Table 2 - uploaded by Ignacio J. Duran
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Estimates (standard errors) of the logit panel regressions.

Estimates (standard errors) of the logit panel regressions.

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Even though literature studying the determinants of non-financial disclosure (NFD) is pervasive, Latin America has been overlooked in this tradition. In this sense, scholars have not evidenced which factors compel companies in this context to report this information despite its voluntary nature. Drawing on Stakeholder Theory as a basis, we derive e...

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... we removed one industry membership dummy variable to avoid perfect multicollinearity. In this case, we chose as a benchmark the 'financials' sector because it is the largest industry in our final sample, therefore allowing a good point of comparison (see Appendix B). Table 2 presents the estimates of the eight logit panel models. All have a significant Wald chi-squared statistic, suggesting good fit. ...


... The third element of sustainable development concerns corporate governance, which functions as a framework that facilitates the exercise of influence by different stakeholders within a company and preserves an ideal equilibrium between disparate economic goals, all while adhering to the principle of transparency. Because agency theory focuses on managing the agency problem while balancing the interests of management and stakeholders through the reduction of information asymmetry, it offers a framework for relating corporate governance to various ESG components like environmental disclosures (Deliu 2019;Duran and Rodrigo 2018;Y. Li et al. 2018). ...
... In many cases, corporate governance structures in EE are still evolving, and there is a need for greater alignment with EU standards to improve overall corporate performance. The role of government, regulatory bodies, and enforcing agencies is also crucial in enforcing these standards and ensuring that SMEs not only show legal compliance, but also adopt best practices in governance (Deliu 2020a;Duran and Rodrigo 2018), thereby enhancing their sustainability. The ability of the management and board of directors to engage in social and environmental initiatives (Baboukardos 2018) is aimed at preventing potential consequences such as fines or even operational restrictions in the future. ...
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This paper explores the intersection of digitalization and sustainability for SMEs in Eastern Europe (EE), recognizing the challenges in their awareness, understanding, and resource constraints. It introduces an innovative Maturity Model (MM) tailored to SMEs, capturing both digitalization and sustainability dimensions. Validated through focus group sessions, the proposed Synergetic Digital Sustainable Development Maturity Model (SDSDMM) provides a user-friendly tool for SMEs to assess and enhance their sustainable digital development. Acknowledged by experts as transparent and practical, the proposed MM fills a gap in the SMEs' literature, offering strategic insights and promoting continuous improvement in their digital sustainability journey.
... En este último caso, Gómez-Villegas y Larrinaga (2023) destacan la necesidad de contemplar las realidades de América Latina, y proponen un enfoque decolonial más diverso para la región. Se observan principalmente estudios que analizan los factores determinantes de la difusión de RS en América Latina (Araya, 2006;Baskin, 2006;Ali et al., 2017;Duran y Rodrigo, 2018;Hernández-Pajares, 2018;Oliveiro-Lima et al., 2018), así como investigaciones que abordan el grado de divulgación y desarrollo de estos informes en contextos y sectores empresariales específicos Le siguen Colombia con 747 informes, México con 461, Argentina con 428 y Chile con 412. Esto muestra que la región podría haber alcanzado una saturación en cuanto a la divulgación de RS en el año 2015 (Alonso-Almeida et al., 2015) y que la adopción de RS es heterogénea entre los países de la región, lo que sugiere diferencias en el desarrollo y enfoque de la responsabilidad social de las organizaciones (Castillo-Muñoz et al., 2021) y en las prácticas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas. ...
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Los reportes de sostenibilidad son una vía de comunicación de las empresas para evaluar y legitimar sus actuaciones ante sus stakeholders. El propósito de este documento es estudiar la evolución de la elaboración y divulgación de reportes de sostenibilidad en Argentina entre 2004 y 2021, su distribución sectorial y la influencia de acuerdos voluntarios en las prácticas de divulgación. Mediante una metodología exploratoria y descriptiva, se analizan datos de 155 empresas cotizadas en Argentina, se examina la divulgación de reportes de sostenibilidad y se evalúa la adhesión al Pacto Global. Los resultados muestran que la difusión es baja, difiere entre sectores y que la adhesión a acuerdos voluntarios aumenta significativamente la divulgación. Desde un enfoque institucional, se sugiere la coexistencia del isomorfismo normativo y mimético. El estudio subraya la necesidad de acelerar las prácticas de difusión a través del diseño de políticas obligatorias y la sensibilización de empresas, inversores y otros interesados.
... The SEC's proposed rule on climate-related risk disclosures for public corporations is in line with TCFD recommendations, indicating a possible move towards standardized ESG reporting in the country (Christensen et al., 2021;Hazen, 2020). Regulatory bodies in Asia-Pacific and Latin America are showing a growing interest in ESG reporting, as noted by Singhania & Saini (2021), (Lavin and Montecinos-Pearce, 2021), and Duran & Rodrigo (2018). Stock exchanges in countries such as Japan, Singapore, and Brazil have implemented ESG reporting guidelines or listing requirements to prompt companies to reveal ESG information to investors and stakeholders. ...
... Unlike stewardship theory, which focuses on long-term wealth creation, stakeholder theory asserts that companies are responsible for balancing all stakeholders' interests and protecting them (Ching & Gerab, 2017;Van Puyvelde, Caers, Du Bois, & Jegers, 2011). This can be achieved by disseminating information, considering the needs of various groups, incorporating those needs into the strategic planning process, and managing their interests in routine decisionmaking processes (Duran & Rodrigo, 2018;Khaireddine et al., 2020). ...
... Stakeholder theory identifies and recognises the relationship between a company's behaviour and its impact on its stakeholders. The company must be able to act in response to complex regulations and develop a trusting, engaging, and constructive information flow with its stakeholders to attain a competitive advantage (Duran & Rodrigo, 2018;Khaireddine et al., 2020). As the company is a nexus of relationships and contracts involving multiple groups of stakeholders with different interests and goals, it must satisfy informational needs and ensure all related parties are treated fairly. ...
... As the company is a nexus of relationships and contracts involving multiple groups of stakeholders with different interests and goals, it must satisfy informational needs and ensure all related parties are treated fairly. In this regard, stakeholders have the right and power over disclosed information, which should be ethically presented (Ariyani & Hartomo, 2018;Duran & Rodrigo, 2018). ...
... Furthermore, SC4 and SC5 have an intrinsic relationship because resource availability and distribution have a significant impact on both the competitive landscape and economic development in a country. The resource-based theory also supports their interconnectedness (Duran & Rodrigo, 2018;Mohammadi et al., 2018;Wen et al., 2022). ...
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The adoption of environmental, social, and governance reporting (ESGR) varies among nations due to the influence of various factors, specific to countries. Previous research has focused primarily on the institutional factors, revealing a gap in understanding the role of macroeconomic factors in the adoption of ESGR at the national level. The current study investigates various factors (including their interrelationship) that influences the successful adoption of ESGR at the country level. The study also proposes an empirical model for the efficient and effective adoption of ESGR. This pioneering study employs a structural model using Total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) method to explore the hierarchical relationship among factors. Further, Matrice d’Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliquée áun Classement (MICMAC) analysis is administered to identify driver-dependent relationship among the factors. The study categorizes key factors influencing countries’ ESGR adoption for sustainable development at three levels (1) strategic factors which require action at the grassroots level as political stability, the attitude of elected government, and natural and human Resources, (2) operational factors which support and strengthen the adoption process as economic development, competitive landscape, technical awareness, and public behavior, and (3) performance factors directly responsible for the adoption as regulatory framework and public administrative structure of a country. The study contributes to academic knowledge by advancing theoretical perspectives, enabling comparative analyses, and fostering methodological advancements. It provides assistance to government and policymakers in establishing a robust and comprehensive ESGR landscape that supports sustainable and responsible business practices globally.
... By doing this, this paper, unlike most earlier studies that focused on established markets, offers new evidence on the sustainability issue in the context of developing economies. Our study, therefore, supports the request for additional context-specific research in poor nations (Ali et al., 2017;Duran & Rodrigo, 2018). Finally, the results add to the body of literature used to promote expanding our knowledge on the subject by offering more proof of the importance of particular factors. ...
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Even though the determinants of sustainability reporting have been highly studied, the influence of Board Governance characteristics on sustainability reporting has mainly remained understudied in Africa, especially Nigeria, despite the overwhelming Business opportunities in the country. This study, therefore, investigates the influence of Board Governance on sustainability accounting and reporting, drawing insights from large businesses listed in Nigerian stock exchanges. Using a sample of 167 reports drawn from three sources—annual reports, sustainability reports, and website over the period 2015 to 2020, this study employs content analysis to quantify three layers of sustainability disclosure and fixed effects regression estimation model to predict the influence of Board governance variables on sustainability reporting quality. Our results indicate that Board governance characteristics such as Board capacity, board independence and Board Incentives are significant factors that affect sustainability reporting quality. The results further suggest that although the number of directors on the board is positively associated with the quality of sustainability reporting, CEO duality is insignificant and has a negative association with the quality of sustainability reporting. This study provides evidence that setting up long-term incentive-based compensation affects sustainability reporting positively in developing countries, such as Nigeria.
... In fact, there is a positive correlation between company size and the quality of CSR reporting, suggesting that larger-sized firms can offer a better presentation of their social responsibility practices [9]. As the size of a company increases, so does the pressure exerted on it by various stakeholders, such as investors, consumers, non-governmental organizations, and regulatory authorities, to be more transparent and report non-financial information in more detail [10]. Large companies face higher demand from these stakeholders to justify their impact on the environment and society, as well as to demonstrate their commitment to responsible practices. ...
This study investigates the determinants of integrated reporting quality in the context of basic materials and industrial companies. The motivation stems from the need to enhance reporting quality and provide guidance to companies and academia. Specific hypotheses were formulated, including the influence of profitability, company size, age, and board size on integrated reporting quality. The research aims to offer insights into these factors' impact. The study employs a mixed-method approach involving quantitative regression analysis and qualitative content analysis. Findings reveal that profitability is not a significant determinant of integrated reporting quality, while larger companies exhibit higher-quality reports. Younger firms tend to present more elaborate reports. The study validates the role of board size in enhancing reporting quality. These results contribute to refining integrated reporting standards, enhancing transparency, and guiding strategic decisions for sustainable development.
... Given the above, there are several studies (Buitendag et al., 2017;Duran & Rodrigo, 2018;Dyduch & Krasodomska, 2017;Pereira et al., 2020;Szadziewska et al., 2018;Venturelli et al., 2017Venturelli et al., , 2019 that found that the degree of disclosure of non-financial information by companies is positively related to company size. In view of the above, we formulate the following research hypothesis: 4 In Portugal, entities of public interest are those qualified by article 3 of the Legal Regime for Audit Supervision, approved under the terms of article 2 of Law no. ...
... Over the years, several studies analyzed the effect of the level of internationalization of companies on the disclosure of non-financial information (Fuster & Ortiz, 2019;Pereira et al., 2020). In the research by Duran and Rodrigo (2018), no significant relationship was found between these variables. However, Fuster and Ortiz (2019) verified the existence of a positive relationship. ...
... For these authors, companies with higher levels of profitability tend to disclose more non-financial information. Duran and Rodrigo (2018) found that 9 th International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2023 Selected Papers there is a negative and significant relationship between profitability and the disclosure of non-financial information. On the contrary, according to Buitendag et al. (2017) and Garcia-Benau et al. (2022), there is a positive and significant relationship between profitability and disclosure of non-financial information. ...
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In the field of human resources, algorithmic management refers to the utilization of digital technology, artificial intelligence, and big data to develop rules and procedures that enable the automated management of human resources. Algorithmic human resource management can potentially replace human resource managers in all stages and activities of staffing, thereby significantly expediting the management process and enhancing cost- effectiveness. Through the use of artificial intelligence, algorithms develop patterns and models from which they can autonomously learn and improve the quality of decision-making in employee management. However, relying exclusively on algorithmic human resource management can lead to the emergence of discriminatory management practices, particularly when the algorithms are based on unrepresentative or biased data. Considering these factors, this paper aims to examine the fundamental characteristics, principles, application possibilities and challenges of algorithmic human resource management.
... Instead, other studies do find better compliance with integrated reporting standards, which has promoted an organizational change in companies for value creation due to good corporate governance (Giraldo-López et al., 2018;Sanches et al., 2020). One of the few studies by Duran & Rodrigo (2018) proposes to improve institutional and regulatory influence on corporate ESG reporting for better accountability to stakeholders, which is a pending research agenda in the region. ...
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Abstract Objective: This study aims to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric and literature review to describe the origin and content of research on corporate sustainability reporting in Latin America published in journals indexed in the SCOPUS, WoS, SCIELO, and REDIB databases on corporate sustainability reporting in Latin America and to contribute to its theoretical development and promote the performance and disclosure of sustainability in the region. Methodology: The comprehensive bibliometric and literature review used a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope through a content analysis of the papers' origin and nature according to the established qualitative categories. Originality/Relevance: The research contributes to increasing the body of literature on sustainability reporting research in Latin America and proposes a regional planning research to improve performance and sustainability reports with the stakeholders in the organizations of the region's countries. Results: The results of the analysis of 75 publications in 40 journals show an increase until the 2018 period. Most of the publications were by Brazilian and Colombian authors and journals. The largest number of studies corresponds to descriptive quantitative research based on content analysis of reports prepared according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Studies mainly consider institutional and legitimacy theories. There is also an absence of studies that consider stakeholder theory, address contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and deal with environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting in the Latin American context. Social contributions: A pending research agenda is presented on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reporting in Latin American organizations as a contribution to the sustainable development in Latin America. Therefore, a regional plan of research is proposed.
... In addition, academic literature indicates that emerging markets are to some extent neglected, arguing that there is a necessity for this gap to be addressed (Yoon et al., 2019). Other research findings referring to developed countries cannot be extrapolated to developing contexts, considering that stakeholders in these settings affect differently the decision-making process related to the release of non-financial reports (Duran & Rodrigo, 2018). ...
... Some of these studies found a negative relationship between nonfinancial information disclosure and the use of earnings manipulation techniques (Khlifi & Zoauri, 2022;Gerged et al., 2020;Grimaldi et al., 2020;Yoon et al., 2019), while others discovered a positive relationship (Kuo et al., 2020;Jordaan et al., 2018;Brahmana et al., 2018;Gargouri et al., 2010). However, given the variety of motives to engage in corporate social responsibility activities (Khlifi & Zoauri, 2022;Duran & Rodrigo, 2018), as well as the numerous incentives for manipulating earnings (Nechita, 2013), the contradictory results might not be surprising. ...
... This study extends the research field by showcasing an emerging economy and fills the gap of prior research that focused on other contexts or provided inconclusive results (Grimaldi et al., 2020;Duran & Rodrigo, 2018). Concerning the research contribution, the results are noteworthy from several points of view and relevant for various stakeholders, especially for investors in terms of an increase in usefulness for the decision-making process, as well as state authorities and standard setters in assessing the impact of the new regulations. ...