Fig 1 - uploaded by David Sebag
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Dry stone structures in a studied area, A-Ground level view (Photography, J.L. Rajot)., B-Satellite view (Google Earth, 28th Nov 08), C-Satellite image showing the dry stone structures with tiger bush, the natural vegetation of plateaus. The vegetated bands-with shrubs and trees-cover the dry stone structures (Satellite view) (Google Earth, 28 Nov 08)
Source publication
Les plateaux de la rive occidentale du fleuve Niger sont recouverts de lignes et de tas de pierres sèches alors que ces
surfaces tabulaires sont aujourd'hui dépourvues de toutes cultures. Le sol du plateau est constitué d'un horizon argilo-sableux
visible uniquement dans la zone où ces structures sont présentes. Elles témoigneraient d'un épierrage...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... stone structures were first observed in the field (Figure 1-A), then identified at metre-scale by high- resolution satellite imagery (Google Earth) (Figure 1-B). These structures were recorded in a non-exhaustive way on the main part of the lateritic soils in plateaus, mainly located on the west bank of the Niger River (Figure 2). ...
Context 2
... stone structures were first observed in the field (Figure 1-A), then identified at metre-scale by high- resolution satellite imagery (Google Earth) (Figure 1-B). These structures were recorded in a non-exhaustive way on the main part of the lateritic soils in plateaus, mainly located on the west bank of the Niger River (Figure 2). ...
Context 3
... structures were recorded in a non-exhaustive way on the main part of the lateritic soils in plateaus, mainly located on the west bank of the Niger River (Figure 2). Few people now live on the plateaus which are mainly covered with "tiger bush", i.e. alternating bands of vegetation and bare crusted soil (Clos-Arceduc, 1956;Leprun, 1992;Guillaume et al. 1999) (Figure 1-C). Temporary streams, tributaries of the river, incise those plateaus (250 ma.s.l.), along sandy valleys. ...
Context 4
... focused on this area as it is representative of west-bank landscapes. Dry-stone structures are open polygons of various sizes as well as round heaps ( Figure 1-B). They cover an approximate area of 23 km 2 , mostly near plateau boundaries. ...
Context 5
... parcel boundaries described in this study differ from the plots still in use seen on rocky slopes at Hombori (Mali) for example (Figure 10-A). They also differfrom fossilised ones like Tazbent in Algeria (Camps, 1960) (Figure 10-B). ...
Context 6
... parcel boundaries described in this study differ from the plots still in use seen on rocky slopes at Hombori (Mali) for example (Figure 10-A). They also differfrom fossilised ones like Tazbent in Algeria (Camps, 1960) (Figure 10-B). Mauritania's Tagant alone is organised into parallel bands on flat level areas but there is little information about it ) ( Figure 10-C). ...
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