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Does ASDL help in case of absence?

Does ASDL help in case of absence?

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Conference Paper
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This paper presents the specifications of an open-source learning management system using ICT, which was implemented on a Greek high school. This effort began because of our interest to see the impact of the use of multimedia and Internet resources having e-learning content, in a classroom. Greece lags far behind in use of Internet towards other Eu...


... The authors suggested that teacher consistently prompt their children in the learning procedure that develop programming (EPISODE) utilizing different guidelines. Manitsaris [5] et al. expressed that the platform for distance learning has some kind of indicators such as knowledge management, the interaction between teacher 978-1-6654-9435-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 18-20 December, 2021 | North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh and learners, self-assessment and adaptation to the requirements of learners. ...
... The authors suggested that teacher consistently prompt their children in the learning procedure that develop programming (EPISODE) utilizing different guidelines. Manitsaris [5] et al. expressed that the platform for distance learning has some kind of indicators such as knowledge management, the interaction between teacher 978-1-6654-9435-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 18-20 December, 2021 | North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh and learners, self-assessment and adaptation to the requirements of learners. ...
... The authors suggested that teacher consistently prompt their children in the learning procedure that develop programming (EPISODE) utilizing different guidelines. Manitsaris [5] et al. expressed that the platform for distance learning has some kind of indicators such as knowledge management, the interaction between teacher 978-1-6654-9435-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 18-20 December, 2021 | North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh and learners, self-assessment and adaptation to the requirements of learners. ...
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Pedagogy is a method that handles the ethos and culture of instruction from educators and the learning of learners. Pedagogy of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) refers to the interactions among the teacher, children, and learning environment based on ICT. It is a discipline that deals with the theory and practice of teaching strategies, teaching actions, teaching judgments, and decisions. It is also the understanding and needs of students as well as the background and interests of an individual one. In this paper, we have designed the pedagogical learning environment from the perspective of ICT education. In our methodology of the pedagogy for ICT, education includes the interaction among different elements. The methodology improves to propagate convenience differently into the educational environment. We are also building a hybrid model for the ICT development program. The hybrid model represents the combination of standards, stages, year level, and class level as well as brings it into one umbrella. We have constructed the pedagogical learning environment theoretically from the perspective of ICT education to the consideration of outcome-based ICT learning. Outcome-based education is a fundamental element for building any nation completely around the globe.
... This research instrument uses multiple choice tests of 25 questions to measure the level of ICT knowledge of teachers. Aspects of ICT knowledge measured in this study are learning media knowledge, ICT-based learning resource knowledge [12] and knowledge of LMS to encourage independent learning [13]. Every aspect of ICT knowledge consists of knowledge factual, conceptual knowledge, and procedural knowledge. ...
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The percentage of schools that have network and internet access in Indonesia has reached 77.89%. While the ability of teachers to use ICT 14.43%. This is supported by the qualifications of teacher knowledge about ICT for senior high school by 14,43%. This study aims to determine the level of ICT knowledge of biology teachers and determine the relationship of ICT knowledge with teaching experience. Teacher knowledge is measured using a multiple choice test instrument with digestive system material. The research respondents consisted of 23 biology teachers in senior high school. The validity and reliability test of the instrument was carried out using SPSS with a significance of correlation <0.423 and Cronbach’s Alpha 0.92 (very reliable). Data analysis of the ICT knowledge level of teacher using Microsoft Excel and to see the relationship of ICT knowledge with teaching experience using the One Way ANOVA test. The results showed the level of ICT knowledge of biology teacher from all three aspects was good with an average of 73.8. There is a significant difference between the level of ICT knowledge of the teacher and teaching experience of the teacher, sig 0.000 (p<0.05). The long teacher teaching experience does not provide good teacher ICT knowledge.
... In a classroom, the impact of using Multimedia and Internet resources having e-learning content was observed and re-E ---------------- searchers presented the specifications of an open-source Learning Management System using ICT, which was implemented on a Greek High School. The LMS having storage and projection of educational multimedia files, SCORM lessons support, easy distance administration only by an Internet browser so there is no demand for technical knowledge, different kinds of users in order to provide personalization, protect the files and the parameters of the platform, videoconferencing and streaming video support giving the feasibility for synchronous education created proximity links between teachers and pupils or even better between pupils and the lesson [3]. ...
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During COVID-19 pandemic the entire conventional learning and education sector faced an unprecedented shutdown. The schools were totally closed during the pandemic. The need of suitable E-learning system over Internet or Learning Management System (LMS) software for conducting managed distance learning at school level was felt during the pandemic period. Students sitting at distinct places can use the LMS for continuing their education. LMS provide opportunity for standard and uniform learning material to the students. It may also be used to evaluate and monitor the learning progress of students. Using the LMS one can achieve improved and smooth learning path. It can also be used along with current pedagogical methods in schools. A wide range of open source software is available for online learning platform. A review of some features of Chamilo, Moodle, ATutor, ILIAS open-source Learning Management Systems (LMS) suitable for school education was conducted which is documented in this paper.
... Sotiris, Athanasios and Savvas, mentioned some advantages of LMS in [1] which are:  If a pupil loses a tutorial because of illness or participation in school activities, he/she has the ability to have access to the presentations, the examples and all the teaching material.  The pupils have better assimilation of the course concepts in comparison to the ones of previous years, since they can do exercises and tests from their home and evaluate their knowledge. ...
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Student is the key of the educational process, where students’ creativity and interactions are strongly encouraged. There are many tools embedded in Learning Management Systems (LMS) that considered as a goal evaluation of learners. A problem that currently appeared is that assessment process is not always fair or accurate in classifying students according to accumulated knowledge. Therefore, there is a need to apply a new model for better decision making for students’ enrollment and assessments. The proposed model may run along with an assessment tool within a LMS. The proposed model performs analysis and obtains knowledge regarding the classification capability of the assessment process. It offers knowledge for course managers regarding the course materials, quizzes, activities and e-games. The proposed model is an accurate assessment tool and thus better classification among learners. The proposed model was developed for learning management systems, which are commonly used in e-learning in Egyptian language schools. The proposed model demonstrated good accuracy compared to real sample data (250 students).
... Studies revealed that use of ICTs in education have improved students' attitudes toward learning, development of teachers' technology skills and increased community's access to education and literacy [22]. Implementation of LMS in Greek high school showed that students developed better concepts, increased the amount of knowledge and use of their computers for knowledge acquisition [23]. The impact of socio-economic factors on girls and women's access to ICT education and training in a rural South African environment are studied and suggested strategies for improved access to ICT education and training [24]. ...
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Information and communication technologies brought-in tools and techniques in the field of education that introduced new concepts of teaching and learning. Learning management system is one of the key tools used in educational institutes to facilitate e-learning. There is remarkable digital divide among urban and rural areas. In this paper, we present a model for providing e-learning services to remote/rural areas in order to promote and facilitate modern education. A dedicated resource center, hosting the learning management system, facilitates e-learning centers through Internet. The overall goal of this model is to have a cost-effective learning environment equipped with latest technologies to provide learners an opportunity to get insight into new information and communication technologies and e-learning environment. The model offers new teaching methodology with enhance utilization of learning management system in teaching and learning. Basic characteristics and technical aspects will be considered as well. The study will also promote development and usage of open-source technologies.
... Open source: Over 50 small and large scale open source LMS solutions have been developed and distributed worldwide [13]. Moodle, Ilias, Sakai, dotLRN, Claroline and Atutor are examples of the commonly used LMSs and have approximately thousands of installation worldwide. ...
... Moodle, Ilias, Sakai, dotLRN, Claroline and Atutor are examples of the commonly used LMSs and have approximately thousands of installation worldwide. All the solutions have advantages over other but none of them can provide a complete satisfaction in e-learning [13]. Although open source solutions are easy to use, manage and deploy, there are remarkable obstacles. ...
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E-learning has made rapid strides in recent years thanks to the advances in educational technology. Many educational institutions have started e-learning. In e-learning, there is a need for administration, documentation, delivery of the course content and tracking students' performances all of which are done by the help of a software called Learning Management System (LMS). A robust LMS is a requirement for achieving the goals of the institution providing e-learning. There are basically three kinds of LMS: open source, commercial and institution-based (self-developed). All of them have advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the type of LMS to be used by any institution depends on the decision makers of that institution. Decision makers in Kirikkale University chose to develop its own LMS depending on the individual needs of its distance education center. In this study, a new learning management system called KUZEM LMS, created by the software development team of Kirikkale University and used in the Distance Education Center of the same university is aimed to be introduced. The features of the KUZEM LMS are given in detail and a comparison of it is made with the other LMSs.
... Considering teachers' professional development as an integral part of technology and curriculum integration, we can deduce that their success as educators, in today's digital age, depends on their ability to communicate effectively with various technology-mediated environments. In recent years, we have witnessed a growing introduction of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in all levels of education in Greece (Manitsaris, Perdos & Pavlidis, 2006;Pentaris et al., 2008;Karasavvidis, 2011). Innovative teachers contemplate on their current teaching problems and identify e-learning as a means that could offer some good solutions (Heinze & Procter, 2004;Ajala, 2009). ...
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E-learning with the use of Learning Management Systems, has been increasingly adopted in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education with the expectation to increase students' motivation and infuse activity-centred learning strategies with various educational benefits. This study has investigated the initial perceptions of Greek teachers about the integration of LAMS, a Learning Activity Management System, in the educational praxis. Through a multifaceted research method, involving a small scale participatory action research, the research team attempted to investigate the preconditions required to integrate LAMS in the everyday lesson. Two tutorial workshops were organized with the participation of 46 educators from geographically diverse urban areas, from K-12 to Tertiary Education. Results indicated that teachers have developed a positive attitude towards LAMS and the use of collaborative online tools during the educational process. Although teachers have certain objections on integrating LMSs, which stem mainly from the current status of the Greek educational system, they accept relative advantages of integrating online collaborative approaches over the traditional face-to-face approach. Well-organized and carefully implemented tutorial workshops can spark teachers' interest and bring about change in the educational process. Small scale interventions such as these can prove to foster dialogue among teachers of various backgrounds and set the foundations to create online communities of practice for innovative teachers.
... ASDL has been implemented on a Greek High school, via asynchronous communication with pupils. The evaluation of ASDL use, through questionnaires, showed that pupils find the use of ASDL as a motive to study more [2], [3], [4]. A similar approach for delivering educational material using Internet & Multimedia Technologies is the MIT OpenCourseWare [5]. ...
Conference Paper
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The evolution in Internet and Multimedia Technology and the continuously increasing demand for enhanced remote and mobile services render as essential the adaptation of educational material in these requirements. The main topic addressed in this paper is to propose an alternative process for students attending courses. It refers to multiple types of students meaning that the educational material can be accessed by in campus, remote and mobile students. This paper describes a methodology for creating and adapting synchronous and asynchronous communication for each type of students. The educational material, such as SCORM based courses and video lectures, are transmitted via streaming media technologies, through an open source greek LMS, called ASDL.