Table 1 - uploaded by Örjan Hallberg
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Estimated prevalence of electrosensitive people in different years and countries

Estimated prevalence of electrosensitive people in different years and countries

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An increasing number of people are suffering from electrosensitivity, also known as being electrically hypersensitive (EHS) in Sweden. There are also other diseases such as fibromyalgia and burn-out syndrome, that have symptoms common to those exhibited by people suffering from electosensitivity. Electrosensitivity is recognized as a handicap, with...


... Typically, these persons suffer from skin-and mucosa-related symptoms (itching, pain, heat sensation) or heart and nervous system disorders after chronic exposure to computer monitors, mobile or DECT phones, and other electromagnetic devices. This disorder is rapidly growing among the general population: starting from 0.06% of the total population in 1985, this category now includes as much as 9%-11% of the European population (Hallberg and Oberfeld 2006). In Sweden, EHS has been officially recognized as a health impairment. ...
... Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a new syndrome, where the exposure to electric or magnetic fields are accused to the patients' aches and pains, headaches, depression, lethargy, sleeping disorders, and even convulsions and epileptic seizures [3] Recently, a high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain/syndromes, like juvenile FMS, benign joint hypermobility syndrome, myofascial syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, and complex Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Society of Rheumatic Diseases. regional pain syndrome, was observed in female adolescents who used at least two electronic devices [4]. ...
... A weak association between exposure to EMF and non-specific physical symptoms scores are reported in some, but not all of the electrohypersensitive persons [2]. On the other hand, Hallberg and Oberfeld stated that FMS has symptoms similar to those exhibited by people suffering from electro-sensitivity [3]. In this work, it was found that microwave users tended to have a have higher SS score and WPI than non-users. ...
... Az előfordulási adatok alapján 2006-ig növekvő tendencia volt megfigyelhető (Hallberg & Oberfeld, 2006), azonban 2007 után megfordult ez az irány, csökkenő prevalencia adatokról számoltak be a felmérések (Huang és mtsai, 2018). Ez a csökkenő trend feltehetően részben visszavezethető arra, hogy a médiában egyre kevesebb írás, figyelemfelkeltő riport jelenik meg az elektrohiperszenzitivitással kapcsolatosan, kisebb nyilvános figyelem fordul a jelenség felé. ...
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Kétrészes narratív összefoglalónkban áttekintést nyújtunk az elektromágneses tereknek tulajdonított idiopátiás környezeti intoleranciával (IEI-EMF, más néven elektromágneses túlérzékenységgel) kapcsolatos tudományos eredményekről, a kutatások jelenlegi állásáról. Tanulmányunk első részében az IEI-EMF jellemzőit az érintett személyek szemszögéből tárgyaljuk. A közleményünkben foglaltak hasznosak lehetnek úgy az érintett személyek, mint az egészségügyi szakemberek számára. Az elektromágneses túlérzékenység olyan állapotot jelent, amely során az érintett személy tüneteket tapasztal az elektromos eszközök közelében vagy azok használata során, és tüneteit az elektromágneses expozíciónak tulajdonítja. Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet jelenlegi álláspontja szerint az elektromágneses túlérzékenység nem diagnosztikus kategória, s mivel az elektromágneses kitettség és a tünetek közötti feltételezett kapcsolatot az eddigi kutatások eredményei nem igazolták, így a jelenséget az idiopátiás környezeti intoleranciák tágabb kategóriájába sorolták. Az állapot előfordulási gyakorisága jelentős variabilitást mutat az egyes országok között. A tünetek mind jellegükben, mind súlyosság és kronicitás tekintetében változatosak. Jellemzőek a nemspecifikus, általános panaszok, valamint a bőrtünetek. Az IEI-EMF állapota gyakran együtt jár a fiziológiai és kognitív működés megváltozásával, továbbá egyéb szomatikus és mentális megbetegedések is kísérhetik. Jellemző a nagyfokú distressz és a csökkent szomatikus és mentális jóllét. Összefoglalónkban kitérünk az állapot prevalenciájára, a jellemző tünetekre és tünetattribúciós forrásokra, valamint a jelenséget kísérő demográfiai, fiziológiai és pszichológiai jellemzőkre. Ezután kitekintünk az orvos szakemberek elektromágneses túlérzékenységgel kapcsolatos hozzáállására, majd tanulmányunkat a felmerülő etikai kérdésekkel és megfontolásokkal zárjuk. In our two narrative reviews we summarize the current scientific knowledge on idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI-EMF; aka electromagnetic hypersensitivity). Individuals with electromagnetic hypersensitivity experience symptoms in the proximity or during the use of electrical devices and ascribe them to the electromagnetic exposure. According to the actual standpoint of the World Health Organization, IEI-EMF is not a diagnostic category. As the assumed causal association between exposure and symptoms is not supported by empirical findings, the condition is regarded as an instrance of the broad category of idiopathic environmental intolerances. Prevalence of the condition shows a considerable variability among countries. Also, there is a heterogeneity with respect to quality, seriousness and chronicity of the experienced symptoms. Most frequently non-specific and skin-related symptoms are reported. IEI-EMF is often accompanied by altered physiological and cognitive functioning and other somatic and mental diseases. Is is also characterized by high level of distress and decreased somatic and mental well-being. In this paper, we discuss IEI-EMF from the viewpoint of the impacted individuals. We present its prevalence, the typical symptoms and attributions, and demographic, physiological and psychological characteristics of people with IEI-EMF. We also present attitudes of physicians toward IEI-EMF and the related ethical issues.
... Representatives of some of the communities involved in the discussion estimated the frequency of this phenomenon at up to 50%. It was probably due to one of the alarmist estimates from 2006 (Hallberg and Oberfeld 2006) predicting that around 2017 half of the population would suffer from IEI-EMF. ...
Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic field (IEI-EMF) called electromagnetic hypersensitivity or electrosensitivity appeared in Polish society awareness due to a considerable change made at the end of 2019 in Polish telecommunication laws. The aims of the project were to access the prevalence of IEI-EMF in Poland and to define a reliable methodology to study this phenomenon. The first step was the internet survey performed at the end of 2018. The IEI-EMF prevalence estimated at the level of 39.7% suggested considerable bias affecting the results. The faults of the first approach were analysed and then a second study stage was performed as a telephone survey at the end of 2020. The latter survey allowed estimating the prevalence of IEI-EMF as less than 1.8%. These discrepancies in the results of both surveys were connected to the medium used in the first survey (Internet) indirectly causing that the group pooled was not representative. The second pitfall was the definition of the criteria used for an electrosensitive person classification. This is why the IEI-EMF prevalence was investigated in the second stage with the use of numerous criteria. The application of different criteria allowed for essential conclusions concerning the appropriate methodology for such kinds of studies. Corrections of the methodology before the second survey allowed reliable results consistent with the results obtained in similar studies performed in other countries. Our findings also show that the IEI-EMF frequency reports presented in the literature have to be treated carefully and with some dose of scepticism.
... Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a new syndrome, where the exposure to electric or magnetic fields are accused to the patients' aches and pains, headaches, depression, lethargy, sleeping disorders, and even convulsions and epileptic seizures [3] Recently, a high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain/syndromes, like juvenile FMS, benign joint hypermobility syndrome, myofascial syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, and complex Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Society of Rheumatic Diseases. regional pain syndrome, was observed in female adolescents who used at least two electronic devices [4]. ...
... A weak association between exposure to EMF and non-specific physical symptoms scores are reported in some, but not all of the electrohypersensitive persons [2]. On the other hand, Hallberg and Oberfeld stated that FMS has symptoms similar to those exhibited by people suffering from electro-sensitivity [3]. In this work, it was found that microwave users tended to have a have higher SS score and WPI than non-users. ...
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Introduction Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic condition characterized by generalized body pain, and mood disturbances of unknown etiology. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), where patients report “hypersensitivity” to electro-magnetic fields (EMF). They wonder whether aches and pains, headaches, depression, sleeping disorders, could be associated with EMF exposure. Aim of the work Is to investigate if fibromyalgia symptoms and scores are affected by the exposure to EMF. Patients and methods This study included 80 FMS patients. The numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and the revised fibromyalgia impact questionnaire (FIQR) were used. A patient self-reporting questionnaire invented by the authors in Arabic for the frequency and intensity of EMF exposure was validated and used. Results The mean age of the patients was 38.7 ± 11 years and mean disease duration 4.5 ± 2.4 years. The male to female ratio was 1:2.8. A near-by cellular phone or electric tower did not significantly affect disease scores (p > 0.05), Microwave users appeared to have higher wide spread pain index (WPI) and system severity (SS) scores than non-users, but the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.08 and 0.06) respectively. FMS scores significantly increased with higher TV watching duration, while MADRS score significantly decreased with higher cellular phone use indices. MADRS depression score was increased with shorter distance from electric tower, though not statistically significant (p = 0.76) Conclusion This study highlights a possible pathological link between fibromyalgia and exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Excess exposure to electromagnetic devices could be one of the underlying or at least augmenting factors of fibromyalgia symptoms.
... Figure 7. Estimated prevalence (%) of people around the world who consider themselves to be electrohypersensitive, plotted over time in a normal distribution graph, according to Reference [73]. ...
... Estimated prevalence (%) of people around the world who consider themselves to be electrohypersensitive, plotted over time in a normal distribution graph, according to Reference[73]. ...
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Since 2009, we built up a database which presently includes more than 2000 electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and/or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) self-reported cases. This database shows that EHS is associated in 30% of the cases with MCS, and that MCS precedes the occurrence of EHS in 37% of these EHS/MCS-associated cases. EHS and MCS can be characterized clinically by a similar symptomatic picture, and biologically by low-grade inflammation and an autoimmune response involving autoantibodies against O-myelin. Moreover, 80% of the patients with EHS present with one, two, or three detectable oxidative stress biomarkers in their peripheral blood, meaning that overall these patients present with a true objective somatic disorder. Moreover, by using ultrasonic cerebral tomosphygmography and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, we showed that cases have a defect in the middle cerebral artery hemodynamics, and we localized a tissue pulsometric index deficiency in the capsulo-thalamic area of the temporal lobes, suggesting the involvement of the limbic system and the thalamus. Altogether, these data strongly suggest that EHS is a neurologic pathological disorder which can be diagnosed, treated, and prevented. Because EHS is becoming a new insidious worldwide plague involving millions of people, we ask the World Health Organization (WHO) to include EHS as a neurologic disorder in the international classification of diseases.
... The number of telecommunication base stations built in residential areas has increased public concern due to substantial controversy about the potential hazard effects of the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) emissions of base stations (D'Angelo et al., 2015;Isabona et al., 2016;Siegrist et al., 2005). According to Cousin and Siegrist, 2010;Hallberg and Oberfeld, 2006), the health effects of EMF are headaches, giddiness, nausea, skin rashes, feeling warn, depression, night sweats, memory loss, disturbances in menstruation, and insomnia. In addition, this may cause property values to diminish because the existence of these potential health effects. ...
... In recent years, we've seen apocalyptic predictions made about mobile phones doing to brain cancer what smoking did to lung cancer. Unfortunately for these forecasters, the incidence of brain cancer has flat-lined for over thirty years while mobile phone use has been almost universal for about 15 years (Chapman et al. 2016) In 2006, two authors writing in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (Hallberg and Oberfeld 2006) predicted that by the end of 2017, 50% of the world's entire population would be suffering from electrosensitivity and hoping to beat a retreat to the world's ever-retreating electricity-free havens. Alarmingly, at this Society's 2017 Forum there were only about 30 days to go. ...
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Proceedings of Royal Society of NSW seminar on post-truth society, Government House Nov, 2017
... However several lines of experimental and clinical data are sufficiently strong so as to indicate that ELF-EMFs and RF-EMFs exposure is associated with adverse biological and clinical health effects in humans as well as animals (Rea et al., 1991;McCarty et al., 2011;Belpomme et al., 2015;Hedendahl et al., 2015;Irigaray et al., 2018a). The prevalence of EHS has been estimated to range 1e10% in developed countries (Hallberg and Oberfeld, 2006) but appears today to be around 3% (Huang et al., 2018). ...
... The continually increasing exposure to EMFs from all sources may contribute to these increases. The prevalence of EHS is unknown, but various reports suggest that it is between 1 and 10% of the population (Hallberg and Oberfeld, 2006;Huang et al., 2018). Male fertility has been declining (Geoffroy-Siraudin et al., 2012;Levine et al., 2017). ...
Exposure to low frequency and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields at low intensities poses a significant health hazard that has not been adequately addressed by national and international organizations such as the World Health Organization. There is strong evidence that excessive exposure to mobile phone-frequencies over long periods of time increases the risk of brain cancer both in humans and animals. The mechanism(s) responsible include induction of reactive oxygen species, gene expression alteration and DNA damage through both epigenetic and genetic processes. In vivo and in vitro studies demonstrate adverse effects on male and female reproduction, almost certainly due to generation of reactive oxygen species. There is increasing evidence the exposures can result in neurobehavioral decrements and that some individuals develop a syndrome of "electro-hypersensitivity" or "microwave illness", which is one of several syndromes commonly categorized as "idiopathic environmental intolerance". While the symptoms are non-specific, new biochemical indicators and imaging techniques allow diagnosis that excludes the symptoms as being only psychosomatic. Unfortunately standards set by most national and international bodies are not protective of human health. This is a particular concern in children, given the rapid expansion of use of wireless technologies, the greater susceptibility of the developing nervous system, the hyperconductivity of their brain tissue, the greater penetration of radiofrequency radiation relative to head size and their potential for a longer lifetime exposure.
... In recent years, we've seen apocalyptic pre¬ dictions made about mobile phones doing to brain cancer what smoking did to lung cancer. Unfortunately for these forecasters, the incidence of brain cancer has flat-lined for over thirty years while mobile phone use has been almost universal for about 15 years (Chapman et al. 2016) In 2006, two authors writing in Electro¬ magnetic Biology and Medicine (Hallberg and Oberfeld 2006) • Experimental subjects randomised to be exposed or not exposed to negative news footage about wind farm harms and then That's about the distance from downtown Sydney to the northern suburb of Chatswood. Indeed, she believes these vibrations are "sufficient to knock them off their feet or bring some men to their knees when out working in their paddock". ...