Fig 8 - uploaded by Roberto Ranzi
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-Distribuzione di densità di probabilità degli eventi meteorici in funzione della temperatura media giornaliera per il campione generalizzato dato dall'unione dei campioni delle singole stazioni.  

-Distribuzione di densità di probabilità degli eventi meteorici in funzione della temperatura media giornaliera per il campione generalizzato dato dall'unione dei campioni delle singole stazioni.  

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La misura delle precipitazioni mediante i pluviometri è normalmente affetta da una serie di errori sistematici che conducono ad una sottostima del reale volume d'acqua che cade al suolo e che tendono ad amplificarsi notevolmente quando la precipitazione avviene sotto forma di neve. In generale il vento, che induce una perturbazione della traiettori...

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Context 1
... misu- rata P è corretta con un fattore Cs in fun- zione della temperatura media giornaliera Tm tramite il fattore as; esso varia linear- mente tra 0 e 1 tra la temperatura di so- glia superiore della precipitazione liquida Th (higher threshold) e la temperatura di soglia inferiore della precipitazione solida Tl (lower threshold) (Fig. 9) (Fig. 8) ha condotto all'individuazione delle se- guenti soglie: -il 90% degli eventi di sola neve si veri- fica in giorni con temperatura media al di sotto di 1,5 °C -il 90% degli eventi di sola pioggia si verifica in giorni con temperatura media al di sopra di 0,1 °C -il 90% degli eventi di pioggia mista a neve si verifica in giorni con tem- ...


... Unfortunately, the meteoric annual mean precipitation data calculated at Monte Prata station (but the same is for other local stations located at high elevation) appear to be underestimated (about 900 mm/yr) when compared with the realistic expected meteoric precipitation corresponding to its altitude and with respect to other local meteoclimatic stations distributed from about 400 to 1400 m a.s.l.. This is likely due to instrumental measurement errors induced by the heated rain gauges used in these stations for snowfall evaluation, which may cause up to 66% of unmeasured snow amounts, due to strong wind and other accidents during measurements (Lendvai et al. 2015). To obtain a whole rain and snow more realistic mean value at Pilato Lake area, the local elevation-precipitation correlation line was drawn on the basis of local meteoclimatic stations data (the obtained reference equation is P=0.48·EL+790, ...
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Located at an altitude of about 1950 m a.s.l. in a glacial cirque of Mount Vettore (Monti Sibillini National Park - Central Italy), Pilato Lake is one of the few glacial lakes existing in the Apennines. Due to the endemic presence of the crustaceous Chirocephalus marchesonii, the Pilato Lake was in the past mainly studied from the biological viewpoint, but hydrogeological information on this groundwater dependent ecosystem is scarce. Furthermore, for investigating the lake drying in the recent 2017, 2019 and 2020 summers, the seasonal lowering of lake levels during 2010, 2012 and 2014-2020 was reconstructed. It resulted that in the preseismic years, the lake emptying was slower than in the post-seismic time. It is then supposed that seismic quaking induced an increase in permeability and, consequently, increased infiltration velocity through the lake sustaining surficial (detrital and glacial) and/or bedrock deposits towards the subsurface. More frequent summer dryings of the lake are then supposed for the next future. The hydrogeological conceptual model of the study area showed that the refilling process of the lake is driven by snow and rain precipitations. The air temperatures during 2017-2020 and their effects on evaporation from lake and on actual evapotranspiration were estimated. The infiltration through sustaining sediments was calculated and the estimation with time of lake wet surface and lake volume variations, and then bulk permeability of sustaining sediments, were evaluated as well.
Conference Paper
p>The aim of the present study is to set up a general procedure to predict future trends in snow loading on structures, taking into account the impacts of climate change according different emissions’ scenarios, modelled at a global scale. The procedure is validated against high quality data series collected for at least 50 years at weather stations in Italy, well representative of the Mediterranean climatic features. In a second phase of the study, the procedure will be extended to all European climatic regions in view of the next revision of Eurocodes.</p
Conference Paper
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This paper concerns the analysis of the snow accumulation and melt model applied by ARPAE-SIMC (Regional Environmental Protection Agency – Hydro-Meteo-Climate Service) to monitor snow cover and Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) in the Emilia-Romagna region. Snow measurements acquired by the Meteomont Service for the avalanche risk assessment may represent a good tool to evaluate the model response. The analysis is focussed on the snow measurements station of Sestola – Lago della Ninfa, located in the Apennines mountain range (1550 m ASL). The temporal trend of SWE simulated by the model is compared to the available field data of SWE acquired during three snow-periods of 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15. A higher spatial density of the snow measurements network and a greater number of data acquired in each station would permit the possibility to apply a model calibration and validation over the whole region.