Fig 2 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Example of condition 2 (SOCE). The dashes in the alternative behaviour indicate that the same actions were allocated to the units in both current and alternate behaviours. Highlighted cells (grey) indicate the differences between current and alternate behaviours.
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Context 1
... in this condition do not see a contrast behaviour. 2) SOCE: Participants receive an explanation in which they are shown a chosen and contrast (alternate) behaviour that is compared in terms of expected end-of-game score, as determined by the AI using MCTS (Figure 2). 3) MOCE: Participants receive all information shown in Condition 2 and the four domain-specific objectives (Section III-C): expected deaths; expected evacuations; the number of civilians transported to the SPOD in the next turn; and the expected number of deaths in the next consumption phase (Figure 3). ...
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