Fig 2 - uploaded by Bichitra Ganguly
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EDAX data: a purity check of the ZnO sample as synthesized through sol-gel chemical route, inset shows the ZnO nano particles with fringed structure of the crystalline sample from TEM picture. 

EDAX data: a purity check of the ZnO sample as synthesized through sol-gel chemical route, inset shows the ZnO nano particles with fringed structure of the crystalline sample from TEM picture. 

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The structural characterization of sol-gel based nano crystalline ZnO material is being reported as we observe several previously unreported structural aspects following a sequence of annealing stages. As-grown samples were characterised by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Chemical purity of the nano-grains and their crystallinity ha...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the elemental purity check of the ZnO samples, Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX/SEM) and scanning microscopic analysis of the grain surface was performed using Quanta FEG-200, FEi Company USA. As prepared ZnO sample sintered at 200 °C, has been dispersed in pure water then TEM examination was performed after placing a drop of the same on the carbon coated grid and dried under vacuum. Measurements were done with (Tecnai S-twin, FEI) using an accelerating voltage of 200 kV, having a resolution of %1 Å. The results of such analysis are shown in Fig. ...
Context 2
... samples prepared by aqueous sol-gel technique were dried under vacuum at 100 °C over night, and the characteristic FT-IR frequencies were checked as shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1 for any residual organic groups. These data represent the as-prepared ZnO material. Some residual acetate groups (C@O) could be detected. Presence of moisture is also detected; this could be dependent on the ambient condition. It was considered as the pre- cursor material for ZnO, which was sintered later to proceed for evolution of pure and dried material of ZnO. The elemental purity of ZnO was checked with the help of EDAX spectrum as shown in Fig. 2. From TEM results of pure ZnO samples (dried at 200 °C was used), the fringe structure of ZnO sample showed crystallinity of the material (as shown by the arrow). The mean size as esti- mated from the TEM image has been about %10 nm (average size as measured with the size bar shown in the figure) and clearly indi- cates that the initially annealed ZnO nano-particles are crystalline with a wurtzite structure [41]. No other impurities were ...

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