Figure 10 - uploaded by Hans Jelitto
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Estimated time periods with different precision of the astronomical calculations. The colors have the following meaning; light green: relatively high up to very high precision, yellow: precision acceptable, care has to be taken, red: larger deviations and errors possible, hatched area: years are out of range, error message. Three different subroutines exist in the P4 program, which are based on the VSOP theory: vsop1 (VSOP87 short version), vsop2 (VSOP87 full version), and vsop3 (orbital elements according to VSOP82, Kepler's equation). 

Estimated time periods with different precision of the astronomical calculations. The colors have the following meaning; light green: relatively high up to very high precision, yellow: precision acceptable, care has to be taken, red: larger deviations and errors possible, hatched area: years are out of range, error message. Three different subroutines exist in the P4 program, which are based on the VSOP theory: vsop1 (VSOP87 short version), vsop2 (VSOP87 full version), and vsop3 (orbital elements according to VSOP82, Kepler's equation). 

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Technical Report
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For more than 4500 years people have been fascinated by the pyramids of Giza. Now, there are very strong hints for a correlation between the three great pyramids in Giza and the three inner planets of our solar system: Mercury, Venus, and Earth. This assumption originally was based on three equations, connecting the sizes of the pyramids and planet...

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... The following text provides some basic information and contains the text of the footnote on page 82 of "Planetary Correlation of the Giza Pyramids" [1] (p4-manual-06-2015.pdf). For both programs, P4 and P4-4, the Fortran 95 standard and the free-source form are used. ...
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... Moreover, with a single-core processor, the program would even decelerate. Thus, the original P4 source code is given in the appendix of Ref. [1]. The parallelized source code and code files (P4-4, listed in Table 1) are included in the P4 program package (download). ...
Technical Report
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This report briefly describes and provides the Fortran source code of a parallelized version of the P4 program, based on “OpenMP,” which includes parallelization of the implemented VSOP87 subroutine. The P4 program is applied and described in detail in “Planetary Correlation of the Giza Pyramids – P4 Program Description.” The new version enables the use of multiple cores in the processor unit to increase the processing speed. This multi-thread program, called P4-4, as well as the single-thread program, P4, allow for the reproduction of the astronomical calculations concerning the Giza Pyramids and the planets of our solar system, published in the book Pyramiden und Planeten and related publications of the author. The focus of this report, the parallelization, is solely a programming issue.
... Es genügen jedoch nicht nur die exakten Positionen der Planeten, sondern wir benötigen auch die genaue Anordnung der Pyramiden. Letztere Messdaten wurden von dem Ägyptologen Sir W. M. F. Petrie übernommen, der die Positionen der Pyramiden schon vor über 100 Jahren mit neuzeitlichen Messinstrumenten sehr präzise auf etwa einen Zentimeter genau vermessen hat[6] (siehe auch[3,7,8]). Tatsächlich gibt es vier bzw. fünf Zeitpunkte, an denen die Planeten die Anordnung der Pyramiden einnehmen, und zwar abhängig vom verwendeten Ansatz. ...
... An diesen Stellen ist bisher mit Sicherheit noch nicht gesucht worden. Die genauen Koordinaten dazu sind in Referenz [8] ...
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Technical Report
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A planetary correlation with the planets of our solar system has been found for the pyramids of Giza and now also for the pyramids at Teotihuacán in Mexico. This is a revised and extended version of the P4 Program Description from June, 2015. Concerning Giza, the extension relates mainly to the comparison between the planetary constellations and the chamber positions in the Great Pyramid. This implies an alternative “Sun position” and a second “Mars position” within the pyramid. The quick start options have been accordingly adapted and the results and text have been changed where necessary. Nevertheless, the astronomical basis of the calculations remains unchanged. As stated above, another planetary correlation has been found with respect to the pyramid area at Teotihuacán. This correlation is of a different kind compared to the situation at Giza, but could be easily included in the program because the astronomical calculations can be performed on the basis of the VSOP87 theory. This description provides the full P5 source code.
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Primarily, this presentation is a compilation related to the Mercury transit on May 9, 2016. Such a transit means that the planet Mercury passes in front of the solar disk as seen from the Earth. This happens about 13 to 14 times per century. However, these transits cannot always be observed, because daytime is needed and the sky should not be covered with clouds. In addition to the presentation of technical data and pictures of the transit, it is shown that astrophotography is possible with relatively simple camera equipment. Finally, some data of the Mercury transit in the year 3088 AD are provided, which probably play a role with respect to the Giza pyramids. (Third and slightly revised edition, Oct. 2018)