Table 1 - uploaded by Karin Hedström
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Events concerning the computerization process involving CareSys from a time- and social group perspective
Source publication
This paper deals with how divers different groups of people can view the effects of computerization. The introduction of an IT system in home help, CareSys, is used as an example. The main objective is to analyse the effects of computerization from the per- spective of different social groups where the actors are seen as carriers of the computeri-...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... also said that they saw the need for a mutual IT system for the whole organization. Table 2. The Groups' intended and experienced effects of computerization SOCIAL GROUPS Initiating rea- sons to comput- erize (1995-1997) Intended effects phase 1 (1994)(1995)(1996) Intended ef- fects phase 2-3 (1997) ...
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