Fig 2 - uploaded by Kristian Husum Laursen
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The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) legislation in the European Union will expectedly become unified by 2020. This legislation divides UAS operations into three categories, one of which is the Specific category, in which operations of higher risk will be placed. Permission for UAS operations in the Specific category is granted based on a Specific Ope...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... this work, only SAIL II, III and IV have been implemented. The user is then presented with a set of questions derived from the integrity and assurance demands posed by the SAIL. Figure 1 shows the welcome page and figure 2 and 3 show examples of the question layout. The user has the answering options 'Yes', 'Don't know' and 'No' for each question. ...
Context 2
... this work, only SAIL II, III and IV have been implemented. The user is then presented with a set of questions derived from the integrity and assurance demands posed by the SAIL. Figure 1 shows the welcome page and figure 2 and 3 show examples of the question layout. The user has the answering options 'Yes', 'Don't know' and 'No' for each question. ...
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... A post-accident analysis study conducted in a neighbouring country revealed that UAS technical malfunction is the highest factor [54]. Operations that are not compliant with the applicable regulations may increase these numbers. The Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) developed a standard risk assessment methodology, the specific operations risk assessment (SORA), which is suitable for identifying and mitigating the potential risk of every UAS operation [55]. These accidents, however, would lower the total number of UAS flown by users, creating a balancing feedback loop. ...
The unmanned aircraft system (UAS) industry in Indonesia is lagging behind in market share and innovation. An effective government policy is crucial to make domestic UAS products more innovative and competitive. However, still not enough academic research discusses the system structure of the UAS industry. Considering the complexity of the UAS industry, this study uses system dynamics in combination with a policy analysis framework to capture a broader perspective on the system. The conceptual model showed that a policy structure to shift customers from imported products to domestic products may help the development of the UAS industry and advance UAS technology.
... Regarding the operations with state UAS, when participating in the disaster relief operations, the applicability of the entire SORA methodology should be assessed in view of the need for a rapid response in the absence of basic information about the area of operations [11], [12]. The assumptions are that SORA can only be applied if there are risk mitigation measures in place beforehand. ...
The use of modern unmanned aviation technologies when conducting search and rescue operations, respectively when overcoming the consequences of disasters is an economically justified approach to increase the effectiveness of operations, reducing the costs of their implementation. The nature of the operations implies working in an environment of high uncertainty with variety of stakeholders, which requires the implementation of additional measures to achieve the target levels of aviation safety. To tackle the risks associated with any Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) operations JARUS (Joint Authorities for Rulemaking in Unmanned Systems) has proposed a document called SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) adopted as acceptable means of compliance by many civil aviation authorities. Admittedly, SORA was developed with civil use of UAS in mind. However, considering its comprehensiveness in risk assessment it is a good starting point to evaluate its applicability at disaster relief operations and adaptability to state aircraft operations. As a rule, activities to overcome the consequences of disasters are the responsibility of the state, therefore it is normal to expect that the capabilities to use UAS will be created and predetermines the relevance of the presented topic. In the current article the team analyses SORA applicability from the perspective of emergency services as state aircraft operations. Thus, the purpose of this article is to explore the possibilities and to justify the need of implementing a timely procedure and to show an example risk analysis performed for this type of operations, when operating with state unmanned aircraft. Of course, some of the conclusions drawn here for emergency services can be easily transposed to other state UAS operations.
... In SORA, guidelines are proposed to evaluate ground and air risks induced by the flight operation and deduce Operational Safety Objectives (OSO) to be fulfilled by the drone, the operator and the flight procedures. To help in the application of SORA, online tools have been developed, eg. as in [11]. In EU, SORA has got a strong impact on the design of UAS operations, in order to ensure simultaneously fulfillment of performance objectives for the mission and safety requirements. ...
... Therefore, using expressions (11) to (17) allows to evaluate the iRRC (10). The vehicle flow ϕ v and the speed v v of the vehicles on the road, involved in this evaluation, strongly depend on the traffic conditions. ...
This paper proposes a modification to the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) process to explicitly account for risks wrt. vehicles on road networks, in addition to risks wrt. people, in the determination of a Ground Risk Class for the UAS operation. The definition of a new risk index, the Road Risk Class (RRC), is proposed and expressions for its computation are given. Following the methodology of the actual SORA, these expressions are used to pre-compute a numeric table helping in the determination of the RRC from the UAS characteristics and road traffic data. The proposed risk assessment process is illustrated on an example of long-range mission with a fixed-wing UAV.
... 1) General Regulations: JARUS defines the applicability to these regulation recommendations as any UAV which does not exceed 3,175 kg (7,000 lbs.) maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) for VTOL aircraft, and 8,618 kg (19,000 lbs.) for aircraft without VTOL capabilities [56], [57]. The manufacturer must define the limitations of operation under normal and emergency conditions. ...
... 1) General Regulations: JARUS defines the applicability to these regulation recommendations as any UAV which does not exceed 3,175 kg (7,000 lbs.) maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) for VTOL aircraft, and 8,618 kg (19,000 lbs.) for aircraft without VTOL capabilities [56], [57]. The manufacturer must define the limitations of operation under normal and emergency conditions. ...
This paper underscores the significance of safety and reliability in the realm of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies, and how regulations play a pivotal role in ensuring their responsible use. We have analyzed safety incidents and trends both in Canada and globally, noting a decline in incidents attributed to enhanced regulations. Our comparative analysis of different UAV technologies identified batteries as the most reliable power supply, Global Navigation Satellite System as the most effective navigation system, and light detection and ranging as the optimal optical sensor due to regulatory compliance and system redundancies. We also examined the regulatory framework in Canada, comparing it with the risk-based approach of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and the efforts of Joint Authorities for Rule-making on Unmanned Systems towards global harmonization. Furthermore, we highlighted emerging trends in automation and flight control technologies, with a focus on European regulations shaping UAV automation trends. In conclusion, by adhering to best practices from other regulatory bodies, embracing emerging trends, and adopting a risk-based approach, Canada can promote the growth of the UAV industry while ensuring safety and reliability in UAV technologies.
... These maps help UAS pilots to analyze which risk factors are present in the intended operational area. Terkildsen and Jensen (2019), represent step-by-step questionnaires (Fig. 1). ...
The rising number of UAS operations in the European airspace poses a safety issue. The key problem is to ensure safe drone traffic management and their integration into the existing air traffic environment. Thus, risk assessment becomes an integral part of every UAS operation and its automation is of great importance when dealing with growing numbers of flights. There exist many attempts to support such risk assessment, but an optimal solution is yet to be found. This paper presents a prototype of a web application, which automates strategic risk assessment of open and specific UAS operations in Austria with the use of open government geodata. Risk assessment results are visualized on a map, showing spatial distribution of classified risks in the operational area. This prototype is the first attempt to combine the functions of a “drone map” representing relevant geodata and a questionnaire usually used to support specific operation risk assessment. There is a potential to turn it into a tool which is used to create a comprehensive pre-flight safety portfolio or to support the automatic risk assessment performed by a UTM before a UAS operation is checked in. Simplifying the creation of safety portfolios and automating UAS operation risk assessment are important factors in promoting a wider and safer use of UAS.
... Recently, the SORA methodology has been analyzed and discussed in different applications, such as for UAS-based cinematography [12] and UAS-based maritime surveillance mission [13], and a web-based tool has been developed to to support its application [14]. However, the SORA framework is very new and abstract with limited guidance on how regulatory bodies and operators should use it. ...
... As a conclusion, the authors identified a few improvement that can be included in SORA such as the various levels of safety inside controlled airspace, the possibility of lowering the Final Ground Risk Class (GRC), and analysis of "near-real-time" density data. Terkildsen et al. [14] developed a SORA-based evaluation tool for a UAS mission to mitigate the gap between the technical requirement of a UAS mission and the available UAS platform, based on SORA V2.0. In that work, the authors considered four UAV platforms, such as DJI Phantom 4 Pro, DJI Inspire 2, DJI Matrice 200, and DJI Matrice 600 Pro. ...
Deploying Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in safety- and business-critical operations requires demonstrating compliance with applicable regulations and a comprehensive understanding of the residual risk associated with the UAS operation. To support these activities and enable the safe deployment of UAS into civil airspace, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has established a UAS regulatory framework that mandates the execution of safety risk assessment for UAS operations in order to gain authorization to carry out certain types of operations. Driven by this framework, the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) released the Specific Operation Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology that guides the systematic risk assessment for UAS operations. However, existing work on SORA and its applications focuses mainly on single UAS operations, offering limited support for assuring operations conducted with multiple UAS and with autonomous features. Therefore, the work presented in this paper analyzes the application of SORA for a Multi-UAS airframe inspection (AFI) operation, that involves deploying multiple UAS with autonomous features inside an airport. We present the decision-making process of each SORA step and its application to a multiple UAS scenario. The results shows that the procedures and safety features included in the Multi-AFI operation such as workspace segmentation, the independent multi-UAS AFI crew proposed, and the mitigation actions provide confidence that the operation can be conducted safely and can receive a positive evaluation from the competent authorities. We also present our key findings from the application of SORA and discuss how it can be extended to better support multi-UAS operations.
... Demostrating compliance with higher-than-two SAIL values requires fulfilment of medium to high robustness measures, which are related to very demanding aeronautical standards, generically out of the generic UAS operator's reach. Terkildsen and Jensen (2019) assessed compliance of several DJI (the main civil UAS manufacturer worldwide) models, none of them complying with SAIL II requirements without the need to perform additional activities. Thus, a set of ConOps limited to SAIL II value was designed, in order to cover most of the intended operations. ...
Potential civil applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, have risen steeply duringthe last decade, mainly due to their versatility and capability of spatial data gathering. Nonetheless, real use of UAS isquite restricted nowadays, primarily due to safety and regulatory constraints. This multidisciplinary project aims to performspecific safety assessments using the SORA methodology adopted by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) anddevelop documentation and procedures for operators to follow, complying with all required safety and regulatoryrequirements. As a result, DEURPAS-UPV is the first Spanish drone operator belonging to a university to be authorizedby Spanish civil aviation agency (AESA-Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea), to perform drone flights in urban areas, incontrolled airspace and during the night. In addition, DEURPAS-UPV has performed the first authorized experimentaltransport operations using drones in Spain. The results from safety assessment and designed procedures have beensuccessfully applied to the operation of Safety and Emergency service providers, such as Valencia Local Police Corps andthe Valencian Emergency and Safety Response Agency (AVSRE - Agencia Valenciana de Seguridad y Respuesta a lasEmergencias). Overall, this project has served as an enabler for more complex and safer UAS operations, from theoperator’s point of view, which will help break the barriers related to the use of these aircraft, with huge potential ingeomatics applications.
... Indeed, at the time of writing, few SORAs have been issued even though the SORA framework has been publicly available since June 2017 [6]. This indicates that SORA-fulfilling Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) are not readily available and that acquiring approval for a prototype UAS is a troublesome process, previously attempted simplified by the authors [7]. In countries such as Denmark, it is not possible to perform BVLOS operations without prior SORA approval, but flight tests under BVLOS conditions would be required to demonstrate their compliance. ...
... Today many commercially available drones, however, are incapable of meeting the safety requirements to provide a sufficient low risk of a fatality while operating above populous areas or gatherings of people. In EU the future sUAS drone regulation categorizes such operations in the Specific category, where permission is granted based on a Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) [2] [3]. In the SORA a recognized mitigation of risk of a fatality is a failsafe system that in the event that the sUAS is unable to maintain stable flight, terminates the flight and activates an emergency parachute, thereby enabling a relatively safe trajectory towards the ground and a low kinetic energy at impact. ...
Many Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) are incapable of meeting the safety requirements to provide a sufficient low risk of a fatality while operating above populous
areas or gatherings. A recognized mitigation of this risk is a failsafe system that in the event that the sUAS is unable to maintain stable flight, terminates the flight and activates an emergency parachute. This paper proposes a methodology for assessment of Commercial Off the Shelf parachutes for sUAS failsafe systems. The methodology encompasses the evaluation criteria for the selection of parachutes based on a user-
defined Maximum Takeoff Weight and the failure scenario tests for assessment of reliability and efficiency. The current standard specification on parachutes for sUAS published by the American Society of Testing and Materials has inspired
the failure scenario tests. These failure scenario tests consist of a bench/destructive test and a full power cut test. The multirotor used for test of the proposed methodology is a ∼ 2kg hexarotor. The results suggests the use of one specific parachute. Furthermore, the deployment time and impact energy have been estimated to be 1.2s and 21J, respectively. This impact energy suggests a probability of fatality of less than 0.01. This work
is the first step towards selecting and evaluating parachute systems for sUAS. The proposed next steps are the refinement of the assessment of parachutes and increase of parachutes included in the failure scenario tests. Additionally, this will lead to the development of parachute recovery systems for sUAS with manual and autonomous triggering.