Figure 5 - uploaded by Vincent Lecours
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Example of UAS-collected photomosaic showing salt marshes, oyster reefs, and mudflats in Little Trout Creek, FL. This particular mosaic has a spatial resolution of 6 mm, enabling the capture of fine-scale habitat information. Data collected and processed by Andrew Ortega.

Example of UAS-collected photomosaic showing salt marshes, oyster reefs, and mudflats in Little Trout Creek, FL. This particular mosaic has a spatial resolution of 6 mm, enabling the capture of fine-scale habitat information. Data collected and processed by Andrew Ortega.

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Florida depends on the oceans, yet its waters have not been extensively mapped to the highest standards. While there is a need for marine spatial data for a wide range of applications and issues, there is also a need to develop data acquisition, processing , and analytical workflows and to integrate different surveying instruments that can capture...

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... have studied many estuaries and creeks off an area of the west coast of Florida called the Nature Coast, off the towns of Cedar Key and Suwannee. A combination of intertidal oyster reefs, salt marshes, and mudflats is found in these areas (Figure 5). The different habitat types form a dynamic ecosystem in which unhealthy oyster reefs can transform into mudflats that salt marshes can then populate, and accurate temporal monitoring is critical to capture these subtle changes. ...