Example of an SE, analyzed using traditional root cause analysis; PRISMA-medical (left) and the GAM (right).

Example of an SE, analyzed using traditional root cause analysis; PRISMA-medical (left) and the GAM (right).

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Objectives: Improving patient safety by investigating sentinel events (SEs) is hampered by the focus on isolated events within hospitals and a narrow scope of traditional root cause analysis methods. We aimed to examine if performing cross-hospital aggregate analysis of SEs applying a novel generic analysis method (GAM) bearing a human factor pers...

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... characteristics varied across themes (Supplemental Appendix 2, http://links.lww.com/JPS/A536). Figure 2 presents an example of how an event was analyzed by the hospital using a traditional root cause analysis method (PRISMA-medical), and shows the results of analysis of the event description in the SE report using the GAM. PRISMA-analysis identified 3 independent root causes, whereas using the GAM to study the same event resulted in a total of 12 identified contributing factors and the evaluation of interactions between factors. ...