
... Packet latency and packet loss both rise when a network is experiencing attacks and other forms of instability. Since every action in a communication network requires energy [19], this would result in a net increase in the amount of power needed to accomplish the same task [20]. ...
... Complete SG layers architecture[19] ...
... Las conclusiones revelaron que la optimización de radioenlaces y la integración de tecnologías emergentes permitieron manejar hasta 250 GB de datos por día, confirmando la escalabilidad y eficiencia del modelo propuesto. Además, la estructura jerárquica de la red demostró ser robusta y adaptable, cumpliendo con los públicos, abriendo la puerta a una gestión más dinámica y eficiente de la demanda energética [3]. Esta infraestructura comprende medidores inteligentes, redes de comunicación y sistemas de gestión de datos que, en conjunto, permiten la recopilación, transmisión y análisis en tiempo real de la información sobre el consumo de energía [4]. ...
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El estudio abordó la optimización de radioenlaces en redes de infraestructura de medición avanzada (AMI), motivado por la creciente necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia en la transmisión de datos, reducir los costos de enlace y asegurar la escalabilidad en redes inteligentes. El objetivo principal fue desarrollar un modelo optimizado para la red AMI, integrando tecnologías emergentes como IoT y 5G, para mejorar la calidad de la señal y la eficiencia energética. Se implementó un algoritmo genético para minimizar el costo de los enlaces entre concentradores de datos, agregadores de área y el centro de control. El proceso incluyó la configuración inicial de parámetros, la evaluación iterativa de soluciones, y la integración de IoT y 5G para optimizar la conectividad de la red. Se realizaron simulaciones en MATLAB que demostraron una reducción del 38.06% en el costo total de los enlaces, mejorando la eficiencia de la red. Las conclusiones revelaron que la optimización de radioenlaces y la integración de tecnologías emergentes permitieron manejar hasta 250 GB de datos por día, confirmando la escalabilidad y eficiencia del modelo propuesto. Además, la estructura jerárquica de la red demostró ser robusta y adaptable, cumpliendo con los requerimientos de eficiencia operativa y calidad de la señal.
... Therefore, the stored energy is needed in order to cover the momentary lack of power supply. The energy storage adds extra costs to the total cost of the smart grid [75,76]. ...
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The increasing demand for electricity, coupled with the limitations of centralised power generation, has necessitated the transition towards smart grid technologies as a critical evolution of traditional power systems. The smart grid represents a significant transformation from the conventional grid, offering a pathway towards modernising energy infrastructure. This review aims to present a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and challenges of smart grid implementation, particularly within the context of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Key benefits such as improved grid intelligence, enhanced reliability, and sustainability were highlighted. However, several challenges were identified, including cybersecurity risks, regulatory complexities, and issues of interoperability, which collectively pose obstacles to widespread adoption. Furthermore, the review examines the current energy network in the Kurdistan region and proposes a framework for integrating smart grid technologies. Strategies for addressing the identified challenges were discussed, emphasising the importance of overcoming these barriers to facilitate the region's transition to a more advanced and efficient energy infrastructure.
... The fact that offers efficiency and network sustainability. SG is attached to the development of the conventional grid by emerging production from centralized into decentralized [2] where consumers can inject their surpass energy into the grid system. Here, the term "a consumer" is replaced to be "a prosumer" (producer and consumer at the same time). ...
... The usage of technology helps real time communications between different smart grid component, the type of communication utilized is bidirectional [2] where each entity or node can transmit and receive information from the other ones. As a consequence, assuring the well establishment of connectivity is a primary challenge in the smart grid concept, hence, cybersecurity plays a paramount role to fulfil this objective. ...
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Smart Grid (SG) is a recent concept that accompanies the expeditious development of a predominant concern. The fact that, protecting users’ electrical information that wirelessly dispatch against tampering and eavesdropping is a crucial need. This paper aims to suggest a new cryptographic scheme that goes together with the SG environment exigences to enhance users’ privacy and trustworthiness. Implementation outcomes demonstrate that our solution is suitable for SG and offers good security features against several attacks such as eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle, and traffic analysis.
... The Fig. (33) shows the various categories of wireline and wireless communication on SSGs [179]. ...
... X X X X X X [276], [293], [200], [42] 2019 X X X X X [146], [148] 2019 X X X X X X [249], [304], [251], [250] 2020 X X X X X [220], [236], [221], 2020 X X X X X [267], [291], [197], 2021 X X X X X [222], [229], [201], [202] 2021 X X X X X [237], [270] 2021 X X X X X X [305], [302], [239], [179] 2022 X X X X X [158], [289], [234], 2022 X X X X X [147], [306], [174] 2023 X X X X X [228], [243] 2023 X X ✓ X X [278], [282], [125], [126] ...
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For a utility company to reduce CO2 emissions along with managing load demands, it must strive for a 100 percent renewable electrical power generation. Europe takes initiatives to achieve this goal by developing a super smart grid (SSG) based on renewable energy resources (RERs) by 2050. The SSG is based on two exclusive alternatives: wide area and decentralized power generation using large number of RERs. Before developing such SSG, there is a need to address the critical issues associated with RERs, i.e., load flow balancing and transients stability. Considering a reliability issue involved with RERs and the random deviations between demand response and generation response patterns, load flow balancing and transient stability become challenging research issues in SSGs. These technical issues are also considered to be more challenging, if an unexpected outage in the form of an occurrence of three phase (L-L-L) faults (TPF) arises in SSGs, due to power quality disturbances. To address this problem, load flow balancing probabilistic modeling is performed in this research paper in order to formulate the complexity of randomness between generation and demand response patterns through transmission network planning (TNP) in the form of a super smart node (SSN) transmission network infrastructure. Moreover, a further optimization in SSN transmission network has been done with the addition of a cooperative control strategies in terms of an integrating vehicle to grid (V2G) technology in SSN transmission network in order to achieve further enhancement in load flow balancing and transient stability in SSGs. Furthermore, as SSGs power infrastructure is based on different clusters, therefore in order to accommodate various clusters for load flow balancing, a continuous spinning reserve (CSRs) probabilistic modeling has also been performed in this paper in terms of its integration in SSN transmission network. Considering above probabilistic analysis, future contingencies are easily predictable, before any kind of disruptive changes arises in a SSGs due an occurrence of a TPF. Moreover, from simulation results as performed in this paper, we can easily verified that our proposed probabilistic algorithm of load flow balancing and transients stability outperforms existing literature work and can also achieved near optimal performance, even for a broad range of variations in load and also in case of an arising of significant power quality disturbances in SSGs due to an occurrence of TPF.
... 1. Although the phenomenon of disorderly resource renewable energy waste has aroused attention from various aspects (Raza et al., 2019); 2. Lack of effective research on the sustainable development approach of renewable energy; ...
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This paper proposes a new model to study carbon emission issues in seven emerging (E7) economies (China, Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia and India). It employs weighted Quantum Spherical fuzzy DEMATEL model with golden cut using 18 years data, which was ranked for carbon emission evaluation via Quantum Spherical fuzzy TOPSIS method. The data includes macroeconomic variables for the period from 2003 to 2020. Paper observes that (i) CO 2 emissions from fossil fuels is the most significant factor distressing the carbon emission problem of E7 economies. It suggests that these countries need to explore alternatives to fossil fuels to handle the carbon emission problem. (ii) The CO 2 emission problem in energy production can be minimized by renewable energy and nuclear energy, suggesting some financial incentives to the investors in energy explorations areas. (iii) It is also observed that due to high volatility of CO 2 emissions, a negative market factor exists in consumer sentiment in consumption of oil and petroleum products. This can be compensated via energy consumption fiscal policy in taxation and encourage of extractive industries and producers of petroleum products, as well as the uneven spatial development to have a significant impact on the reduction of CO 2 emission. The paper gives recommendation that E7 countries need to find alternatives to fossil fuels in order to deal effectively with the carbon emission problem.
... This wireless technology may be used for various purposes, including control, messaging, and remote monitoring of consumer products in the house or business. It can sustain a point-to-point (P2P) distance of 10 to 75 meters [10]. ...
Conference Paper
Sustainable energy relies on energy management through smart devices. Traditional electrical networks are gradually integrating advanced technology and smart grid features. The interference between different communication methods and IoT is one of these features. For smart grid implementation, the focus is on the growth of the smart metering industry. This paper compares two implemented wired and wireless smart meter systems based on different communication methods. The wired micro smart grid is based on KQ-330 power line communication, and the wireless micro smart grid is based on Bluetooth, ZigBee and GSM communication methods. A Comparison is held with performance features, such as bit error rate, latency and bandwidth. It was found that the amount of transmitted data significantly affects the time to transmit and receive data. The results show that the present study is needed for the test cases to improve the metrics sought application for the advanced future industrial system by anticipating system features.
... The communications networks in smart grids are the core network, wide area network (WAN), neighborhood area network (NAN), and local area network (HAN) that implemented in real time control in order to realize reliability. A core network is used for long distance based on fiber optic cables and have two standards, OpenADR and IEEE 2030.5 power assets [5]. High performance of WANs can be realized by using the long term evolution LTE networks. ...
... By using minimum mean square error that is the statistical criteria. The state estimated (x) can be calculated by (5), where (Λ): it is a diagonal state of the system. ...
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This paper presents the artificial intelligence (AI) techniques based on the deep learning algorithms to diagnose false data injection (FDI) attacks to smart grids with the measurement data in real-time. The power and data flow between end-user consumers and all components of the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system in the SG is bidirectional flow by advanced communication networks. For all the advantages of the SG come with, they remain at risk to a series of many potential threats and ongoing attacks. The conditional-deep-belief-network (CDBN) architecture is employed to un-observable FDI attacks which pass the state-vector-estimator (SVE) mechanisms. The IEEE 118 bus, and IEEE 300 bus power system have been used to evaluate our detection scheme. Finally, the suggested CDBN scheme is compared with other detection such as artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM). It is observed that the simulation result shows that suggested detection methods can attain a high accuracy of unobservable FDI attacks.
... The research on smart grids and smart meters have attracted a lot of attention in recent years [18]. In particular, the communication architecture and standards for smart grids and the analysis of smart meter data have been highlighted as the key elements to build up future energy systems [19][20][21][22]. Applications based on smart meter data have been developed to satisfy different stakeholder interests [23]. ...
... It also allows consumers to track their energy usage, take part in the demand management programs that the operators run, and have revenue from selling electricity to the grid [20]. The communication is achieved by using either wired or wireless technologies [19]. The practical connection often adopts hybrid communication, where the advantages of different technologies are exerted under various situations to meet the communication requirements. ...
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This paper provides a comprehensive review of the applications of smart meters in the control and optimisation of power grids to support a smooth energy transition towards the renewable energy future. The smart grids become more complicated due to the presence of small-scale low inertia generators and the implementation of electric vehicles (EVs), which are mainly based on intermittent and variable renewable energy resources. Optimal and reliable operation of this environment using conventional model-based approaches is very difficult. Advancements in measurement and communication technologies have brought the opportunity of collecting temporal or real-time data from prosumers through Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Smart metering brings the potential of applying data-driven algorithms for different power system operations and planning services, such as infrastructure sizing and upgrade and generation forecasting. It can also be used for demand-side management, especially in the presence of new technologies such as EVs, 5G/6G networks and cloud computing. These algorithms face privacy-preserving and cybersecurity challenges that need to be well addressed. This article surveys the state-of-the-art of each of these topics, reviewing applications, challenges and opportunities of using smart meters to address them. It also stipulates the challenges that smart grids present to smart meters and the benefits that smart meters can bring to smart grids. Furthermore, the paper is concluded with some expected future directions and potential research questions for smart meters, smart grids and their interplay.
... This work is only focused on the aspects associated with the virtual layer and does not address the physical layer of LEMs, although it is worth mentioning that the physical layer mainly includes the physical infrastructure responsible for the power flow and data communication between peers or devices. Depending on the communication requirements and type of network (e.g., WAN, NAN, and HAN), the communication between the trading platform and smart meters and devices can be achieved through various communication protocols and standards using wired technologies (e.g., DSL, PLC, and optic fiber) or wireless technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, WiMax, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and Cellular 3G/4G/5G) [26]. Many works have been specifically proposed for SGs and MG systems, but even the ones proposed for other applications such as electric vehicles (EV) and battery energy storage systems (BESS) can be effectively integrated into MG applications. ...
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Smart cities are aimed at connecting urban infrastructures to enhance the efficiency of their operation and services while taking sustainability goals into consideration. As a result of the intermittency associated with renewable generation, smart city systems such as smart grids and microgrids may not be able to ensure the security of supply. This can be mitigated by allowing these systems to trade surplus energy with other neighboring systems through local energy markets based on peer-to-peer schemes. Such an approach can play an important role on achieving sustainability due to the positive impacts at the economic, social, and environmental level. Therefore, this work explores the design of local energy markets to help determine how they are relevant to smart grid and microgrid applications and what their contributions are to sustainability in smart cities. Essentially, this is achieved by performing a literature review to address key characteristics related to the design of local energy markets while considering their relationship with urban sustainability. In addition, the concept of game theory and its potential to evaluate market designs are also introduced and discussed. Finally, the suitability of centralized, decentralized, and distributed market designs for each dimension of sustainability is estimated based on their design characteristics.