Energy based economic system according to the exogeneity and endogeneity of energy resources. Own elaboration.

Energy based economic system according to the exogeneity and endogeneity of energy resources. Own elaboration.

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This paper investigates the theoretical foundation for developing renewable geothermal resources locally. For this reason, we pay attention to the role of communities in geothermal development. This study presents arguments for a framework that approaches the geothermal resources as an endogenous factor of community development. To analyse it, we c...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... endogenous energy economic system refers specifically to the geothermal resources. Table 1 illustrates some central differences in both systems, complementary to the Figure 1 and Figure 2 visualisations of the systems' dynamics. Table 1 summarises two economic systems determined by the type of energy production. ...
Context 2
... 1 illustrates some central differences in both systems, complementary to the Figure 1 and Figure 2 visualisations of the systems' dynamics. Table 1 summarises two economic systems determined by the type of energy production. In case of endogenous energy resources they are considered as a part of a system, since they are produced inside one; whilst resources import dependent display an exogenous character. ...