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Examination of offline sources of information related to healthy nutrition based on their importance (n = 612).
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In addition to preserving their health, young people can also play a role in providing information to wider society. Nutrition habits that have developed over the years at college have an impact on the foundation of a lifelong lifestyle. Our aim was to identify university students’ online and offline information-seeking attitudes related to healthy...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... online group comp six items (Table 2): website entries by dietitians and health sciences specialists (mean = 3.64); search engines (3.10); blogs and forums (3.02); Internet news sites (2.99); networks (2.86); online video channels by influencers (2.46). The offline category inc 14 items (Table 3): personal information received during health care (physician, die pharmacist, etc.) (4.49); books and journals (3.99); food marking and label inform (3.96); information provided by skilled shop assistants in specialized shops (e.g., or The online and offline categories of information sources were analyzed with the help of components, while the relationships among the components were examined using Pearson's linear correlation. A moderate negative correlation can be identified if the values are −0.7 < r < −0.2. ...Context 2
... online group comprises six items (Table 2): website entries by dietitians and health sciences specialists (mean value = 3.64); search engines (3.10); blogs and forums (3.02); Internet news sites (2.99); social networks (2.86); online video channels by influencers (2.46). The offline category included 14 items (Table 3): personal information received during health care (physician, dietitian, pharmacist, etc.) (4.49); books and journals (3.99); food marking and label information (3.96); information provided by skilled shop assistants in specialized shops (e.g., organic shop, phyto-shop) (3.96); recommendation by acquaintance or friend (3.61); health-education publications (3.60); knowledge learned at school (3.43); magazines (3.20); product information and leaflets (2.83); free publications (2.83); television programs (2.48); television commercials (2.32); posters and printed advertisements (2.31), as well as radio programs (2.30). For university students it was a competent specialist (physician, dietitian, or pharmacist) who represented the most important source in terms of both online and offline sources of information. ...Citations
... The O2O teaching method refers to an innovative teaching method that integrates online with offline teaching, which both have the advantage of the ease and efficiency of online education and the environmental experience of offline education. It has been proven that the O2O teaching method has relatively powerful and outstanding practical and social characteristics [27,28]. PBL teaching method is student-centered, combined with specific cases [10]. ...
The online-to-offline (O2O) teaching method is recognized as a new educational model that integrates network learning into offline classroom education, while problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching modality that guides students to apply acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. However, implementing O2O combined with PBL has not been extensively explored in nephrology residency training. This study aims to explore the efficacy of O2O combined with PBL in the standardized residency training of nephrology by comparing it with the traditional lecture-based teaching (LBT).
Sixty residency trainees who participated in the standardized training of internal medicine in the nephrology department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine were equally allocated into O2O combined with PBL (O2O/PBL) or the LBT group demographically matched. Examinations of theory, practice skills, clinical thinking and teaching satisfaction surveys were utilized to assess the teaching effects of the two groups.
Participants from the O2O/PBL group outperformed those from the LBT group in the examination of theory (81.233 ± 9.156 vs. 75.800 ± 7.009, mean ± SEM), practice skills (104.433 ± 3.569 vs.100.316 ± 4.628, mean ± SEM) and clinical thinking (88.933 ± 4.473 vs. 86.667 ± 3.844, mean ± SEM). There was no significant difference in the teaching satisfaction between the two groups.
The current study shows the positive impact of O2O combined with PBL approach on standardized residency training in nephrology without reducing teaching satisfaction.
... The importance of online information sources such as the internet, social media, etc., to consumers' information-seeking for health nutrition has been highlighted by other researchers systematically throughout the years [66][67][68]. In a recent study, Feher et al. examined the correlation between online and offline information-seeking actions regarding healthy nutrition [69]. The findings indicate that both online and offline sources of information play a significant role in influencing individuals' acceptance of healthy foods. ...
Healthy eating is a vital component of a sustainable daily life, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, we investigated the perceptions and attitudes of the members of a Greek university community, especially the young members, on: (i) health itself, (ii) healthy eating, and (iii) healthy eating campaigns today. The research was conducted electronically in the last three months of 2023 via a questionnaire survey and 1046 member-consumers participated. Statistical
analysis, including descriptive and cluster analysis to group respondents into homogenous segments, was performed by employing a one-way ANOVA. The highlights of the results indicate that consumers perceive physical and mental health and energy efficiency as health preconditions, while they perceive a balanced and sustainable diet as the main parameter of healthy eating. They are influenced
mostly by doctors and health providers and use information mostly based on common sense and their upbringing for their healthy eating choices. The cluster analysis revealed two distinctive groups of consumers categorized by this study as the “approachables” (54.5%), affected by today’s sustainable knowledge and concepts on healthy eating, and the “conservatives” (45.5%), who are reluctant to
accepted these as such.
... In research on nutritional information-seeking activities and how they relate to food consumption in China, Wang et al. (114) found that people who were more interested in food knowledge typically ate more healthily. When switching to a healthy diet, online information was often given great consideration (115). Thus, hypotheses H 7 and H 8 were developed. ...
... The online environment is an intensive source of knowledge and a valuable tool for learning about healthy eating (107)(108)(109). Social media also aids in raising public awareness of healthy eating (115). Online information search was important for people who wanted to transform their eating habits and become healthier. ...
Tourists who favor local food typically care about healthy food choices. Their view of locally produced food as healthy is related to perceptions of sustainability. This relationship can be explained by tourists' personality traits and tendency to eat local food. This study aimed to establish the effect of tourists' perceptions of sustainability in the context of local food experiences on healthy eating tendencies. In addition, we aimed to determine the role of tourists' personality traits and local eating tendencies and elucidate the moderating role of searching online for information on food choices. An online questionnaire (via e-mail and WhatsApp) was used to obtain data from 379 research participants, recruited using a non-probabilistic sampling technique. A research model and hypotheses were formed based on Hayes PROCESS Macro models 90 and 6, and moderator and mediator effects were analyzed using these models. Healthy eating was well-explained by the model, and the perception of social and environmental sustainability in local food experiences (LFE-SES) positively affected food-related personality traits (FRPT), local food eating tendencies (LFET), and healthy eating (HE). While food-related personality traits did not mediate the relationship between the perception of sustainability and healthy eating, local food eating tended to mediate this relationship. In addition, when food-related personality traits and local food eating tendencies were evaluated together, they had a mediating role between the perception of sustainability and healthy eating. Searching online for information had an insignificant moderating effect. These findings help promote an understanding of healthy eating tendencies. Within the context of local food, they suggest critical theoretical and practical implications for the relationship between the perception of sustainability, food-related personality traits, local food eating tendencies, and healthy eating.
... Healthy nutrition has always been an important issue from the past to the present. However, in recent years, on the one hand, the developments in the internet and technology and the increase in the production of artificial products, on the other hand, the radical and important changes in the daily lives of individuals have increased the importance of nutrition [16,17] . Today, together with nutrition, the concept of malnutrition has become even more important. ...
Objective: In this prospective cross-sectional study, it was aimed to evaluate effect of social media advertisement and digital literacy level on healthy eating attitude of obese women. Methods: A total of 387 women, 234 of whom were non-obese and 153 obese, residing in the central district of İzmir in 2022 were subjected to the study. A questionnaire including demographic information form, Digital Literacy Scale and Attitude Scale towards Healthy Eating was applied to the participants. Results: Age, economic status, chronic disease, malnutrition and family obesity history distributions were significantly different between obese and non-obese groups (p<0.05). Body Mass Index (BMI) and Malnutrition (MN) means were higher in non-obese group, and digital literacy, Information on Nutrition (IN), Emotion for Nutrition (EN), Positive Nutrition (PN) and Healthy Nutrition Behavior (HNB) total scores were higher in obese group. The digital literacy level difference was significant between patient groups (p<0.05). Digital literacy was positively correlated with IN (r=0.184; p<0.01), and negatively correlated with positive nutrition (r=-0.326; p<0.01) and malnutrition (r=-0.142; p<0.05) in non-obese group. Digital literacy was negatively correlated with malnutrition (r=-0.255; p<0.05) in obese group. Digital literacy level has significant and negative correlation with HNB (r=-0.121; p<0.05). Conclusion: The level of digital literacy significantly affects the level of health knowledge, positive nutrition and malnutrition in non-obese women. In obese women, the relationship between digital literacy and only malnutrition is statistically significant.
... Dietary guidelines to reduce food intake-snacking-are also of high relevance [49] since the oral health is associated with a healthy diet [31]. This is especially important since the eating habits acquired during the college years will impact the foundation of a lifelong lifestyle [50]. ...
Neglecting oral hygiene in adolescents negatively affects dental caries and periodontal diseases, in addition to social and emotional well-being. Thus, the TikTok platform (ByteDance, Beijing, China)as a social media could be a powerful channel to provide health-related information and educational content. This study aims to assess the quality of the TikTok videos corresponding to #oralhealtheducation. Sixty-nine videos were identified. Three oral health professionals (OHP), three health education professionals (HEP), and ten of TikTok’s target audience watched and evaluated the videos from a qualitative questionnaire. OHP detected false or incorrect information in 11.6% (8/69)
of the videos. At least two HEPs reported being unable to detect this type of content or whether the video met dental ethics standards in both the videos. Disagreement was observed among the professionals themselves. The evaluation indicated that TikTok’s target audience was satisfied with the products viewed with an average score of >2.5, unlike the professionals, whose average score was <2.5 on a scale of 0 to 5. Users are advised to think critically and to consider the content of TikTok oral health videos with caution. The involvement of health professionals in the writing and validation of the videos could be an added value to positively respond to the needs of the adolescents.
Healthy eating is a vital component of a sustainable daily life, especially after the pandemic of COVID-19. In this study we investigated the perceptions and attitudes of the members of a Greek University community especially the young members of this on: i) health itself, ii) healthy eating, and iii) healthy eating campaigns today. The research was conducted in the last three months of 2023, via a questionnaire survey electronically, and 1406 members-consumers, participated. Sta-tistical analysis included descriptive and cluster analysis to group respondents into homogenous segments was performed by employing One-Way Anova. The highlights of the results indicate that consumers perceive physical, mental health and energy efficiency as health preconditions, while they perceive a balanced and sustainable diet as the main parameter of healthy eating. They are influenced mostly by doctors and health providers and use information mostly based on common sense and upbringing for their healthy eating choices. The cluster analysis revealed two distinctive groups of consumers categorized by this study as the “approachables”(54,5%) effected by the todays sustainable knowledge and concepts on healthy eating, and the “conservatives” (45,5%) who they reluctant to accepted these as such.
A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA A fiatal korosztályok képviselői a saját egészségük megőrzése mellett információközvetítő szerepet is betölthetnek a társadalomban. Az egyetemista évek során kialakult táplálkozási szokások hatással vannak az egész életen át tartó életmód megalapozására. A kutatás során a fő célkitűzésünknek megfelelően egy koncepcionális modell által azonosítottuk az egyetemi hallgatók egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos online és offline információkereső magatartását. ALKALMAZOTT MÓDSZERTAN A primer kutatás során önkitöltős papíralapú kérdőívet juttattunk el országosan tíz egyetemre. A célcsoportunk egyetemi hallgatók voltak. A mintánk 612 főből állt. Az elemzés során gyakoriságvizsgálatot, Khi-négyzet próbát, Mann–Whitney- és Kruskal–Wallis-próbát alkalmaztunk, illetve leíró statisztikákat számoltunk. Az összefüggésvizsgálatban az egészséges táplálkozás szubjektív megítélésének változóit vettük figyelembe. Az információkeresés jellegét az internet információkereső modelljével (ISM), az egészséges táplálkozásra való áttérést a változás transzteoretikus modelljével elemeztük (TTM). A modell minden egyes elemét korábbi kutatások alapján határoztuk meg, bizonyos esetekben adaptáltunk a saját kutatási céljainknak megfelelően. A tanulmányban meghatároztuk a 6 elemből álló online és a 14 elemből álló offline információforrás-kategóriákat, amelyekre a modell összefüggésvizsgálatait építettük. LEGFONTOSABB EREDMÉNYEK Megállapítható, hogy az online és az offline információforrások végigkísérik az egyetemisták egészséges táplálkozásra történő áttérését, emellett differenciálhatók a viselkedésváltozás egyes szakaszainak sajátosságai az információszerzés esetében. Az offline források leginkább a kezdeti szakaszokban („bezárkózás” és „szemlélődés”) fontosak, míg az online források a „fenntartás” fázisában jelentősebbek. GYAKORLATI JAVASLATOK Az egyetemista korosztály egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos információszerzését komplex módon elemeztük, így egy saját megközelítés összefüggéseit kaptuk meg az elemzéseink során. Lényeges megállapítani, hogy a modell nem csak az egyetemi hallgatók, hanem más célcsoportok magatartásának mérésére is releváns lehet. Köszönetnyilvánítás: A tudományos közlemény elkészítését az EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022 számú projekt támogatta. A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Szociális Alap társfinanszírozásával valósult meg.