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Do you think your organization"s provided trainings are enough for you to achieve your performance objectives?

Do you think your organization"s provided trainings are enough for you to achieve your performance objectives?

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Employees are the major assets of any organization. Every organizations needs well trained employees to perform the activities effectively and efficiently. It is the continuous process of the organizations that helps to develop skills, knowledge, and abilities. Training and development leads the better performance of employees. The success of the o...


... A severe deficiency of abilities has consistently hindered the pursuit of exceptional performance. In their study, Karim, Choudhury, and Latif (2019) precisely define employee training as structured programs designed to equip workers with knowledge, acquire new skills, or enhance their professional growth. According to Laing (2021), training and development is a deliberate process of altering attitude, knowledge, skill, or behavior through learning experiences to attain effective performance in a specific activity or set of activities. ...
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This study examined the outcomes of workplace English training programs on barangay secretaries in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines. Barangay secretaries play a vital role in local governance, and proficiency in workplace English can significantly enhance their ability to perform their duties effectively. The research explores how these training programs contribute to improved communication, efficiency, and overall success in serving their communities. The study utilized a descriptive research method, particularly the evaluative research design, to describe the implementation and outcomes of the workplace English training program. The researchers collected the annual reports of the extension project for the past three years and consolidated the evaluation reports of the training. Six participants voluntarily participated in an online and face- to-face interview to describe the training outcomes gained by the program’s recipients. Findings revealed that the Workplace English Training for barangay secretaries in the Local Government Unit of Malaybalay City conducted by the Language and Letters Department of Bukidnon State University has improved the Barangay Secretaries’ service delivery to their respective community. It has enhanced communication skills in the workplace, enabling more effective interaction with constituents and government officials. It has increased confidence and efficiency in completing tasks requiring English language skills, such as writing reports, memoranda, resolutions, and other documents.
... Praktek pengembangan penting dalam peningkatan kinerja karyawan (Hafeez et al., 2019). Melalui pengembangan, karyawan didorong untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap, dan profesionalitas mereka dalam melakukan tugas tertentu dalam organisasi (Karim et al., 2019). Diharapkan bahwa pengembangan karir dapat meminimalkan kesenjangan antara persyaratan organisasi dan kebutuhan karir karyawan (Hosen et al., 2024). ...
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Responsivitas organisasi dalam menanggapi perubahan dan perkembangan menentukan keunggulan kompetitif dalam persaingan pasar. Salah satu aspek yang penting adalah pengelolaan operasional sumber daya manusia. Peran vital yang diemban membuat organisasi perlu meningkatkan keterampilan dan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh karyawannya. Hal ini dapat berpengaruh pada peningkatan kinerja karyawan. Salah satu cara yang perlu dilakukan oleh hampir semua organisasi adalah melalui program pengembangan. Praktik pengembangan dapat menciptakan kompetensi penting yang dibutuhkan oleh karyawan organisasi untuk memenuhi peran mereka saat ini dan di masa depan. Berinvestasi dalam pengembangan untuk menciptakan budaya kerja yang mendukung inovasi dan kinerja yang tinggi merupakan hal yang krusial bagi organisasi yang ingin tetap kompetitif di era digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan studi literatur dari berbagai jurnal dan buku yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Sampel artikel terbatas pada artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam rentang waktu mulai dari tahun 2019 hingga tahun 2024. Praktik pengembangan karyawan perlu diterapkan oleh organisasi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan karyawan dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Selain itu, investasi dalam pengembangan karyawan juga berimplikasi positif terhadap retensi karyawan dan kepuasan kerja
... This increases employee performance as well as decreases turnover rates, and absenteeism. This helps real estate banking implement new technologies and address upcoming challenges (Karim et al., 2019). The human resource management team provides two types of training: on-the-job training and off-the-job training. ...
... From the studies conducted by Ismael et al. (2021), Kadiresan et al. (2015), Karim et al. (2019), Kulkarni (2013), and Okechukwu (2017), training and development are crucial factors in enhancing the productivity of real estate banking, since they help to upgrade the skills of employees. The research's chi-square test revealed a connection between the enhancement of real estate banking and training and development with a significance value of 0.001. ...
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Human resource management helps real estate banking by guaranteeing that the particular organization has highly skilled workers, which helps to accomplish strategic goals. The research aimed at examining the human resource management factors affecting real estate banking to increase efficiency and profitability. This research provides valuable information regarding how human resource management practices enhance performance and innovation in real estate banking. The authors adopted a quantitative methodology to analyse a large sample population. To gain a detailed understanding of the investigated topic, a digital survey was conducted to acquire primary data, and a literature review analysis was performed to gather secondary data. The sampling method opted for was convenience sampling, and a total of 416 individuals participated. The gathered data was then analysed using Chi-squared test and Spearman correlation to identify the relationship. The identified factors are technological aspects (0.790), talent management (0.780), recruitment and selection (0.710), training and development (0.580), employee engagement (0.520), and reward and recognition (0.505).
... Obtaining feedback on the effectiveness of training not only helps managers and decision makers to identify areas for improvement, but also provides employees with the knowledge they need to progress and develop their careers (Karim et al., 2019). Ultimately, having a competent and flexible workforce is a must for any competitive business. ...
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This paper proposes an AHP and BSC based approach for evaluating the impact of training investments on KPIs in a manufacturing SME in Chile. The analytic hierarchy is structured in three steps: initial analysis (economic factors), organisational analysis (observation) and the impact of training investment on the economic factors in the initial analysis, in terms of the key performance indicators in each step. The aim of this study is to serve as a first stage in the development of an integrated approach linking key performance indicators (KPIs) to training plans, in order to obtain a working process that can be used to determine the weighted impact of training on KPIs, with a view to calculating the return on training investment in a future second stage of research. This paper integrates a theoretical approach with analytic hierarchical process (AHP) methodology. This new approach has been called hierarchical participatory action analysis (APAJ) and is carried out in five steps. APAJ was found to be a more realistic tool for assessing the cost-effectiveness of training in an organisation. A case study focusing on an SME operating within the printing sector is provided to demonstrate the practical application of the proposed methodology.
... Efforts to increase resource capacity include all activities referred to in various terms, such as training. Training is a series of learning experiences deliberately designed to help participants master competencies they have not had before (Karim et al., 2019;Kim et al., 2019;Mayfield, 2011). ...
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The flexibility of managing the Independent Campus program has implications for organizational change in higher education and requires Change Management Competency (CMC) to achieve change goals. This research aims to apply the ADKAR model to create a CMC profile for study program directors. This type of research is a survey. The research sample consisted of 65 heads of vocational study programs at private universities in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire with indicators developed based on ADKAR elements for CMC development. Five alternative hypotheses were determined to test the correlation of ADKAR elements with the CMC profile, and all were declared accepted after being tested. This shows that the ADKAR model determines the CMC profile in an organizational change. Finally, a sustainable CMC development framework for the heads of the study program directors was recommended, using a combination of the concept of ADKAR and the system approach.
... Previous studies indicate that training and development directly affect organizational performance, and work values (Aladwan et al., 2015;Mira et al., 2019). Karim et al. (2019) noted that effective training and development programs are influential and can increase employee satisfaction and performance. In a similar vein, Arifin et al. (2019) viewed training as an essential investment for enhancing employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall performance. ...
... In addition, the human capital theory suggests that well-designed training and development programs increase employee productivity and the value of employees to organizations (Chen et al., 2021). Studies conducted by (Mira et al., 2019;Karim et al., 2019;Arifin et al., 2019) demonstrate that training and job performance are strongly related. Performance Appraisal Ugoani (2020) viewed performance appraisal as a process that identifies coaching and training needs, establishes standards for job promotions, and provides feedback on how to improve job performance. ...
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The study investigated the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between HRM practices and job performance in the hospitality industry of Ghana. The study collected primary data from 349 hospitality establishments within the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. The study population comprised 1,745 hospitality employees within the metropolitan assembly. A total of 325 participants were selected using the simple random sampling method and structured questionnaires were administered to the chosen respondents. The study employed a quantitative approach and adopted the explanatory research design. The data gathered were analysed using SPSS. The findings indicated that the relationship between performance appraisal and job performance is statistically insignificant. However, it is worth noting that job satisfaction has a mediation effect on the relationship between HRM practices and job performance in the hospitality industry of Ghana. The study concluded that while performance appraisal is traditionally seen as a vital tool for providing feedback, the study findings suggest that its effectiveness varies and recommends that management must strive to refine their appraisal systems to offer meaningful feedback and goals for improvement, thereby boosting employee motivation and satisfaction.
... For example, Salah [39] suggests that training and development have an impact that leads to an increase in productivity, quality, and performance. These findings were also supported by Karim et al. [63]. Theoretically, Cropanzano et al. [16] and Cropanzano and Mitchell [15] suggest that the employer-employee relationship can be established through reciprocities. ...
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Employer of choice (EOC) is a relatively new phenomenon, particularly in Human Resources Management. Existing employees and prospective talent have reasons and expectations to designate an employer as an EOC. While EOC has received extensive attention from both academics and practitioners over the past few years, the work has mostly focused on managerial and marketing perspectives, and thus far lacks a strong theoretical foundation. Drawing on Social Exchange Theory (SET), based on Human Resources and employees’ perceptions and experiences, this research aims to explore and investigate the factors that constitute/designate an employer as an Employer of Choice EOC. Two qualitative triangulated data sets were collected from existing full-time employees at a Saudi multinational corporation: open interviews and document analysis (cross-sectional and longitudinal). Thematic analysis (TA) was employed to analyze both methods. The findings reveal that company image, training, and development, satisfaction, involvement and commitment, fairness, work culture, reward, opportunities for growth, teamwork, motivation, and corporate social responsibility are the factors that lead employees to designate an employer as an EOC. This research contributes to knowledge conceptually, theoretically, and empirically, mainly in the area of Human Resources Management. This research represents one of the first studies to empirically identify and investigate employee-related factors and evaluate them all together in a multinational Saudi organization. Recognizing the findings of this empirical-based research assists HR managers in designating their organizations as an EOC for current employees and prospective talents.
... This has been associated with the potential utilization of inefficient training and development methods. Notably, in the modern world, organizations, be they in the private or public sector, must continuously enhance the quality of their offerings to maintain a competitive [2]. So institutions need to acquire and fully utilize their resources, particularly their human capital, efficiently. ...
... So institutions need to acquire and fully utilize their resources, particularly their human capital, efficiently. Therefore, it is in the best interest of every company to elevate employee job performance through the implementation of training and development as a fundamental strategy for enhancing performance and, consequently, corporate productivity [1] Accordingly, training and development are widely recognized as essential components required by any organization to achieve optimal output from its human resources, as they aids in enhancing skills acquisition and elevating training attendance rates, aligning both individual and organizational performance requirements [2]. ...
... In summary, the findings contribute to and substitute for training and provide significant pronouncements towards the knowledgeable and dexterous development of the country as a whole. In a recent study conducted by Karim, Choudhury, and Latif [2], it was observed that electronic learning (eLearning) has gained prominence as a preferred training and development method among organizations. According to Karim, Choudhury, and Latif [2], eLearning is particularly favored in situations where employees are geographically dispersed and unable to attend inperson training sessions. ...
The primary objective of this research was to determine the impact of training and development on employee performance, using Garissa County Referral Hospital in Kenya as a case study. The researcher employed a cross-sectional descriptive survey design. The target population for the study consists of all staffs in Garissa County Referral Hospital. The target population was 445 health officers of Garissa County Referral Hospital in Kenya from where a sample population of 10% was obtained to have a sample size of 45 respondents. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and gathered through a drop-and-pick approach. Qualitative data used thematic analysis while quantitative data was analyzed to produce descriptive and regression analysis produced inferential statistics. The study concludes that at 5^% significance level; skills acquisition has a significant positive effect employee performance in Garissa County Referral Hospital, Kenya (β= 0.522 p=0.002).training attendance has a significant positive effect employee performance in Garissa County Referral Hospital, Kenya (β= 0.459, p=0.003) and employee turnover rates have negative significant influence on employee performance in Garissa County Referral Hospital (β= -0.376; p=0.012) The study revealed that 58.34% of change in employee performance in Garissa County Referral Hospital is explained by skills acquisition, training attendance, and employee turnover rates; where employee performance in Garissa County Referral Hospital was significantly and positively explained by skills acquisition as well as training attendance and significantly and negatively explained by employee turnover rates. The study recommends for Garissa County Referral Hospital to; strength its skills acquisition policies and program to increase the way new skills are acquired by identifying new training programs relevant to their job responsibilities; ensure employee training attendance where employee should consistently attend these training sessions, and have policies for addressing employee turnover rates so as to reduce frequent resignation, high turnover and frequent departures and provision for mitigating high termination rates and impact of hiring of new employees.
... Employee training is a deliberate and structured initiative undertaken by an organization to equip its employees with certain competencies related to their respective roles. These competencies encompass fundamental skills, information, and behaviors that are crucial for achieving optimal job performance (Karim et al., 2019). It is the process of improving the skills, abilities, understanding, and work of employees that relate to specifically for carrying out a particular task (Rivaldo and Nabella 2023). ...
... The aforementioned competencies comprise essential knowledge, abilities, and conduct that are vital for attaining maximum job efficacy (Ghani et al. 2022). Karim, Choudhury, and Latif (2019) recognized that the implementation of employee training and development programs is crucial in enhancing and cultivating the abilities of employees, hence facilitating their ability to function efficiently and effectively. In instances of service failure, it is imperative for employees to effectively navigate the critical phase and provide recommendations for resolution. ...
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The role of work motivation is of paramount importance in establishing a correlation among several organizational practices, including employee awards, training, Islamic work accommodation, and the degree of job happiness seen by employees. Acquiring understanding and proficiently managing this intermediate role holds significant significance for businesses aiming to enhance overall employee satisfaction and performance. The objective of this study is to analyze the intricate relationships among employee awards, training programs, Islamic work accommodations, work motivation, and job satisfaction within the banking sector of Pakistan. Through a comprehensive examination of prevailing academic literature, we have formulated hypotheses to explore the direct and indirect effects of these variables within the distinct framework of organizational settings. The present study utilizes mediation analytic approaches within its research design to investigate the mediating role of work motivation in the association between employee reward, training, Islamic work accommodation, and job satisfaction. The findings of this study hold significance in both scholarly and applied domains. The researchers contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing a clearer understanding of the intricate dynamics that take place among these crucial elements within the work environment.
... Social media platforms facilitate personal development by providing empowerment, self-awareness, confidence, exposure to success stories, motivational content, and resources for personal growth. Professional development, involving skill enhancement and staying current in one's career, is crucial in a rapidly evolving work environment (Karim et al., 2019). Social media platforms offer access to a wealth of learning resources, such as online courses, videos, and webinars, helping employees update their professional competencies and career prospects. ...
This study investigates the positive effect of social media on employee mental health, a critical factor affecting both individual well-being and organizational performance. Addressing a gap in empirical research, particularly in Malaysian context, this study utilizes a two-round Delphi method to gather expert opinions from diverse fields, sectors, industries, and generations. The research identified 41 themes, subsequently categorized into five key dimensions. The study found that interpersonal connection was the most important dimension, followed by psychological well-being, performance and satisfaction, growth and development, and working culture. This research elucidates the multifaceted benefits of social media in enhancing employee mental health and offers comprehensive insights into its constructive role in the workplace. Contributing to the literature, it provides practical implications and strategic recommendations for organizations to leverage social media effectively to bolster employee mental health.