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In this study, creating customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by channel integration with on-time delivery was examined as a result of using physical and online channels together in order to investigate whether the goals of businesses and consumers were compatible. 436 consumers in Konya benefiting from the online shopping service were surveye...
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Context 1
... order to test the second hypothesis of the study, similarly simple linear regression was performed. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 6. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that timely delivery (β=0,609; p<0,05) had a positive and statistically significant effect on customer satisfaction. ...Similar publications
Sociolla as a beauty e-commerce has transforms by opening offlineoutlets throughout Indonesia. Customers prefer to come directly to the outletbecause they can get more experience, such as trying products, seeing productsin person, and consulting with beauty advisors at the outlet. ProductCompleteness of the product is also a consideration for consu...
This paper examines factors that affect the quality of relationships among partners in supply chains, specifically, the relationship between retailers and consumers in the fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Ho Chi Minh City. A case study of supermarket chains is investigated when Ho Chi Minh city practiced social distancing, considering three...
The purpose of this study was to observe the impact of customer experience on important marketing outcomes: customer satisfaction and loyalty in context of the role played by sustainable purchase behaviour in forming these relationships. As a research area, we chose shopping in small, local stores, because they fit into the philosophy of sustainabl...
The development of the business world in the field of online shop sales is increasing and competition is increasing rapidly, so entrepreneurs must be able to provide what consumers need as a basis for consumer decisions. This research is intended to reveal the impact of marketing promotion tactics and the level of customer satisfaction on the Bukal...
In Indonesia's rapidly growing e-commerce industry, customer experience, engagement, and loyalty are pivotal variables for business success and sustainability. By addressing gaps in understanding these critical factors to enhance positive customer experiences, optimize engagement levels, and fortify customer loyalty. This research aims to identify...
... Consumer innovation has intrinsic, domain-specific, and inventive behavior characteristics. Because innovative consumers follow innovations more, adopt them more quickly, and tend to introduce them to people around them, they are precious to marketers [39]. ...
Semarang, the capital of Central Java, is one of Indonesia’s top trash producers and requires more sustainable and effective waste management. Even though environmentally friendly items have been introduced, plastic use in the city remains high, making it vital to examine human behavior in the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) process to identify what influences the purchase of environmentally friendly products.
This study uses the AIDA approach customized with SEM-PLS to investigate consumer behavior toward environmentally friendly items in Semarang and identify purchasing decision determinants.
Research method
A purposive sample of 168 respondents from five Semarang sub-districts was interviewed online and offline for this structural equation model investigation. This quantitative and qualitative technique analyzes, interprets, and reports data using PLS 4 SEM.
Results and conclusion
Advertising, the AIDA Model, and environmental awareness affect buying. Consumer innovation boosts advertising and purchase but needs to be more awareness. Plastic waste in Semarang City is being reduced, but consumer innovation is needed to preserve the relationship between environmental awareness and purchase.
In Semarang, plastic waste reduction has improved, but consumer innovation can lessen the relationship between awareness and green product purchases. These findings highlight the complicated relationship between consumer behavior and innovation, helping policymakers and industry actors design better green product procurement strategies to reduce waste.
... In sum, the positive correlation between arriving on schedule and giving discounts manifests in building trust, enhancing customer satisfaction, and gaining an advantage over competitors. This dynamic-sixteenth century reflects an effective business strategy where the operational reliability and financial incentives work together to raise the level of customer experience and foster long-term loyalty (Yildiz and Savelsbergh, 2020;DÜNDAR and ÖZTÜRK, 2020;Chen et al., 2023). ...
The present research has delved deeper into the complex relationship of customer care calls with purchasing behavior in a WM system and has developed actionable insights to optimize operations. In this regard, the following critical factors have been considered: product attributes-cost, weight, and discount-on one hand, and delivery performance in terms of timeliness and reliability on the other, with a view to understand their impacts on customer satisfaction and interactions. Key takeaways are that high volumes of customer care calls reflect operational failure; there is a delay or expectation mismatch, and hence one needs strong process optimization. Also, heavy products, since perceived to be reliable, have fewer customer enquiries; lighter, cheap products cause more frequent queries since impulsive buying and lack of information occur. It further identifies timeliness of delivery as a main determinant of customer satisfaction while delays in delivery result in heightened discontent and rising demands for support. The study underlines the strategic relevance of advanced analytics, machine learning, and real-time monitoring to finally resolve the recurring inefficiencies. This may also be a good basis on which recommendations could be made concerning the use of predictive analytics for demand forecasting, effective logistical frameworks, and methods of customer service that would be in line with product-specific needs. Discounts become a two-edged factor: enhancing satisfaction but threatening brand value when used too frequently. In the end, strategies with discounts should be put into balance, proactive customer engagement should be there, with crystal clear communications with them, and the products to be more correctly described. The given study also identified how a warehouse clears the expectation from customers by applying data-driven strategies for better efficiency, customer satisfaction, and long-term loyalty. The above findings provide a comprehensive road map on how to integrate technology and customer-centric strategies in modern warehouse management.
... In sum, the positive correlation between arriving on schedule and giving discounts manifests in building trust, enhancing customer satisfaction, and gaining an advantage over competitors. This dynamic-sixteenth century reflects an effective business strategy where the operational reliability and financial incentives work together to raise the level of customer experience and foster long-term loyalty (Yildiz and Savelsbergh, 2020;DÜNDAR and ÖZTÜRK, 2020;Chen et al., 2023). ...
The present research has delved deeper into the complex relationship of customer care calls with purchasing behavior in a WM system and has developed actionable insights to optimize operations. In this regard, the following critical factors have been considered: product attributes-cost, weight, and discount-on one hand, and delivery performance in terms of timeliness and reliability on the other, with a view to understand their impacts on customer satisfaction and interactions. Key takeaways are that high volumes of customer care calls reflect operational failure; there is a delay or expectation mismatch, and hence one needs strong process optimization. Also, heavy products, since perceived to be reliable, have fewer customer enquiries; lighter, cheap products cause more frequent queries since impulsive buying and lack of information occur. It further identifies timeliness of delivery as a main determinant of customer satisfaction while delays in delivery result in heightened discontent and rising demands for support. The study underlines the strategic relevance of advanced analytics, machine learning, and real-time monitoring to finally resolve the recurring inefficiencies. This may also be a good basis on which recommendations could be made concerning the use of predictive analytics for demand forecasting, effective logistical frameworks, and methods of customer service that would be in line with product-specific needs. Discounts become a two-edged factor: enhancing satisfaction but threatening brand value when used too frequently. In the end, strategies with discounts should be put into balance, proactive customer engagement should be there, with crystal clear communications with them, and the products to be more correctly described. The given study also identified how a warehouse clears the expectation from customers by applying data-driven strategies for better efficiency, customer satisfaction, and long-term loyalty. The above findings provide a comprehensive road map on how to integrate technology and customer-centric strategies in modern warehouse management. JEL CODE: L9, L90, L91, L92, L93.
... Contrarily, if a product's price and quality are low, customer satisfaction will also drop [9]. That study also found that customer satisfaction and loyalty can be achieve by providing the ordered goods precisely and timely [10]. The degree of satisfaction the customer will experience after purchasing the product is also decided by the delivery time of online shops. ...
Online shopping is a new method of purchasing that is growing quickly in Nepal because of the emergence of the Internet. The expanding popularity of internet shopping in Nepal presents a chance to broaden and expand the business. This study aims to examine the relationship between independent variables namely Reasonable Product Price, Product Delivery, Product Quality and Product Return Policy with dependent variable namely customer satisfaction towards online shopping in Nepal. A survey method with standard questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 499 respondents from Nepal responded to the survey. Among them 415 are respondents who have done online shopping and rest 84 haven’t done online shopping because of various reason. Since the study focus on customer satisfaction towards online shopping, responses from 415 respondents are consider for further study. The findings revealed reasonable product price, product delivery, product quality and product return policy have positive relationship with customer satisfaction in Nepal. Result of the study also shows that product price most affect the customer satisfaction among four variables. This study provides with valuable insights and guidance on customers’ satisfaction, leading to increased revenue and customer.
... According to Dündar, & Öztürk,(2020), conducted the study on " The Effect of On- ...
... Customer satisfaction due to the availability of quality products and on time delivery of the product to the customer, but if there is the low customer satisfaction and loyalty in terms of product quality and delivery time can facilitate to the poor performances of organizational performances. (Dündar, & Öztürk, 2020). ...
Supply chain integration faced by different challenges such as lack of understanding of the relationship between supply chain integration and customer satisfaction, limit knowledge on the supply chain integration and their implication within the organizational and also in sufficient research about the supply chain integration and their advantage. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the impact of supply chain integration on organizational performance, where the study focused mainly on three variables namely; Customer satisfaction and loyalty, Strategic decision making and competitive advantage and Collaboration and communication which used to formulate specific objectives. This study was guided by three theoretical namely; Social Exchange Theory (SET), Resources Based View theory (RBV) and Stakeholder theory. The study adopted a case study design due to the nature of the study; also, non-probability sampling techniques were employed which judgement or purpose were sampling. The study was used sample size of 110 respondents, obtained from different department at TANESCO-KATAVI, whereas, structured questionnaires and observational were used as data collection tools. Data were analyzed using both Content analysis for qualitative data and both descriptive and inferential for quantitative data were analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. The findings reveal that based on the results the study concludes that the supply chain integration had an impact on the performance of the organization but collaboration and communication had no relationship on organizational performance. The study concludes, that customer satisfaction and loyalty, strategic decision making and competitive advantage, collaboration and communication procurement integrated system has a direct influence on the performance of organization. In addition, the study recommends that organization performance should improve in supply chain integration and use different policies to improve the performance of organization also, the study implications that organization should improve the adoption of supply chain integration in Tanzania.
... Furthermore, the delayed delivery of export products can result in pressure and conflicts between the food trading company and its customers. This adversely impacts customer satisfaction and potentially drives them to seek products from competitors (Dündar & Öztürk, 2020). By realizing the above scenario, this study thus aims to 1) identify the causes of the late delivery of export items within the food trading company. ...
The present study focuses on a prominent food trading company in Malaysia, which boasts a strong market presence and a commitment to quality in diverse Southeast Asian markets. Despite its strong market presence, the food trading company struggles with significant delays in delivering its export items, adversely impacting customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. The identified delivery performance discrepancies in certain Southeast Asian countries highlight a critical area for investigation. Thus, this study aims to identify the underlying causes of these late deliveries and propose strategic solutions to enhance delivery efficiency. Employing a qualitative case study methodology, the investigation involves semi-structured interviews with ten experienced company employees selected through a purposive sampling technique. The analysis followed a rigorous qualitative data analysis procedure, including data reduction, data display, drawing, and verifying conclusions. The findings reveal four primary causes of late delivery: 1) INACCURATE INFORMATION, 2) INEFFICIENT PRODUCTION PROCESS, 3) TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULING, and 4) LIMITATION OF THE SYSTEM. To address the causes, the study recommends INTEGRATING SYSTEM INFORMATION to resolve the issues of INACCURATE INFORMATION and LIMITATION OF THE SYSTEM, alongside RESOURCING ALTERNATIVE SHIPPING AGENTS as a strategic approach to overcome INEFFICIENT PRODUCTION PROCESS and TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULLING. The findings advocate that the top management of the food trading company to embrace system integration and establish partnerships with reliable transportation agencies to address immediate late delivery concerns. Implementing these strategies will not only address issues of late deliveries but also enhance its export delivery performance, ensure customer satisfaction, and maintain its international market leadership.
... JNE Cabang Bekasi tepat waktu dalam menjemput paket dan mengantar paket sesuai dengan motto perusahaan yaitu melayani konsumen secara cepat dan aman sampai tujuan. Hasil penelitian ini juga selaras dengan penelitian terdahulu dari (Aminah dkk., 2017;Ramachandran & Neelakrishnan, 2017;Dundar & Özturk, 2020), yang menyatakan bahwa ketepatan waktu pengiriman barang memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Perusahaan trucking atau jasa camping selalu berusaha untuk menjamin kepuasan pelanggan dengan menawarkan pengiriman tepat waktu sebagai nilai kompetitif yang unggul dibandingkan dengan perusahaan pesaing lainnya. ...
This study aims to determine the effect of customer service quality on the level of customer satisfaction at PT. JNE Bekasi Branch, the effect of price on the level of customer satisfaction PT. JNE Bekasi Branch, the effect of timely delivery on the level of customer satisfaction at PT. JNE Bekasi Branch. The population in this study are all consumers from JNE Express at the Bekasi branch, in 2021. The number of samples used was 165 respondents. The sample selection technique used is incidental. The questionnaire distribution technique in this study was offline. The tools used to process the data are SPSS version 25. The results of the study show that: customer service has no effect on customer satisfaction at PT. JNE Bekasi Branch;pricing does not affect consumer satisfaction at PT. JNE Bekasi Branch; timeliness affects consumer satisfaction at PT. JNE Bekasi Branch. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan pelanggan terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan pada PT. JNE Cabang Bekasi, pengaruh harga terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan PT. JNE Cabang Bekasi, pengaruh ketepatan waktu pengiriman terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan di PT. Cabang JNE Bekasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen JNE Express cabang Bekasi tahun 2021. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 165 responden. Teknik pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah insidentil. Teknik penyebaran kuesioner dalam penelitian ini adalah offline. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengolah data adalah SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: customer service tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di PT. JNE Cabang Bekasi;penetapan harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada PT. JNE Cabang Bekasi; ketepatan waktu berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada PT. Cabang JNE Bekasi.
... Kesenjangan persepsi manajemen didefinisikan sebagai Value : Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 18 (2), Hal. 265 -279 perbedaan antara penilaian pengguna layanan dan pemahaman manajemen tentang harapan pengguna layanan (Dundar & Özturk, 2020). ...
The Mac computer lab is one of the busiest labs because it is always used as a place for practice. Service satisfaction is the focus of the laboratory manager because not all customers express the level of service satisfaction directly. Therefore, researchers should analyze and find out the level of customer satisfaction with the quality of services provided to help laboratory management improve the quality of services, so that customer satisfaction will be better, The variables used in this research are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and responsibility. This variable is subjected to multiple linear regression to determine whether the variable partially and simultaneously has a significant effect on service satisfaction. The sample used was laboratory user students with data collection techniques using saturated sampling methods and Likert scales. The data are processed using multiple linear regression. From the results of data processing and discussion it is known that the tangible and assurance variables have no relationship with service satisfaction because the t count is smaller than the t table. The variables reliability, empathy and responsibility have a significant relationship with service satisfaction because they have positive t values greater than t table with values of 2.151, 2.216 and 1.642. Keywords: Laboratory, Linier regression, Satifaction Services
... Customers who are pleased with the delivery service will be loyal customers and will place additional orders. [28,29]. Therefore, delivery accuracy is essential for online buyers. ...
Lately, smartphones have had a significant impact on how individuals act, mainly when they shop. In Malaysia, Shopee is the online shopping website that has garnered the most traffic from e-commerce sites. Shopee Express recognizes the importance of customer happiness and brand loyalty in measuring consumer purchasing behavior for long-term performance. Some prior studies have had mixed results on the factors that influence online shopping apps’ brand loyalty with the interactive effect of other variables. To contribute to resolving these varied views, this study proposes that customer satisfaction mediates the antecedent factors that influence students’ loyalty to the Shopee app. As a cross-sectional online survey, we obtained data from 298 university students using the Shopee application. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze data, whereby the results confirmed a significant effect of the accuracy of delivery on brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, the price of delivery and customer satisfaction, and information quality on brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, easy payment also significantly affected brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction mediates delivery accuracy and brand loyalty, the price of delivery, information quality, and the brand loyalty link of students to the Shopee application. This study’s novelty is uncovering the intervening role of customer satisfaction in the antecedent factors of brand loyalty of the Shopee app. This study further contributes by providing helpful information to the stream of online logistic firms like Shopee to meet client needs and by providing valuable insights for scholars.
... Similarly, there are two crucial strategic communications to consider when pricing a product: (1) setting a reasonable price point (Heda et al., 2017) and (2) offering discounts for bulk orders (Chen et al., 2018). When it comes to the place of purchase, four strategic communications to consider include: (1) offering online purchasing options (Mofokeng, 2021), (2) ensuring goods are delivered as expected, (3) providing on-time delivery (Dündar & Öztürk, 2020), and (4) ensuring fast web access for customers (Fairlie, 2023). Lastly, there are three strategic communications of promotion to consider: (1) utilizing public relations (Sowa, 2022), (2) offering sales promotions (Gorji & Siami, 2020), and (3) providing special offers for membership (Boudet et al., 2020). ...
Communications in Thailand's construction industry are complex challenges in terms of product and service. Inadequate and inefficient communications among unintegrated communication channels cause project delays and cost overruns. To overcome the challenges, the communication platform is required to integrate multiple channels for fast transferring, consistent and information accuracy shared between stakeholders. This research aims to analyze key factors to design an omnichannel communication platform for B2B e-commerce of Thai's construction business. Quantitative research is indicated to collect data from 100 business customers of a sampling construction supplier to understand purchasing decisions and conditions. Each strategic communication is analyzed based on Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) matrix. The results from quantitative research can point to key factors to 1) select communication channels and 2) design an omnichannel communication platform for B2B construction e-commerce. Also, contribution is to improve omnichannel communication design for faster response time, more adjustable or flexible personalized service, and better data management to foster long-term relationships between customers and suppliers.