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Effect of ATP concentration on the rate of PFK catalyzed reaction at fixed concentration of F-6-P and Mg2+ (3.3 mM each). Inset shows the plot obtained on assaying the enzyme at variable inhibitory (>0.1 mM) concentration of ATP at two fixed concentrations of F-6-P such as 1.6 (•) and 3.3 (○) mM. Mg2+ concentration was constant (3.3 mM). Enzyme concentration was 10 μg/mL. Other conditions were same as in standard enzyme assay.

Effect of ATP concentration on the rate of PFK catalyzed reaction at fixed concentration of F-6-P and Mg2+ (3.3 mM each). Inset shows the plot obtained on assaying the enzyme at variable inhibitory (>0.1 mM) concentration of ATP at two fixed concentrations of F-6-P such as 1.6 (•) and 3.3 (○) mM. Mg2+ concentration was constant (3.3 mM). Enzyme concentration was 10 μg/mL. Other conditions were same as in standard enzyme assay.

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Phosphofructokinase (PFK), a regulatory enzyme in glycolytic pathway, has been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from adult female Setaria cervi and partially characterized. For this enzyme, the Lineweaver-Burk's double reciprocal plots of initial rates and D-fructose-6-phosphate (F-6-P) or Mg-ATP concentrations for varying values of cosubstr...

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... To simulate reaction velocities in the absence of inhibition, f 1 , f 2 , and f 3 in Eq. (4) can be set to 1 to eliminate the pH effect and v S·E·S max replaced with v E·S max to eliminate the substrate inhibitor effect on production generation from S·E·S to give, Equation (11) represents the substrate effect on reaction velocity without inhibition and is plotted against ATP concentration in Fig. 5b. The plot is analogous to the Michaelis-Menten saturation curve, which exhibits a hyperbolic increase with substrate increase. ...
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A key player in energy metabolism is phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1) whose activity and behavior strongly influence glycolysis and thus have implications in many areas. In this research, PFK1 assays were performed to convert F6P and ATP into F-1,6-P and ADP for varied pH and ATP concentrations. PFK1 activity was assessed by evaluating F-1,6-P generation velocity in two ways: (1) directly calculating the time slope from the first two or more datapoints of measured product concentration (the initial-velocity method), and (2) by fitting all the datapoints with a differential equation explicitly representing the effects of ATP and pH (the modeling method). Similar general trends of inhibition were shown by both methods, but the former gives only a qualitative picture while the modeling method yields the degree of inhibition because the model can separate the two simultaneous roles of ATP as both a substrate of reaction and an inhibitor of PFK1. Analysis based on the model suggests that the ATP affinity is much greater to the PFK1 catalytic site than to the inhibitory site, but the inhibited ATP-PFK1-ATP complex is much slower than the uninhibited PFK1-ATP complex in product generation, leading to reduced overall reaction velocity when ATP concentration increases. The initial-velocity method is simple and useful for general observation of enzyme activity while the modeling method has advantages in quantifying the inhibition effects and providing insights into the process.
... The protein content was measured using a BCA1 kit (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). The activity of PFK was measured spectrophotometrically following the procedure reported in [100]. ALDO activity was measured by using an Aldolase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit (BioVision, Milpitas, CA). ...
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... The HK activity was measured with the Hexokinase Colorimetric Assay Kit (Sigma-Aldrich). The activities of the phosphofructokinease-1 (PFK1) assay and enolase were measured spectrophotometrically as reported in [77]. The activity of PK was detected with the Enzymatic Assay of Pyruvate Kinase kit (Sigma-Aldrich). ...
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... Enzymatic activities were measured on 10 µl cell lysates, incubated for 5 min at 37 • C. The protein content was measured using the BCA1 Kit (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, United States). The activity of phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1) assay was measured spectrophotometrically as reported in the study by Sharma (2011). The activities of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), enolase (ENO), pyruvate kinase (PK), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured spectrophotometrically according to the study by Riganti (Riganti et al., 2002;Capello et al., 2016). ...
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Bone formation involves a complex crosstalk between endothelial cells (EC) and osteodifferentiating stem cells. This functional interplay is greatly mediated by the paracrine and autocrine action of soluble factors released at the vasculature-bone interface. This study elucidates the molecular and functional responses triggered by this intimate interaction. In this study, we showed that human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC) induced the expression of pro-angiogenic factors in stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) and sustain their osteo-differentiation at the same time. In contrast, osteodifferentiating SHED increased EC recruitment and promoted the formation of complex vascular networks. Moreover, HMEC enhanced anaerobic glycolysis in proliferating SHED without compromising their ability to undergo the oxidative metabolic shift required for adequate osteo-differentiation. Taken together, these findings provide novel insights into the molecular mechanism underlying the synergistic cooperation between EC and stem cells during bone tissue renewal.
... Enzymatic activities were measured on 10 µL cell lysates, incubated for 5 min at 37 • C. The protein content was measured using the BCA1 Kit (Sigma Aldrich). The activity of phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1) was measured spectrophotometrically as reported in Sharma (2011) [24]. The activity of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and enolase were measured spectrophotometrically according to Beutler (1975) [25]. ...
... Enzymatic activities were measured on 10 µL cell lysates, incubated for 5 min at 37 • C. The protein content was measured using the BCA1 Kit (Sigma Aldrich). The activity of phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK1) was measured spectrophotometrically as reported in Sharma (2011) [24]. The activity of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and enolase were measured spectrophotometrically according to Beutler (1975) [25]. ...
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Skeletal muscle plays a pivotal role in whole-body glucose metabolism, accounting for the highest percentage of glucose uptake and utilization in healthy subjects. Impairment of these key functions occurs in several conditions including sedentary lifestyle and aging, driving toward hyperglycemia and metabolic chronic diseases. Therefore, strategies pointed to improve metabolic health by targeting skeletal muscle biochemical pathways are extremely attractive. Among them, we focused on the natural sesquiterpene and cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptor agonist Trans-β-caryophyllene (BCP) by analyzing its role in enhancing glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle cells. Experiments were performed on C2C12 myotubes. CB2 receptor membrane localization in myotubes was assessed by immunofluorescence. Within glucose metabolism, we evaluated glucose uptake (by the fluorescent glucose analog 2-NBDG), key enzymes of both glycolytic and oxidative pathways (by spectrophotometric assays and metabolic radiolabeling) and ATP production (by chemiluminescence-based assays). In all experiments, CB2 receptor involvement was tested with the CB2 antagonists AM630 and SR144528. Our results show that in myotubes, BCP significantly enhances glucose uptake, glycolytic and oxidative pathways, and ATP synthesis through a CB2-dependent mechanism. Giving these outcomes, CB2 receptor stimulation by BCP could represent an appealing tool to improve skeletal muscle glucose metabolism, both in physiological and pathological conditions.
... Calculating the expected number of fragments per kilobase of transcript sequence per million base pairs sequenced (FPKM) is the most commonly used method of estimating gene expression levels (Sharma 2011). The read count for each gene was obtained by mapping the clean reads back to the reference genome. ...
China has many habitats supporting a wide diversity of bumblebees, some species of which are limited in distribution to the Tibet Plateau. The high-altitude Tibet Plateau, which has low air density as well as extremely low temperatures, strains the energy requirements for flight in most insects. However, high-altitude bumblebees have adapted to the harsh conditions of this type of habitat. Bumblebees are a particular group of insect pollinators that exclusively utilize carbohydrates from flowers for energy to sustain flight. Here, gene expression was compared between low-altitude species and Bombus longipennis, and the genes upregulated in B. longipennis were involved in aerobic metabolism, such as the oxidative phosphorylation and citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) pathways. Furthermore, a conjoint analysis of the transcriptomes of six bumblebee species from the high-altitude Tibet Plateau and two bumblebee species from the low-altitude North China Plain showed that 19 genes were commonly upregulated in high-altitude species. Among these 19 commonly upregulated genes, Pfk1 was enriched in multiple glycometabolic pathways, which are the main energy pathways in bees; this upregulation enhanced the aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis processes to produce more ATP molecules to supply energy for high-altitude bumblebee flight under severe cold conditions. In addition, glycolysis was enhanced by two other genes, Rac1 and AAC2. Relative quantitative real-time PCR was used to verify that the three genes Pfk1, Rac1, and AAC2 were upregulated in the six main bumblebee species inhabiting the Tibet Plateau.
... Thus, V polyP , which represents the contribution to dD[ATP]/dt from polyP buffering, is approximated by proportional feedback. Figure 6 uses experimental data for: rat muscle (Beis and Newholme, 1975;Bosca et al., 1985;Kushmerick et al., 1992), rabbit muscle (Kemp, 1970;Storey and Hochachka, 1974;Pettigrew and Friedens, 1978), rabbit liver (Ennor and Rosenburg, 1951;Kemp, 1970), desert locust (Walker and Bailey, 1969;Beis and Newholme, 1975), lobster muscle (Beis and Newholme, 1975;Sugden and Newholme, 1975), yeast (Kopperschlager et al., 1968), Escherichia coli (Zheng and Kemp, 1992), and Setaria cervi (Sharma, 2011). The normalized ÀDPFK activity/D[ATP] ratio is determined graphically from the slope of ATP concentration versus PFK activity plots when PFK activity is at half maximum (see STAR Methods B.2); the ratio of ATP to pCr concentrations is determined at steady state. ...
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Buffering, the use of reservoirs of molecules to maintain concentrations of key molecular species, and negative feedback are the primary known mechanisms for robust homeostatic regulation. To our knowledge, however, the fundamental principles behind their combined effect have not been elucidated. Here, we study the interplay between buffering and negative feedback in the context of cellular homeostasis. We show that negative feedback counteracts slow-changing disturbances, whereas buffering counteracts fast-changing disturbances. Furthermore, feedback and buffering have limitations that create trade-offs for regulation: instability in the case of feedback and molecular noise in the case of buffering. However, because buffering stabilizes feedback and feedback attenuates noise from slower-acting buffering, their combined effect on homeostasis can be synergistic. These effects can be explained within a traditional control theory framework and are consistent with experimental observations of both ATP homeostasis and pH regulation in vivo. These principles are critical for studying robustness and homeostasis in biology and biotechnology.
... The results were expressed as nanomoles of NADH/min/mg cell proteins. PFK1 assay was performed according to ref. 59. The results were expressed as nanomoles of NAD + /min/mg cell proteins. ...
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How metabolic pathways required for epidermal tissue growth and remodeling influence the ability of keratinocytes to survive stressful conditions is still largely unknown. The mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) regulates growth and metabolism of several tissues, but its functions in epidermal cells are poorly defined. Rictor is an adaptor protein essential for mTORC2 activity. To explore the roles of mTORC2 in the epidermis, we have conditionally deleted rictor in mice via K14-Cre-mediated homologous recombination and found that its deficiency causes moderate tissue hypoplasia, reduced keratinocyte proliferation and attenuated hyperplastic response to TPA. Noteworthy, rictor-deficient keratinocytes displayed increased lifespan, protection from senescence, and enhanced tolerance to cellular stressors such as growth factors deprivation, epirubicin and X-ray in vitro and radioresistance in vivo. Rictor-deficient keratinocytes exhibited changes in global gene expression profiles consistent with metabolic alterations and enhanced stress tolerance, a shift in cell catabolic processes from glycids and lipids to glutamine consumption and increased production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS). Mechanistically, the resiliency of rictor-deficient epidermal cells relies on these ROS increases, indicating stress resistance via mitohormesis. Thus, our findings reveal a new link between metabolic changes and stress adaptation of keratinocytes centered on mTORC2 activity, with potential implications in skin aging and therapeutic resistance of epithelial tumors.
... The uptake of glucose was measured as described earlier [48] and expressed as pmol 2-deoxy-D-[ 3 H]glucose/mg cell proteins. PFK1 assay was performed according to [49]. The activities of GAPDH, enolase, LDH were measured as reported in [50]. ...
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The resistance to chemotherapy and the tumor escape from host immunosurveillance are the main causes of the failure of anthracycline-based regimens in breast cancer, where an effective chemo-immunosensitizing strategy is lacking. The clinically used aminobisphosphonate zoledronic acid (ZA) reverses chemoresistance and immunoresistance in vitro. Previously we developed a nanoparticle-based zoledronic acid-containing formulation (NZ) that allowed a higher intratumor delivery of the drug compared with free ZA in vivo. We tested its efficacy in combination with doxorubicin in breast tumors refractory to chemotherapy and immune system recognition as a new combinatorial approach to produce chemo- and immunosensitization. NZ reduced the IC50 of doxorubicin in human and murine chemoresistant breast cancer cells and restored the doxorubicin efficacy against chemo-immunoresistant tumors implanted in immunocompetent mice. By reducing the metabolic flux through the mevalonate pathway, NZ lowered the activity of Ras/ERK1/2/HIF-1α axis and the expression of P-glycoprotein, decreased the glycolysis and the mitochondrial respiratory chain, induced a cytochrome c/caspase 9/caspase 3-dependent apoptosis, thus restoring the direct cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin on tumor cell. Moreover, NZ restored the doxorubicin-induced immunogenic cell death and reversed the tumor-induced immunosuppression due to the production of kynurenine, by inhibiting the STAT3/indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase axis. These events increased the number of dendritic cells and decreased the number of immunosuppressive T-regulatory cells infiltrating the tumors. Our work proposes the use of nanoparticle encapsulating zoledronic acid as an effective tool overcoming at the same time chemoresistance and immunoresistance in breast tumors, thanks to the effects exerted on tumor cell and tumor-infiltrating immune cells.
... The higher PFK activity after 3 h of hypoxia, is very important since PFK is a main element in regulation of the glycolytic flux (Banaszak et al., 2011;Sharma, 2011), indicating that ATP production is accelerating to meet the energy needs of the cell. It is evident that PFK is prime to sense the "energy level" in shrimp. ...