfeng et al. [11], a case study is conducted for vulnerability scanners using the OWASP tool. ...
... In a study conducted by Yulianton et al. 2020, Black Box Testing was used to detect vulnerabilities in web applications by combining them with Dynamic Analysis and Static Analysis. It is believed that this framework can give better results than if each method is used separately. ...
... It is believed that this framework can give better results than if each method is used separately. It is because the strengths of each method are used to overcome the weaknesses of the other methods [13]. ...
The population administration website application is a computer platform that makes it easy for the government to integrate population data collected by the Department of Population and Civil Registration with the Central Statistics Agency. This application was created to maximize the validity, accuracy, and quality of data. Each module in the application was subject to testing to ensure that it was running according to the expected functionality. This aimed to see the level of errors that occurred in the software. In this study, application testing was carried out with Black Box Testing using the Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) technique, which was to determine the lower and upper limit values based on the data being tested. The BVA test results showed that the application was able to handle data, both normal and abnormal, with a success percentage of 90.9%.