Figure 1 - uploaded by Leenta Grobler
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Double radial AMB test rack.  

Double radial AMB test rack.  

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... each of the patterns in the historical fault data- base there exist a frequency and description. Figure 10 provides the fuzzy membership functions for pat- tern error 1 (e 1_pat ). Fuzzification is performed by using the overlapping fuzzy sets bad negative (B-), good (G) and bad positive (B+). ...
Context 2
... fuzzy surface plots for fuzzy1 error (e fuz1 ) and relation current1 (i ref_1 ) are shown in figure 11a and figure 11b, respec- tively. Defuzzification of the fuzzy membership functions e fuz1 ...
Context 3
... fuzzy surface plots for fuzzy1 error (e fuz1 ) and relation current1 (i ref_1 ) are shown in figure 11a and figure 11b, respec- tively. Defuzzification of the fuzzy membership functions e fuz1 ...
Context 4
... relation current 2 was calculated as follow: Figure 11: Fuzzy surface plot for fuzzy1 error (e fuz1 ) and relation current1 (i ref_1 ) ...
Context 5
... displacement pattern errors (e 1_pat , e 2_ pat t and e 3_pat ) are the inputs of the cascaded fuzzy logic mod- ule and fuzzy error (efuz) and relation current (i ref_1 ) are the outputs. The fuzzy surface plots for fuzzy2 error (e fuz2 ) and fuzzy3 error (e fuz3 ) are the same as shown in figure 11a and the fuzzy surface plots for relation current2 (i ref_2 ) and relation current3 (i ref_3 ) are the same as shown in figure 11b. ...
Context 6
... displacement pattern errors (e 1_pat , e 2_ pat t and e 3_pat ) are the inputs of the cascaded fuzzy logic mod- ule and fuzzy error (efuz) and relation current (i ref_1 ) are the outputs. The fuzzy surface plots for fuzzy2 error (e fuz2 ) and fuzzy3 error (e fuz3 ) are the same as shown in figure 11a and the fuzzy surface plots for relation current2 (i ref_2 ) and relation current3 (i ref_3 ) are the same as shown in figure 11b. ...
Context 7
... identification system A process diagram of the fault identification system is shown in figure 12. When no fault is detected, the identification sys- tem provides no output. ...
Context 8
... day and time when the fault first occurred is saved and displayed. Figure 13 shows the parameter diagram of the fault identifi- cation system used to calculate the type of fault, parameters of the fault, the vibratory level of the fault, zone of the fault, where the fault occurs and the day and time when the fault first occurred. The data fitting system calculates and compares the best pos- sible fit of the displacement error patterns (e 1_pat , e 2_pat and e 3_pat ) of the on-line AMB system with the reference displace- ment error patterns (e 1_ref , e 2_ref and e 3_ref ) of the historical fault database. ...
Context 9
... maximum peak displacement (D max ) of the rotor from the clearance centre of the radial AMB, is calculated as follows: Figure 14 displays data fitting where the frequency of the fault changed from the supersynchronous vibration force area to the subsynchronous vibration force area. The solid lines rep- resent the reference displacement error pattern (e 1_ref ) from the historical fault database of the water cooling AMB pump and the dashed lines represent the real-time displacement error pattern (e 1_pat ) from the double radial AMB test rack. ...
Context 10
... inducement of the vibration forces and diagnosis and correction system calculations were performed by the right dSPACE® controller. Figure 15 shows the hardware setup with the dSPACE® controllers. ...
Context 11
... vibrations were therefore inte- grated into the displacement masking and correctional pat-terns calculation process of the fault detection and diagnosis systems (discussed in sections 3.2 and 3.3). Figure 16 shows the masked displacement (X mp ) and the actual displacement (X p ) during the practical implementation phase. The no fault displacement (xmp) was subtracted from the fault displacement (X p_fault ) to provide the displacement error (e). ...
Context 12
... the am- plitude and frequency increased, the amplitudes and frequen- cies of the individual signals in the masked displacement were also increased. Figure 19 shows the actual displacement of the AMB system with multiple frequency vibration forces and dominant super- synchronous vibration force. The system was designed to sim- ulate and capture the actual displacement of the simulation and practical AMB models (shown in figure 4) without any vibration force for the first 10 seconds, thereafter to induce the fault and activate the detection, diagnosis and correction system after 20 seconds. ...
Context 13
... the practical implementation phase of this project, the rotor was held constant at 1000 rpm and vibration forces were induced by implementing the reference current fault (i f ) files onto the system to see how the diagnosis and correction system reacts. Figure 17 and figure 18 shows the actual displacement (X p ) of the AMB system with multiple frequency vibration forces and dominant subsynchronous and rotor synchronous vibration forces, respectively. From the above figures it can be seen that the practical AMB system provides even better results than the simulation AMB model. ...
Context 14
... the practical implementation phase of this project, the rotor was held constant at 1000 rpm and vibration forces were induced by implementing the reference current fault (i f ) files onto the system to see how the diagnosis and correction system reacts. Figure 17 and figure 18 shows the actual displacement (X p ) of the AMB system with multiple frequency vibration forces and dominant subsynchronous and rotor synchronous vibration forces, respectively. From the above figures it can be seen that the practical AMB system provides even better results than the simulation AMB model. ...
Context 15
... diagram and picture of the fully suspended 250 kW water cooling AMB pump can be seen in figure 21 and figure 22, re- spectively. Condition monitoring was performed over a period of 3 years to obtain historical fault data on the water cooling AMB pump. ...