Fig 2 - uploaded by Ferhat Khendek
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Abstract Use cases are the notation of choice for functional requirements documentation, whereas task models are used as a starting point for user interface design. In this paper, we motivate the need for an integrated development methodology in order to narrow the conceptual gap that exists between software engineering and user interface design. A...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... a concrete example of a use case, Figure 2 presents a detailed user-goal level use case for "Ordering a Product". A use case starts with a "header" section containing various properties of the use case. ...
Context 2
... with secondary actors (which are specified in the use case model) are omitted since they are irrelevant for UI design. An example of this is use case step 7 ("System interacts with the payment authorization system to carry out the payment") of the "Order Product" use case of Figure 2. ...
Context 3
... this section we remind the reader of the key characteristics of use cases and task models. For each notation we provide definitions, and an illustrative example. Finally, both notations are compared and main commonalities and differences are contrasted. Use cases were introduced roughly 15 years ago by Jacobson. He defined a use case as a “specific way of using the system by using some part of the functionality” [8]. More recent popularization of use cases is often attributed by Cockburn [4]. Use case modeling is gradually making its way into mainstream practice which sees it as a key activity in its software development process (e.g. Rational Unified Process) and as a result, there is accumulating evidence of significant benefits to customers and developers [14]. A use case captures the interaction between actors and the system under development. It is organized as a collection of related success and failure scenarios that are all bound to the same goal of the primary actor [11]. Use cases are typically employed as a specification technique for capturing functional requirements. They document the majority of software and system requirements and as such, serve as a contract (of the envisioned system behavior) between stakeholders [4]. In current practice, use cases are promoted as structured textual constructs written in prose language. While the use of narrative languages makes use cases modeling an at- tractive tool to facilitate communication among stakeholders, prose language is well known to be prone to ambiguities and leaves little room for advanced tool support. As a concrete example of a use case, Figure 2 presents a detailed user-goal level use case for “Ordering a Product”. A use case starts with a “header” section containing various properties of the use case. The core part of a use case is its main success scenario , which follows immediately after the header. The main success scenario consists of a sequence of interaction steps between the user and the system. The interaction steps indicate the most common way in which the primary actor can reach his/her goal by using the system. The use case is completed by specifying the use case extensions . These extensions constitute alternative scenarios which may or may not lead to the fulfillment of the use case goal. They represent alternative (and sometimes exceptional) behavior (relative to the main success scenario) and are indispensable to capturing full system behavior. Each extension starts with a condition (relative to one or more steps of the main success scenario), which makes the extension relevant and causes the main scenario to “branch” to the alternative scenario. The condition is followed by a sequence of action steps, which may lead to the fulfillment or the abandonment of the use case goal and/or further extensions. From a requirements point of view, exhaustive modeling of use case extensions is an effective requirement elicitation device. User task modeling is by now a well understood technique supporting user-centered UI design [18]. In most UI development approaches, the task set is the primary input to the UI design stage. User task models describe the tasks that users perform using the application, as well as how the tasks are related to each other. The origin of most task modeling approaches can be traced back to activity theory [10], where a human operator carries out activities to change part of the environment (artifacts) in order to achieve a certain goal [5]. Like use cases, task models describe the user’s interaction with the system. The primary purpose of task models is to systematically capture the way users achieve a goal when interacting with the system [24]. Different presentations of task models exist, ranging from narrative task descriptions, work flow diagrams to formal hierarchical task descriptions. Figure 3 shows an adapted ConcurTaskTreesEnvironment (CTTE) [16] visualization of the user task model. CTTE is a tool for graphical modeling and analyzing ConcurTaskTrees (CTT) models [17]. The figure illustrates the hierarchical break down and the temporal relationships between tasks involved in the “Order Product” functionality (depicted in the use case of Section 3.1). More precisely the depicted task model specifies how the user makes use of the system to achieve his/her goal but also indicates how the system supports the user tasks. An indication of task types is given by the used symbol to represent tasks. The task model is organized as a directed graph. Tasks are hierarchically decomposed into sub-tasks and atomic actions. Leaf tasks are also called actions, since they are the task that actually carried out by the user or the system. The execution order of tasks is determined by temporal operators that are defined between peer tasks. Various temporal operators exist; the most popular are: enabling ( >> ), choice ([]), concurrency ( || ), and disabling ([ > ). A complete list of the CTT operators together with definition of their interpretation can be found in [17]. We note that the binary temporal operator used between the tasks “Display Purchase Summary” and “Display out of Stock” and between the tasks “Display Confirmation” and “Display Payment Error” is not part of CTT. We have introduced the operator as an extension to CTT. It is called the Abort Choice operator and is represented by the symbol ([] A ) and the STOP sign hovering over its right operand. The interpretation of the Abort Choice operator is similar to the build-in Choice operator, in the sense that either the task specified by the first operand or the task specified by the second operand is executed. However, after the execution of the second operator all tasks of the model become disabled. Hence, no more tasks can be executed and the scenario ends. Main motivation for the introduction of this temporal operator was the fact that without it we were not able to conveniently implement the flow specified in the “Order Product” use case as a CTT task model. Particularly problematic are the use case steps which prematurely lead to termination. The only way to simulate such an effect in a CTT task model is to create several main alternative branches in the task tree. One branch represents the case when the “Order Product” is completely performed, whereas the other branches represent cases when the task terminates prematurely. Such a modeling however, creates a significant amount of duplication (since identical starting tasks would be repeated in each brand) and unnecessarily increases the complexity of the visualization of the task tree. In the ...
Context 4
... the depicted task model specifies how the user makes use of the system to achieve his/her goal but also indicates how the system supports the user tasks. An indication of task types is given by the used symbol to represent tasks. The task model is organized as a directed graph. Tasks are hierarchically decomposed into sub-tasks and atomic actions. Leaf tasks are also called actions, since they are the task that actually carried out by the user or the system. The execution order of tasks is determined by temporal operators that are defined between peer tasks. Various temporal operators exist; the most popular are: enabling ( >> ), choice ([]), concurrency ( || ), and disabling ([ > ). A complete list of the CTT operators together with definition of their interpretation can be found in [17]. We note that the binary temporal operator used between the tasks “Display Purchase Summary” and “Display out of Stock” and between the tasks “Display Confirmation” and “Display Payment Error” is not part of CTT. We have introduced the operator as an extension to CTT. It is called the Abort Choice operator and is represented by the symbol ([] A ) and the STOP sign hovering over its right operand. The interpretation of the Abort Choice operator is similar to the build-in Choice operator, in the sense that either the task specified by the first operand or the task specified by the second operand is executed. However, after the execution of the second operator all tasks of the model become disabled. Hence, no more tasks can be executed and the scenario ends. Main motivation for the introduction of this temporal operator was the fact that without it we were not able to conveniently implement the flow specified in the “Order Product” use case as a CTT task model. Particularly problematic are the use case steps which prematurely lead to termination. The only way to simulate such an effect in a CTT task model is to create several main alternative branches in the task tree. One branch represents the case when the “Order Product” is completely performed, whereas the other branches represent cases when the task terminates prematurely. Such a modeling however, creates a significant amount of duplication (since identical starting tasks would be repeated in each brand) and unnecessarily increases the complexity of the visualization of the task tree. In the previous two sections, the main characteristics of use cases and task models were discussed. In this section, we compare both approaches and outline noteworthy differences and commonalities. Both, use cases and task models, belong to the family of scenario-based notations and as such capture sets of usage scenarios of the system. On the one hand, a use case specifies system behavior by means of a main success scenario and any corresponding extensions. On the other hand, a task model specifies system interaction within a single “monolithic” task tree. In theory, both notations can be used to describe the same information. In practice however, use cases are mainly employed to document functional requirements whereas task models are used to describe UI requirements/design details. Taking this perspective, use cases capture requirements at a higher level of abstraction whereas task models are more detailed. Hence, the atomic actions of the task model are often lower level UI details that are irrelevant (actually contraindicated [4]) in the context of a use case. The above mentioned difference is manifest in the use case and task model pro- vided as examples. Compared to the “Order Product” use case the corresponding “Order Product” task model has more UI details as it contains steps that are perti- nent to a graphical UI. For example the task model contains additional tasks which deal with the submission of selected or entered values (e.g. “Submit Search Pa- rameters” or “Submit Payment Information”). These steps are not specified in the corresponding use case, as they are geared to a UI which requires an extra submission step as a confirmation for a data input. In addition, some of the use case steps (which are the smallest possible units of a use case) have been split into even smaller action tasks in the task model. For example, use case step 2 corresponds to one connected user activity, which however needs to be supported by three UI elements capturing the input of the Product Category, Series and Brand. In many cases however, a use case will contain (behavioral) information that is not present in the task model. Task models concentrate on aspects that are relevant for UI design and as such, their usage scenarios are strictly depicted as input-output relations between the user and the system. Interactions with secondary actors (which are specified in the use case model) are omitted since they are irrelevant for UI design. An example of this is use case step 7 (“System interacts with the payment authorization system to carry out the payment”) of the “Order Product” use case of Figure 2. In this section we begin with a review of formalism used for scenario-based notations, and thus, those most likely to serve as a common foundation for use cases and task models. This is followed by a discussion of the requirements that would need to be addressed by a common semantic framework for use cases and task models. Finally, we present our proposed semantic domain, which is based on partial order sets. Within the domain of scenario-based notations the behavioral aspects of a system (capturing the ordering and the progression of events) play a pivotal role. While several different formalisms have been proposed for scenario-based notations, in what follows we briefly discuss three prominent approaches, namely: process algebras, partial order sets and graph structures. A formalism that has been widely used to define interleaving semantics of scenario-based notations is process algebras. In this approach, the behavior of a system is modeled by a set of (possibly concurrently running) processes. The formalism itself is presented as a formal calculus (which defines terms of algebra) with associated “deduction/transformation” rules for reasoning about algebraic specifications. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has published a rec- ommendation for the formal semantics of basic Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) based on the Algebra of Communicating Processes (ACP) [2][6]. This work is a continuation of preliminary research first established by Mauw et. Reniers [13]. In more recent work, Rui and Butler also suggest a process algebraic semantics for use case models, with the overall goal of formalizing use case refactoring [22][25]. In their approach, scenarios are represented as basic MSCs–as suggested by [21]. In Rui’s proposal, he assigns meaning to a particular use case scenario (episode) by partially adapting the ITU MSC semantics. In addition, semantics are defined for related scenarios of the same use case as well as for related use cases. The following use case relations are formally defined: includes, extends, generalization, proceeds, similar, and equivalence. Formalisms suitable for the definition of non-interleaving semantics are based on partial orders. For example, Zheng et. al. propose a non-interleaving semantics for timed MSC 2000 [7] based on timed labeled partial order sets (lposets) [26]. Partial order semantics for (regular, un-timed) MSCs have been proposed by Alur [1] and Katoen and Lambert [9]. Alur et. al. propose a semantics for a subset of MSCs which only allow message events as possible MSC events types. In contrast, the semantics of Katoen and Lambert is more complete. They map MSCs to a set of partial order multi-sets (pomsets). A pomset is a so-called isomorphic class of a corresponding lposet. A pomset contains all objects that can be derived by a bijective projection from a base lposet. Approaches based on pomsets are very similar to approaches based on lposets. Mizouni et. al. propose use case graphs as an intermediate notation for use cases [15]. Use case graphs are directed, potentially cyclic graphs whose edges represent use case actions and nodes represent system states. This allows for a natural representation of the order in which actions are to be performed. In order to integrate several use cases into a single specification, Mizouni et. al. describe an algorithm for transforming a set of (related) use case graphs (each representing one use case) into an extended finite state machine (EFSM). The merging of the graphs is done on the basis of common states within the use case specifications. The semantic definition proposed in this paper was originally inspired by the lposet approach proposed by Zheng et. al. In addition, similar to the work of Mizouni et. al., we employ use case graphs as an intermediate notation for use cases. Before we present our approach, we discuss some of the core requirements that need to be addressed by any formalism that is to be used to model both use cases and task models. In Section 3 we reviewed key characteristics of use cases and task models and discussed their current (and specialized) areas of application. In this section, we will re-consider this information in order to compile a set of requirements that would be particular to any common semantic framework for use cases and task models. Both notations are used to specify scenarios that indicate how the system is used. Technically a scenario consists of a, possibly infinite, sequence of events. Therefore, we require that a semantic model for use cases and task models formally captures sets of usage scenarios . It should be possible to mechanically extract valid usage scenarios from formal specifications. Also, given a specification and a scenario, it should be possible to unambiguously decide whether the scenario is valid or not, relative to the given specification. In task modeling (e.g. CTT), one often distinguishes between different task types. Examples are: ...
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