Figure 1 - uploaded by Muhammad Afzal
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Endophyte-assisted phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated soil in the vicinity of an oil exploration and production company. Oil polluted soil (before experiment was conducted) (a, b), vegetation of Leptochloa fusca and Brachiaria mutica (c), augmentation of endophytes (Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain BRRI54, Acinetobacter sp. strain BRSI56, and Klebsiella sp. LCRI87) (d), and growth of the plants after 90 days of vegetation (e).
Source publication
Phytoremediation is a promising approach for the cleanup of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. This study aimed to develop plant-bacterial synergism for the successful remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. A consortia of three endophytic bacteria was augmented to two grasses, Leptochloa fusca and Brachiaria mutica, grown in oil-co...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... experiment was carried out at an oil production and explo- ration company situated in district Chakwal (32.55 N 72.51 E), Pakistan. Contamination of the site was a result of accidental spill of crude oil (Figure 1a, b). Soil of the site was collected, allowed to air dry, sieved through a 2 mm mesh, mixed, and analyzed for various physiochemical parameters. The soil was polluted with high concentration of crude oil (46.8 g kg ¡1 soil) and its other characteristics are shown in Table ...
Context 2
... experimental area was separated into seven plots and each plot was subdivided into three equal macrocosms/subplots (length D 3 ft., width D 3 ft., height D 1 ft.). Adjacent plots were separated with soil and polyethylene sheeting to avoid leaching ( Figure 1c). Equal amount (100 kg) of soil was added in each macrocosm. The experiment was conducted at ambient conditions of temperature (average temperature 23 C, 27 C, and 32 C in April, May, and June, respectively) and light from 1 st April 2016 to 30 th June 2016. Plots were covered with plastic sheet in the case of ...
Context 3
... Uncontaminated soil with grass 2) Oil-contaminated soil without grass 3) Oil-contaminated soil with endophytes augmentation 4) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca 5) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca and endophytes augmentation 6) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica 7) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica and endophytes augmentation Fifteen days old seedlings (100) of these two grass species with similar weight and size were planted in each macrocosm depending upon the treatment (Figure 1c). Immediately after planting the seedlings, approximately 500 mL of 24 h aged inocula (5.3 £ 10 8 CFU mL ¡1 ) was applied in each macrocosm by spraying ( Figure 1d). The plants were watered when needed and allowed to grow for three months. Subsequently, plants were harvested and root and shoot samples were collected. Plant biomass (dry weight) was estimated. After harvesting, the soil of each macrocosm was collected and thoroughly mixed as bulk nonrhizospheric soil. Rhizosphere soil was achieved by gentle sampling of the soil lightly attached to roots as described earlier (Arslan et al. 2014). Samples were transported to labora- tory and put at ¡80 C till ...
Context 4
... Uncontaminated soil with grass 2) Oil-contaminated soil without grass 3) Oil-contaminated soil with endophytes augmentation 4) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca 5) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca and endophytes augmentation 6) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica 7) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica and endophytes augmentation Fifteen days old seedlings (100) of these two grass species with similar weight and size were planted in each macrocosm depending upon the treatment (Figure 1c). Immediately after planting the seedlings, approximately 500 mL of 24 h aged inocula (5.3 £ 10 8 CFU mL ¡1 ) was applied in each macrocosm by spraying ( Figure 1d). The plants were watered when needed and allowed to grow for three months. Subsequently, plants were harvested and root and shoot samples were collected. Plant biomass (dry weight) was estimated. After harvesting, the soil of each macrocosm was collected and thoroughly mixed as bulk nonrhizospheric soil. Rhizosphere soil was achieved by gentle sampling of the soil lightly attached to roots as described earlier (Arslan et al. 2014). Samples were transported to labora- tory and put at ¡80 C till ...
Context 5
... experiment was carried out at an oil production and explo- ration company situated in district Chakwal (32.55 N 72.51 E), Pakistan. Contamination of the site was a result of accidental spill of crude oil (Figure 1a, b). Soil of the site was collected, allowed to air dry, sieved through a 2 mm mesh, mixed, and analyzed for various physiochemical parameters. ...
Context 6
... experimental area was separated into seven plots and each plot was subdivided into three equal macrocosms/subplots (length D 3 ft., width D 3 ft., height D 1 ft.). Adjacent plots were separated with soil and polyethylene sheeting to avoid leaching ( Figure 1c). Equal amount (100 kg) of soil was added in each macrocosm. ...
Context 7
... Uncontaminated soil with grass 2) Oil-contaminated soil without grass 3) Oil-contaminated soil with endophytes augmentation 4) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca 5) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca and endophytes augmentation 6) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica 7) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica and endophytes augmentation Fifteen days old seedlings (100) of these two grass species with similar weight and size were planted in each macrocosm depending upon the treatment (Figure 1c). Immediately after planting the seedlings, approximately 500 mL of 24 h aged inocula (5.3 £ 10 8 CFU mL ¡1 ) was applied in each macrocosm by spraying ( Figure 1d). ...
Context 8
... Uncontaminated soil with grass 2) Oil-contaminated soil without grass 3) Oil-contaminated soil with endophytes augmentation 4) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca 5) Oil-contaminated soil with L. fusca and endophytes augmentation 6) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica 7) Oil-contaminated soil with B. mutica and endophytes augmentation Fifteen days old seedlings (100) of these two grass species with similar weight and size were planted in each macrocosm depending upon the treatment (Figure 1c). Immediately after planting the seedlings, approximately 500 mL of 24 h aged inocula (5.3 £ 10 8 CFU mL ¡1 ) was applied in each macrocosm by spraying ( Figure 1d). The plants were watered when needed and allowed to grow for three months. ...
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... However, large amounts of unwanted leakage of petroleum oil and its products produced during the refinery process have polluted about 80% of lands [4]. The pollution of petroleum oil to the soil promotes extensive changes in the chemical and physical properties of soil and subsequently introduces negative effect to human health and the environment [5,3]. According to [3], the total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) content in crude oil sludge typically ranges from approximately 15% to 50% (percentage of mass). ...
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... Difference situation occurs in the treatment tank of SC, SCB and SCC when all plants portrayed sign of toxicity and distress such as yellowing of leaves/stem and the growth performance became slower compared with the plants in PC tank. According to [5], petroleum oil and its constituents X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X However, as depicted in Table 2 (yellow circle), the presence of few new saplings in SCB tank at day 60 and increasing number of saplings were observed at the end of exposure period. Meanwhile, both treatments tanks of SC and SCC have non new healthy sapling at the end of exposure period. ...
Discharge of crude oil (or its products) during the extracting, refining, and transporting into the environment have caused serious environmental distress due to their highly hydrophobic resistance, and persistence in nature and very difficult to be remediated from the environment. Therefore, an environmentally conscious approach to enhance the bioavailability (or solubility) of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in soil involves the utilization of biosurfactants. Biosurfactants play a crucial role in enhancing the desorption and solubilization of petroleum hydrocarbons, facilitating their assimilation by microorganisms. This research investigated the application of biosurfactant supplementation derived and purified from rhizobacteria of Scirpus grossus , which are capable of producing biosurfactants and degrading hydrocarbons, in the context of phytoremediation. The crude oil sludge used in this study was obtained from an industrial area containing 56,600±3;900 mg/kg of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). The crude oil sludge was inoculated with biosurfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as commercial surfactant and only with the presence of S. grossus in the vegetated tanks and monitored for 90 days in a greenhouse. The results indicated that the growth of S. grossus with the addition of biosurfactant was improved and new saplings were produced. After a 90-day exposure period, the removal efficiency of TPH from the soil demonstrated significant increases, reaching 90.3%, 84.1%, and 73.7% when treated with biosurfactant+S. grossus , SDS+S. grossus , and S. grossus only respectively. These percentages were notably higher compared to the non-planted control crates (CC) where the removal efficiency was only 17.9%. These results provide evidence that the introduction of biosurfactant through inoculation can elevate the bioavailability of organic pollutants, consequently augmenting their microbial degradation in the soil.
... A microbial community produces different types of enzymes to regulate degradation pathways through various oxidation reactions that result in the production of CO 2 and H 2 O (Ali et al., 2021). Additionally, microbial communities can improve the morpho-physiological structures of plants through ACC-deaminase activity, phosphorus dissolution, siderophores production, and ethylene stress reduction, thereby increasing phytoremediation efficiency (Liu et al., 2015a;Fatima et al., 2018;Afzal et al., 2020). The microbes also play a major role in changing HMs' chemical behavior in the rhizosphere, and in addition to influencing plant growth during phytoremediation, that effect at improving HMs extraction, bioavailability, and accumulation in plants as well Fancello et al., 2019;Farias et al., 2020). ...
Phytoremediation is one of the cheapest and most widely used technologies for stabilizing and extracting pollutants from contaminated sites. Recently, a variety of solutions, such as the use of different elements, compost, nanoparticles, microorganisms, etc., have been explored for improving and accelerating the phytoremediation process. Biochar has also gained attention for its affordability, abundance, ability to improve soil structure and plant morpho-physiology and biochemistry, lack of environmental hazards, etc. As a first step, this study aimed to provide an overview of biochar’s properties, and operation by identifying the method of production and examining the differences between different types of biochar. Following that, by examining various factors that pollute the environment, the influence of different types of biochar on phytoremediation efficiency was explored. Also, in this study, an attempt has been made to examine the effect of the combination of biochar with other factors in improving the phytoremediation of pollutants, as well as the use of the residues of phytoremediation for the production of biochar, so that future research can be planned based on the results obtained.
... Other authors have exploited the capacity of root exudates of certain species and their synergetic properties with terrestrial bacteria to degrade organic contaminants (Tara et al. 2014;Shehzadi et al. 2015;Fatima et al. 2018). For example, the root activity of alfalfa and perennial ryegrass increases the amount of rhizosphere bacteria capable of degrading crude oil in the soil (Nie et al. 2011). ...
The distribution and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soil and their impact on three selected species—Lycopersicum esculentum, Cicer arietinum, and Cucumis sativus—have been investigated in areas with high traffic pollution such as the city of Sfax, in the south of Tunisia. PAH were identified in 147 soil samples (0–10 cm). The variation between the physicochemical characteristics of three soils influenced the spatial distribution of PAH. Soil acidity at sites near the Manzel Chaker road can therefore increase the availability of hydrocarbons. Similarly, increasing of organic matter content in these sites can decrease the biodegradation of PAH. The soils near Manzel Chaker road had the highest content followed by those of Tunis road soil. Chrysene, fluoranthene, benzo(a)anthracene, and indeno( were the most abundant compounds with a content of 49 µg/g, 51 µg/g, 3.8 µg/g, and 45 µg/g respectively. The calculation of the number of germinated seeds by referring to the number of seed germinated, also the root biomass and the shoot elongation of tomato, showed the sensitivity of this species to contamination of Gremda and Manzel Chaker soils. The use of PCA indicated the absence of the impact of fluorene, fluoranthene, naphthalene, and chrysene on the germination of tomato and cucumber and their impact on the aerial part of tomato, but no significant effect on the germination and growth of cucumber was detected. This later has shown resistance to pollution by PAH which can be linked to morphological and genetic aspects.
... Bacterial cells were harvested by centrifugation and re-suspended in sterile 0.9% NaCl solution. After re-suspension, bacterial strains were equally mixed in 1:1:1:1 ratio to formulate bacterial consortium (Fatima et al. 2018). ...
Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with organic and inorganic contaminants is a global threat due to their hazardous effects on the environment and human health. Floating treatment wetland (FTW) technology is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to existing treatment approaches. It consists of a buoyant mat in which wetland plants can grow and develop their roots in a suspended manner and can be implemented to treat stormwater, municipal wastewater, and industrial effluents. Here we explored the potential of bacterial-augmented FTWs for the concurrent remediation of phenol and hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) contaminated water and evaluated treated water toxicity using Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) as a test plant. The FTWs carrying Phragmites australis L. (common reed) were inoculated with a consortium of four bacterial strains (Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN, Acinetobacter lwofii ACRH76, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PJRS20, Bacillus sp. PJRS25) and evaluated for their potential to simultaneously remove phenol and chromium (Cr) from contaminated water. Results revealed that the FTWs efficiently improved water quality by removing phenol (86%) and Cr (80%), with combined use of P. australis and bacterial consortium after 50 days. The phytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the germination of wheat seed (96%) was significantly higher where bacterial-augmented FTWs treated water was used compared to untreated water. This pilot-scale study highlights that the combined application of wetland plants and bacterial consortium in FTWs is a promising approach for concomitant abatement of phenol and Cr from contaminated water, especially for developing countries like Pakistan where the application of advanced and expensive technologies is limited.
... En los procesos de remediación, las raíces en conjunto con los microorganismos logran una eficiente bioestimulación para la degradación e inocuidad y, al mismo tiempo, minimizar la toxicidad en el suelo para recuperar poco a poco la integridad de la estructura y biología del suelo (Iffis et al. 2017, Fatima et al. 2018. En general, la capacidad de sobrevivencia de las especies vegetales se debe a sus raíces, es por ello, que surge la necesidad de entender los procesos morfológicos de las raíces de las plantas para comprender su crecimiento y desarrollo en los suelos contaminados con HP. ...
Esta obra se concibe con el objetivo de documentar investigaciones, experiencias y casos de estudio; de difundir y promover acciones en ciencia, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación realizadas por UNIVA y otras instituciones a nivel regional con las cuales nuestra casa de estudios ha colaborado, se ha vinculado o busca colaborar, como la Universidad de Guadalajara, la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara y el
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Uruapan; así como dar a conocer los resultados logrados; esto en vías de posicionarse en el ámbito y con ello fortalecer el ecosistema de los bio y agro emprendimientos en la región occidente del país. Esta publicación busca ampliar el conocimiento e informar sobre las acciones realizadas
por algunos de los actores involucrados, como una invitación a integrar dicha información de todo el ecosistema del estado.
... En los procesos de remediación, las raíces en conjunto con los microorganismos logran una eficiente bioestimulación para la degradación e inocuidad y, al mismo tiempo, minimizar la toxicidad en el suelo para recuperar poco a poco la integridad de la estructura y biología del suelo (Iffis et al. 2017, Fatima et al. 2018. En general, la capacidad de sobrevivencia de las especies vegetales se debe a sus raíces, es por ello, que surge la necesidad de entender los procesos morfológicos de las raíces de las plantas para comprender su crecimiento y desarrollo en los suelos contaminados con HP. ...
El sistema radicular de las plantas ayuda a todo el sistema vegetativo a sustentarse y permite la absorción de nutrientes para su crecimiento y desarrollo, y favorece la proliferación y metabolismo de los microorganismos en el suelo. Sin embargo, cuando las raíces se encuentran con un contaminante, por ejemplo, con hidrocarburos de petróleo en el suelo, entran en un proceso de estrés y buscan aclimatarse a este nuevo ambiente contaminado. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las respuestas morfológicas de las raíces de Tabebuia rosea en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos de petróleo. Para ello se estableció un experimento en un vivero con macetas cilíndricas de 3.4 dm3 a las que se colocaron dos suelos contaminados con 15,600 mg kg-1 y 158,674 mg kg-1 de petróleo crudo, respectivamente. En estos suelos se sembraron y regaron cada tercer día 10 plántulas de T. rosea por cada suelo. Por otro lado, se midió la longitud de la raíz (mm) durante el trasplante al inicio (0 días) y al final del experimento (404 días) y se registró el desarrollo de la raíz. Se encontró un geotropismo negativo (formación de nudos) en T. rosea y en algunos casos se presentó adelgazamiento y reducción en la longitud de la raíz pivotante y disminución de las raíces secundarias. A pesar de mostrar daño, las plantas fueron capaces de tolerar el contaminante, por lo tanto, T. rosea tiene potencial para su uso como especie remediadora.
... En los procesos de remediación, las raíces en conjunto con los microorganismos logran una eficiente bioestimulación para la degradación e inocuidad y, al mismo tiempo, minimizar la toxicidad en el suelo para recuperar poco a poco la integridad de la estructura y biología del suelo (Iffis et al. 2017, Fatima et al. 2018. En general, la capacidad de sobrevivencia de las especies vegetales se debe a sus raíces, es por ello, que surge la necesidad de entender los procesos morfológicos de las raíces de las plantas para comprender su crecimiento y desarrollo en los suelos contaminados con HP. ...
El objetivo de este apartado es mostrar la perspectiva teórica del ecosistema de los bio y agro emprendimientos, incluyendo la evolución y la integración de los actores o agentes heterogéneos que interactúan de forma conjunta y entrelazada entre sí. Es de reconocer que el ecosistema de emprendimiento se ha evolucionado a lo largo del tiempo, se ha creado un trabajo en red con los propios actores de éste, son dinamizadores.
La conformación de los clústeres, modelo triple, cuádruple y quíntuple hélice, han llamado la atención en las últimas cuatro décadas, se ha conformado un sistema nacional de innovación que impulsa el cambio para el desarrollo del país. Cada vez más se solucionan problemas específicos desde diferentes áreas como las bio, agro y nano tecnológicas, en las economías emergentes y más ahora, basándose en los ODS de la agenda 2030 de la ONU para orientar las soluciones en pro de la sociedad.
Palabras clave: Ecosistema, bioemprendimiento, agroemprendimiento, emprendimiento