Table 2 - uploaded by Manuela Rozalia Gabor
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-Estimated top destinations by treatment 

-Estimated top destinations by treatment 

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Worldwide, the "actors" of the tourism market identified new needs, this aspect leading to the appearance of various forms of tourism such as: adventure tourism, city-breaks, cultural tourism, religious tourism etc. At the same time current economic development, marked by the recession of recent years, has led directly to the emergence of a social...

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... year more than 50,000 Americans cross borders into Mexico for dental work alone. Treatment Comment Approx savings Thailand Everything Thailand boasts world-renown Bumrungrad International, the grandaddy of international hospitals and Asia's first American accredited facility, with 225 US board certified physicians and surgeons. Looking at the data in the table above, we note -on the practice of dental tourism - that the countries of the former Eastern European communist region, like Hungary are among the top destinations recommended by these specialists. ...

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The growth of medical tourism in the 21st century has been exponential, especially in developing countries, and this gives rise to the need of studying the dynamics between countries of origin and countries of destination. One of the most emblematic cases of medical tourism is the one that takes place between the USA and Mexico, widely featured in...
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In this edge, medical tourism is not a new idea. Medical treatment is one of the essential demands of human beings and it requires high quality and intensive care. Beside western world, few developing countries are playing key roles as medical tourism destinations. India is one of the leading names among these countries. The purpose of the paper is...
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Background: Medical tourism has gained popularity for the past 15 years and formulating the best medical tourism policy is challenging. This article performs a comparative analysis of health policies related to medical tourism in three developing countries which are India, Thailand and Turkey. Health policy triangle is used to better understand the...
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Medical tourism is currently an US$ 20 billion market and expected to grow US$ 100 billion by the year 2012. These estimations indicate a strong potential for growth in the future. In order to understand this potential many developing countries including North Cyprus started promoting medical tourism. Since North Cyprus is relatively new on the map...
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Background: Medical tourism has gained popularity for the past 15 years and formulating the best medical tourism policy is challenging. This article performs a comparative analysis of health policies related to medical tourism in three developing countries which are India, Thailand and Turkey. Health policy triangle is used to better understand the...


... Indiscutabil, turismul stomatologic a înregistrat cele mai mari rate de succes datorită tratamentelor de implantologie. De exemplu, în România implantele dentare sunt la jumătate din valoarea celor din alte țări europene, sau chiar mai mici: în Elveția, un implant dentar costă 2500 euro, iar în România, 500 euro [Oltean, 2020;Enache, 2013]. ...
Conference Paper
Medical tourism, defined as "travel outside the country of residence, with the aim of obtaining medical care" is a contemporary reality, arising as a result of the phenomenon of globalization of tourism, on the one hand, and health care systems, on the other hand. In the past, the term referred only to the travel of patients from less developed countries to developed ones for medical treatments not available in the country of origin. Currently, three trends are emerging in medical tourism: the first refers to attracting patients for balneology procedures, the second refers to the provision of medical rehabilitation care, and the last trend is the one that offers specialized treatments of aesthetic surgery, dentistry, cardiac and orthopedic surgery. For the individuals interested in health services, the cost and quality of health infrastructure and medical personnel are the key factors involved in the decision to receive medical care abroad. In addition, they are associated with very high fees that patients cannot cover from health insurance, such as dental implants. Inevitably, the COVID 19 pandemic had bad consequences for medical tourism as well, through travel bans, the fear of contacting the disease and the deterioration of the quality of life of many patients. In conclusion, although a long period of time is needed for medical tourism to return to pre-pandemic standards; it represents an economically attractive alternative, both for the patient and for the countries providing these medical documents.
... Many studies, at a national and international level, have investigated the link between medical tourism and sustainability, mostly concluding that in certain conditions, medical tourism contributes to the destination countries' economic growth and jobs creation, leading to sustainability opportunities [6]. Medical tourism is a peculiar tourism phenomenon that took on a global characteristic due to the increase of tourists' mobility [7], the economic implications [8], the economic changes that are beneficial in some developing countries [9], and the potentially significant implications for global public health [10]. Such countries as India [11,12], Hungary [13,14] Turkey [15], South Korea, Mexico, and Costa Rica are now at the top of the medical tourism industry [2,9,13,16] and have high percentages of travel receipts relative to GDP [17], mostly because of the capability have much to offer with respect to medical procedures, medical equipments, qualified staff, and modern technology [35], and they can advertise low-cost dental treatments [50]. ...
... Medical tourism is a peculiar tourism phenomenon that took on a global characteristic due to the increase of tourists' mobility [7], the economic implications [8], the economic changes that are beneficial in some developing countries [9], and the potentially significant implications for global public health [10]. Such countries as India [11,12], Hungary [13,14] Turkey [15], South Korea, Mexico, and Costa Rica are now at the top of the medical tourism industry [2,9,13,16] and have high percentages of travel receipts relative to GDP [17], mostly because of the capability have much to offer with respect to medical procedures, medical equipments, qualified staff, and modern technology [35], and they can advertise low-cost dental treatments [50]. Medical equipment plays an essential role in healthcare services (including dental care services) and is associated with patient satisfaction [18]. ...
... • Dental tourism represents a rather new concept in specialty national studies [9]; • ...
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Dental tourism is a growing and emerging phenomenon that is becoming more attractive to patients due to its potential for decreased expenses, increased convenience, and immediacy of treatment. The necessity for travel is the primary motivation for seeking dental treatment due to the successful cooperation between tourism and healthcare. While dental tourism has been largely researched from the perspective of the patient, our research is the first research to apply a concomitant approach on dental clinics and tourism agencies. The aim of our study wasto provide comprehensive empirical evidence from the perspective of the dental clinics and tourism agencies in Romanian dental tourism. We used a representative sampling with an online questionnaire on 160 dental clinics and 32 tourism agencies. The results indicate that both entities have small amounts of information, but they are interested in investing, promoting, and creating a partnership to create a sustainable industry of dental tourism. Dental tourism could strongly contribute to the country’s image and help to prolong the seasonality of tourism activity by enhancing the strategic marketing of dental clinics and tourism agencies toward sustainable health tourism.
... treatment in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Poland. At the same time, most of American patients obtain such low cost dental care in Argentina, Costa Rica and Peru (Turner, 2008) [14]. The most popular destinations providing affordable dental treatments are : India,Costa Rica,Mexico,Thailand,Philippines,Hungary,Turkey,Czech Republic and Poland. ...
... Kovacs E et al.,[19] conducted similar study and found that Hungary is leading in case of dental tourism due to outstanding cost and benefit ratio, dental professionals are well-trained, dental technology, quality of materials and equipment used in dental practices is of European level and patient satisfaction levels are high. Romania was found to provide best dental service at a lower cost and over a relatively shorter period of time [11,14]. Ghatala MH et al.,[20] and Naik NTK et al., [18] found that the dental treatment cost in India is very low as compared to US and Europe. ...
... Hungary primarily serves the Europeans, while India attends mostly Asian patients, along with some US citizens [15]. Even Thailand is growing as a dental tourism destination because of affordable prices for quality dental services [13,14]. ...
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Introduction: Dental tourism means travelling abroad for economical dental treatment as the cost of treatment is high in one's own country. This trend has been emerged due to high priced health care and long waiting lists in many Western countries. In spite of large debates on dental care, tourism has taken place; still there is lack of scientific studies related to the dental tourism. Aim: The present review aims to analyze the opportunities, feasibilities, treatment cost variability and popularity of dental tourism. Materials and methods: The search strategy used a combi-nation of controlled vocabulary and free text terms. The main database was PubMed, PubMed Central, Cochrane Review, Embase and Google Scholar from 2000 - 2015. Out of the total 69 titles appeared seven articles fulfilled the criteria and were selected for the review. One article which was hand searched and one article through email were also included. Results: This review focused the strengths of India's dental tourism service as there is a lot of cost difference with good quality work when we compared India to the other countries. Like cost for smile designing in US is 8,000andinIndiais1,000 and in India is 1,000 and for dental implants in the US is 2,000,inHungaryis1070, in Hungary is 1070 and in India 600$ approximately. Conclusion: Government and industrial infrastructure favours the growth of dental tourism in India. The opportunities like less price with good quality care in India helps to make further progress in dental tourism.
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Dental turizm sağlık turizmi kapsamında giderek büyüyen bir pazardır. Bu çalışmada, farklı hedef pazar seçenekleri arasında yer alan Alman dental turistler için dental turizm pazarındaki iki rakip ülke olan Türkiye ve Macaristan’daki güncel dental hizmetlerin fiyat karşılaştırmalarını yapmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada durum analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan veriler ikincil tür verilerdir. İkincil veriler Almanya, Türkiye ve Macaristan’ın sosyal güvenlik raporları, ilgili kurumların web siteleri ve whatclinic’e ait 587 adet Türk ve 296 adet Macar özel diş kliniğinin fiyat tariflerinden yararlanılarak elde edilmiştir. Veriler; muayene, anestezi, röntgen, restoratif, protetik, cerrahi, periodontoloji, endodonti, pedodonti ve ortodonti şeklinde ana ve alt kategorilere ayrılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, Alman dental turistler açısından Türkiye’nin, Macaristan’a kıyasla daha uygun fiyatlarla dental hizmetler verebilen bir destinasyon olduğu belirlenmiştir.
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This paper aims to determine tourists’ satisfaction with the elements of dental tourist offers in the Kvarner region and its influence on their future revisit intention. A structured questionnaire was used online and distributed on-site in dental clinics. The respondents were visitors to Kvarner because of the use of dental medical services. A purposive sampling technique was applied and data were collected from May to June 2024. In total, 103 valid responses were obtained. The basic measurement instrument used was based on the dental traveler model developed by Ramos and Cuamea (2023). An exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the factors of the dental traveler model. The following factors were determined: quality services (F1), quality information and price (F2), supporting services (F3), and cultural proximity (F4). It has been determined that all factors are significant predictors of return intention. These findings can be used as a starting point for further improvement of dental tourist offers by their providers and in developing marketing strategies aimed at attracting new and preserving loyal dental tourists. This study has potential methodological limitations, owing to the poor sample size. Small samples can generally lead to biased results; therefore, further work is required to gain a more complete understanding of the effects of quality service, quality information and price, supporting services, and cultural proximity on return intention.
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Introduction: Dental tourism is defined as an act of traveling in a foreign country in order to obtain dental treatment. It is a subset of medical tourism. Some countries are receptive, and some are emitting to dental tourism. In the first come citizens of the second, in order to obtain dental services that are regularly multiple times more expensive in their home country. Purpose: The research aims to point out the attitudes and experiences of doctors of dental medicine for dental tourism in the Republic of Macedonia and the eventual gender difference in relation to some of them. Material and method: In the period from February to March 2018, a cross-sectional study was conducted. The respondents in the sample were selected using a simple random sample method with respect to predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample of the survey is made up of doctors of dental medicine, who were contacted electronically and accepted to participate in the research. Results: The sample is made up of doctors of dental medicine, with a healthy response rate of 71%. For p> 0.05, there was no significant difference between the sexes of the respondents in relation to the average age. There was no significant difference (p>0.05)between sexes in terms of experience of working with patients from abroad, as well as attitudes towards the motivating factors for the arrival of these patients. Significantly more doctors on dentistry considered that the risk of complication in patients from abroad was 1-2%, compared with those who thought this risk was higher (Difference test: Difference 69.30% [(60.73 -75.78) CI 95%]; Chi-square = 168.57; df = 1 p = 0.0001). Conclusion: An important part of the doctors of dental medicine have more years experience in treating foreign patients, suggesting that there is dental tourism in the Republic of Macedonia. Most often, the share of foreigners in the total number of patients , as well in the total income of the clinic, does not exceed 20%. Further research on this topic is necessary. Keywords: dental tourism, patients, dental tourist, dental treatment.
The identification of the health tourism potential of a geographic region, may be a first step to creating a successful strategy in order to attract new investors or new tourists. The effectiveness of the medical tourism management in Romania, indicate the quality of tourism services provided for medical needs but also the level at which there are valued and promoted. This paper present a conceptual framework in order to identify in what extent a proper understanding of the concept of medical tourism and health tourism may influence a high level of development of the tourism services and what are the most important elements that ensure a high level of promoting. The conceptual analysis had been developed at the macroeconomic level and through this had been identified the most important steps taken in Romania, for medical and health tourism but also the negative aspects that may affect a high level of quality of medical services. The data obtained are useful both for the field researchers and tourism operators, involved economic agents but also for the investors interested in the challenge that Romania launches through tourist services offered in medical purpose.KeywordsManagementHealth tourismEconomic recoveryBusiness
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This study is conducted for determining the channels used by international patients to visit Turkey for the purpose of aesthetic treatment within the scope of health tourism in order to reach to the healthcare establishments in Turkey, their reasons for choosing Turkey, additional services offered by healthcare establishments along with healthcare services provided by them, and the level of satisfaction of international patients with the healthcare service they receive in Turkey. In this context, in regard to satisfaction level of the patients; it is questioned whether there is difference according to age, sex, education level, income level, nationality, the type of aesthetic medicine applications purchased, other applications provided besides healthcare services and subject-matter of complaints. The research is a descriptive field research carried out in private healthcare establishments in Bakırköy, Istanbul which operate in the aesthetic tourism sector. The sample of study consists of 240 patients came to private healthcare establishments for treatment purposes. The data were collected based on the questionnaire technique and SPSS 22 package program was used for analyzing the data. Variables were subjected to normality tests, and percentage, mean and standard deviation values were analyzed. In order to see the effects between variables in line with the developed hypotheses, t test and Anova test, besides regression analyses, were performed.
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Dental turizm sağlık turizmi kapsamında giderek büyüyen bir pazardır. Bu çalışmada, farklı hedef pazar seçenekleri arasında yer alan Alman dental turistler için dental turizm pazarındaki iki rakip ülke olan Türkiye ve Macaristan’daki güncel dental hizmetlerin fiyat karşılaştırmalarını yapmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada durum analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan veriler ikincil tür verilerdir. İkincil veriler Almanya, Türkiye ve Macaristan’ın sosyal güvenlik raporları, ilgili kurumların web siteleri ve whatclinic’e ait 587 adet Türk ve 296 adet Macar özel diş kliniğinin fiyat tariflerinden yararlanılarak elde edilmiştir. Veriler; muayene, anestezi, röntgen, restoratif, protetik, cerrahi, periodontoloji, endodonti, pedodonti ve ortodonti şeklinde ana ve alt kategorilere ayrılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, Alman dental turistler açısından Türkiye’nin, Macaristan’a kıyasla daha uygun fiyatlarla dental hizmetler verebilen bir destinasyon olduğu belirlenmiştir.