Fig 6 - uploaded by Paul M. Peterson
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Eragrostis japonica (E. Asplund 14802, D). A. Inflorescence with flag leaf. B. Ligule. C. Spikelet. D. Caryopsis, dorsal view. Eragrostis nigricans (P.M. Peterson & N.F. Refulio-Rodriguez 13855, E−G; M.O. Dillon, M. Molau & P. Matekaitis 3258, H). E. Habit. F. Panicle branch. G. Spikelet. H. Caryopsis, lateral view. Eragrostis secundiflora (W.R. Anderson, M. Stieber & J.H. Kirkbride, Jr. 37109, K). I. Inflorescence. J. Spikelet. K. Floret.
Source publication
A taxonomic summary is presented for the Colombian species of Eragrostis. The genus Eragrostis is represented in Colombia by 25 species and one nontypical subspecies. Eragrostis mokensis Pilg., E. nigricans (Kunth) Steud., and E. rufescens Schrad. ex Schult. are reported for the first time in Colombia. Keys for determining the species, descriptions...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... (Fig. 6, brown to whitish and hyaline; disarticulation basipetal, the rachillas and glumes persistent; glumes 0.6−1 mm long, subequal, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, hyaline, faintly keeled, scaberulous along the keel; upper glumes without a midnerve; lemmas 0.9−1.2 mm long, ovate, hyaline, the lateral nerves conspicuous below, greenish, keeled, ...
Context 2
... lemmas with acute apices in E. unioloides), shorter pedicels (0.5−2.5 mm long versus 2−10 mm long in E. unioloides), somewhat narrower spikelets [2−2.5(−3) mm wide verses 2−3.4 mm wide], and florets with three stamens (two stamens reported in E. unioloides) [Clayton 1972]. 15. Eragrostis nigricans (Kunth) Steud., Nom. Bot. ed. 2, 1:563. 1840. (Fig. 6, Caespitose annuals. Culms (10−)20−50(−80) cm tall, erect, sometimes geniculate below, mostly glabrous and somewhat shiny below the nodes. Leaf sheaths 1/3−2/3 as long as the internodes, sparsely pilose at the summit and along the upper margins, the hairs up to 2.5 mm long, sometimes the margins glabrous; ligules 0.4−0.6 mm long, ...
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... Low altitudes and high solar radiation favor the distribution of this species (Felfili et al., 1992, Dalmolin et al., 2015, two common conditions in all the plots where this study was carried out. Another native species in South America (Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) observed in this study was Eragrostis bahiensis (Poaceae) (Peterson and Giraldo-Cañas, 2008). This species grows mainly in sandy soils and altitudes 9 between 0 and 1850 m.a.s.l (Giraldo-Cañas et al., 2012). ...
p class="LO-normal"> Background: livestock farming has been based on establishing extensive breeding systems (i.e., low density of individuals per unit area). Despite the high diversity of flora in the savanna in the Orinoco plateau of Colombia, there is still a knowledge gap in the characterization of herbaceous and shrub species and their ecosystem functions respectively. Objective: To identify the floristic composition in natural and managed savannas, considering some physicochemical properties of the soils in the Puerto Lopez municipality of the department of Meta. Methodology: The fieldwork was carried out in three plots (P1, P2 and P3) of 9000 m2 in which the identification of different species, ecosystem functions, and vegetation cover percentage were determined. Also soil parameters were evaluated texture, pH, macroelements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg), and microelements (Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, B). Results: according to the UPGMA, alpha diversity (Shannon-Weiner, Simpson) and beta similarity (Jaccard, Sørensen, Sokal and Sneath) indices showed that P1 was different regarding soil properties and dominance of Poaceae species compared to P2 and P3, the latter being very similar in their floristic composition and edaphic characteristics. Implications: This study could be a baseline for better use of ecosystem resources and future management decisions on cattle farms under similar conditions. Conclusion: Alpha diversity was lower in the P1 plot with anthropogenic disturbances compared to those with little or no intervention (P2 and P3). The highest abundance of grass species, shrubs, and even species that may indicate conditions that favor disturbance, such as fire, were found in P2 and P3.</p
... There are many taxonomic and systematic treatments on the genus Eragrostis. Some significant contributions are from Costa Rica (Pohl, 1980), Venezuela (Graterol & al., 1989), Mexico (Beetle & al., 1991;Peterson & Valdes Reyna, 2005), Congo (Kami, 1993), Peru (Tovar, 1993;Peterson & Vega Sanchez, 2007), Mesoamerica (Davidse, 1994), Australia (Lazarides, 1997), Argentina (Nicora, 1998), Zambesiaca (Cope, 1998), Benin (Houinato & al., 2000), Brazil (Boechat & Longhi-Wagner, 2000& 2001, France (Portal, 2002), Malesia (Veldkamp, 2002), the United States and Canada (Peterson, 2003), Colombia (Peterson, 2008), northwestern South America (Giraldo-Canas & al., 2012), Thailand (Chaisongkrama & al., 2013) etc. However, hitherto no such comprehensive taxonomic study has been carried out on the genus in India. ...
The taxonomic revision of the genus Eragrostis Wolf in India recognizes 42 species and 5 varieties. Eragrostis tenella var. peramangalamensis is synonymised under Eragrostis tenella var. tenella. Eragrostis burmanica is reported as an addition to India from the state of Manipur. The morphology, taxonomy, nomenclatural/bibliographic citations, phenology, distribution and ecology of every taxon are discussed along with descriptions, illustrations and key to all the species and varieties.
... ;;;Peterson & Giraldo-Cañas (2008) sub E. tenella (L.);Barrett et al. (2020). Distribution in El Salvador: La Libertad, San Salvador. ...
... ;;Peterson & Giraldo-Cañas (2008);Giraldo-Cañas et al. (2012). Distribution in El Salvador: Ahuachapán, Cabañas, Chalatenango, La Libertad, Morazán, San Miguel, San Salvador, San Vicente, Santa Ana. ...
... Анатомічна будова листкових пластинок як систематична ознака злаків має значну цінність, і зазвичай є характерною для підродин і триб (Peterson & Giraldo-Canas 2008;Серегин 2012). Для Eragrostis Wolf характерний хлоридоїдний (ерагростоїдний) тип анатомічної будови листкових пластинок. ...
A study of the variability of the anatomical features of the leaf of Eragrostis minor Host from model coenopopulations, different by their affinity coenotic, environmental features and the degree of influence of the recreation has been carried out. The significant correlation between leaf characteristics was established, and estimated similarity of coenopopulations was analyzed on the base of leaf anatomical features.
... Todos estos datos no toman en cuenta los taxa estrictamente cultivados. Varios de los países vecinos también cuentan con trabajos taxonómicos para el género, a saber, la revisión para Colombia de Peterson y Giraldo-Cañas (2008), revisión y análisis fitogeográfico para Brasil de Boechat y Wagner (2000Wagner ( , 2003), y el tratamiento de la familia completa para las tres Guayanas (Judziewicz 1991). Recientemente ingresaron al Herbario Nacional de Venezuela (VEN), muestras provenientes de Mérida que no podían ser identificadas por la clave para las especies nacionales de Graterol et al. (1989), y que no correspondían con ninguna de las especies previamente conocidas para el país, resultando en una novedad corológica para Venezuela, por lo que se describe y se ilustra esta especie. ...
COMPENDIO. Se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Eragrostis paniciformis en Venezuela. Las muestras testigo provenientes del estado Mérida constituyen el segundo informe de la especie para Sudamérica, después de Brasil. La especie muestra comportamiento arvense, creciendo en lugares intervenidos expuestos al sol. El taxón es semejante a E. mokensis y E. unioloides, puede confundirse con Briza minor, Poa y Uniola, diferenciándose de las especies de Eragrostis por tener un par de alas con ápice agudo en las páleas, y de las tres últimas por tener lemmas trinervadas.
ABSTRACT. Eragrostis paniciformis is reported for the first time in Venezuela. The voucher specimens from Mérida state constitute the second record of the species for South America, after Brasil. The species shows weedy behavior, growing in perturbed, sun exposed areas. The taxon presents resembles with E. mokensis and E. unioloides, and could be confused with Briza minor, Uniola and Poa,
The catalog describes 1362 species of ferns and flowering plants for the department of Arequipa, more than 200 species more as reported in the last systematic inventory by Quipuscoa, Dillon, & Ortíz in 2006. Ninety-five species are mentioned for the first time for Arequipa and 26 species mentioned in the literature for the department were excluded.
In addition to a brief description of the species, the catalog includes information on their ecology, distribution, and human use. In addition to information on systematics and phylogeny, the most important synonyms are listed in the appendix.
This is the fourteenth of a series of miscellaneous contributions, by various authors, where hitherto unpublished data relevant to both the Med-Checklist and the Euro+Med (or Sisyphus) projects are presented. This instalment deals with the families Apocynaceae, Compositae, Crassulaceae, Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Nyctaginaceae, Onagraceae, Orobanchaceae, Rubiaceae, Solanaceae and Umbelliferae. It includes new country and area records and taxonomic and distributional considerations for taxa in Acalypha, Bupleurum, Carex, Datura, Epilobium, Eragrostis, Galium, Leontodon, Mirabilis, Nerium, Orobanche, Phelipanche, Rhinanthus, Saccharum, Sedum, Trifolium, Tripleurospermum and Willemetia.
The taxonomic revision of the genus Eragrostis Wolf in India recognizes 42 species and 5 varieties. Eragrostis tenella var. peramangalamensis is synonymised under Eragrostis tenella var. tenella. Eragrostis burmanica is reported as an addition to India from the state of Manipur. The morphology, taxonomy, nomenclatural/bibliographic citations, phenology, distribution and ecology of every taxon are discussed along with descriptions, illustrations and key to all the species and varieties.
This paper deals with the present floral diversity of Jai Narain Vyas University, the New campus, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. The total area of the New campus is 263.31 hectares; 650.7 in acres and the constructed area is approximately 74,003 m2; 796,560 in sq. ft, thus a huge land is free from any kind of constriction of buildings that provide inhabit for many wild plant species. As biodiversity is the variety of life on the earth or in a particular habitat. The data conferred here are carried with botanical name, family, and some observed characters of them. Here in this paper 131 plant species are described from the respective study area. The study focussed on wild Angiosperms but a piece of additional information on cultivated and decorative plants is also given briefly. The information included in the study can be of use to many people along with the students of the university.