Figure 3 - uploaded by Samir S. Attia
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Optimization of the limited water resources through improving the irrigation system is getting essential in Egypt. A number of projects such as the Irrigation Improvement Project (IIP) have been implemented to reduce water demand and rationalize irrigation at the secondary and tertiary levels. In the W10 area studied in this presentation, the IIP p...
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Nearly one-sixth of U.S. river basins are unable to consistently meet societal water demands while also providing sufficient water for the environment. Water scarcity is expected to intensify and spread as populations increase, new water demands emerge, and climate changes. Improving water productivity by meeting realistic benchmarks for all water...
... Water supply was estimated by multiplying the operation hours with each pump's discharge. �e pump operation time was estimated based on temperature changes in the pump's pipe using thermo sensors (Mole et al., 2015;Salama, 2016). In this method, one sensor was installed on each pump's pipe and in the air. ...
Different water delivery performance indicators have been developed and widely used in irrigation districts over the world. Those indicators help users detect what the current water distribution problems are and where they are occurring. However, since these indicators are calculated only with water quantity, the relation between these indicators and farmers’ satisfaction with irrigation and yield is unclear. Therefore, this study attempts to examine the correlation between adequacy and farmers’ satisfaction with irrigation and yield in an irrigation district of the lower Nile Delta in Egypt. Adequacy was calculated with the amounts of water demand and supply. Using a questionnaire, 84 randomly selected farmers from upstream, midstream, and downstream of the branch canal were interviewed to collect data on farmers’ satisfaction with irrigation and yield. Then, to what extent adequacy of water supply can imply farmers’ satisfaction with irrigation water supply. The results showed that the adequacy was highly correlated with farmers’ satisfaction with water delivery in quantity and timing. Even though the adequacy in the upstream was evaluated as good, some upstream farmers were not satisfied with water delivery. This suggested inequity in water distribution within the upstream. In addition to the water quantity problem, one of the reasons for the low level of farmers’ satisfaction is that part of the irrigation was done at night. Farmers unanimously reported that the main reason for night irrigation was due to lack of water during the daytime. The lack of water during the daytime occurred in locations regardless of adequacy. Farmers’ satisfaction with yield was higher than water delivery. In the locations where the adequacy of water supply was poor, farmers’ satisfaction with yield was higher than water allocation. The water supply from the canal is not sufficient, but it is implied that groundwater and reuse of drainage water are used by farmers.
... Water supply was estimated by multiplying the operation hours with each pump's discharge. The pump operation time was estimated based on temperature changes in the pump's pipe using thermosensors (Mole et al. 2015;Salama 2016). In this method, one sensor was installed on each pump's pipe and in the air. ...
In the North Nile Delta of Egypt, the impacts of overplanting paddy rice on water delivery performance have not been discussed quantitatively. Further, the amount of water that could have been saved if farmers would follow the planned area is unknown. In this study, water delivery performance was assessed by comparison of actual paddy rice planting and the government's planned conditions. For both conditions, performance indicators relating to adequacy, equity, and dependability were analyzed across six locations in conjunction with the branch canal water level in 2013 and 2014. Based on the difference between the actual water supply and planned water demand, the amount of water that could have been saved for downstream uses was calculated. The average adequacy for the investigation period was good at one location, fair at 2 locations, and poor at 3 locations in both years. Further, adequacy under both actual and planned conditions was poor in late July at all locations. The planned adequacy and dependability downstream and equity among locations improved compared to the actual condition in both years. Under the condition that paddy rice area is the upper limit planned by the government, about 12.3% and 9.6% of water could be potentially saved in each year. The difference between actual and planned water delivery performance is caused by the branch canal's low water level. Control of overplanting paddy rice and coordination of water distribution among water user associations would improve stable water level in the canal and, eventually, water delivery performance.
... With the predominance of rice in summer, one can expect to find lower values in general. Figure 4 shows the results of in situ EC measurements in tertiary and secondary drains of the Masharqa canal command area (in W10 area), the points corresponding to individual pumps abstracting water from these drains (Salama et al., 2016). We can observe that there is more variability than one would expect, due to the difference sources of (fresh) surface drainage water and seepage from the soil or subsurface collectors, which mix together in different proportions at different places. ...
... Water salinity in manholes, Meso-level study area -Winter 2014/Variability of drainage water salinity in tertiary/secondary drains (Masharqa area)(Salama et al., 2016) ...
... With the predominance of rice in summer, one can expect to find lower values in general. Figure 4 shows the results of in situ EC measurements in tertiary and secondary drains of the Masharqa canal command area (in W10 area), the points corresponding to individual pumps abstracting water from these drains (Salama et al., 2016). We can observe that there is more variability than one would expect, due to the difference sources of (fresh) surface drainage water and seepage from the soil or subsurface collectors, which mix together in different proportions at different places. ...
... Water salinity in manholes, Meso-level study area -Winter 2014/Variability of drainage water salinity in tertiary/secondary drains (Masharqa area)(Salama et al., 2016) ...
Improving water management in the Nile Delta requires an overall understanding of the functioning of the irrigation and drainage system across different scales (from plot to system level). One particular complex issue is the relationship between those two systems, both in terms of water quantity and quality. Salt concentration in the drains depends on how much water is applied on the fields and how, the type of soil and other parameters. In turn, farmers irrigate from canals but also from drains, and by doing so they bring higher concentration of salts onto their plots. At the macro level the resulting salinity of drainage water at the northern fringe of the Delta has an impact on farmers reusing water in this area, as well as on fisheries located beyond the boundary drain, which include both aquaculture in ponds and wild fisheries in the lagoons. Water quality samples in canals and drains are routinely collected by the Ministry of water resources and irrigation. According to Abdel Dayem (2012) the National Water Quality Monitoring Network covers 106 sites on the drainage canals of the Delta (Figure 1). It is based on continuous monthly data collection by the Drainage Research Institute (DRI). Twenty-four parameters are used in the assessment of water quality. The reference points are mostly located in main canals and drains and are monitored on a monthly basis, which means that the temporal and spatial resolution of this monitoring is rather coarse. It is therefore crucial to get a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variation of drainage water quality parameters in the Delta. Observations were conducted in the Meet Yazid canal command area to understand the dynamics and movement of salts at several nested scales.
In the North Nile Delta, over-planting paddy fields by upstream farmers results in low canal water levels downstream during the daytime, and downstream farmers frequently cannot pump water. Consequently, downstream farmers' night irrigation has become more frequent. This study investigated daytime and nighttime irrigation practices and how they differed between upstream, midstream, and downstream tertiary canals along a selected branch canal in the Northern Nile Delta of Egypt. A scenario was developed to determine the area that could be irrigated during the daytime by comparison of actual (varied pumps’ discharge capacities) and controlled pumps’ discharge capacities (216 m3 h−1 and 324 m3 h−1) between all locations. Canal water levels and pump operation hours were monitored in 2013 and 2014. The period from 06:00 PM to 06:00 AM EST (Egypt Standard Time) is considered nighttime and others are daytime. Results showed that downstream received more than 30% of the total water supply during the nighttime, while upstream received 13%. Further, some upstream farmers received 6% at night during the peak water demand in July. Consequently, the nighttime irrigation days upstream were less than downstream by 11 and 20 days each year, respectively. The numbers of irrigation events downstream from 12:00 AM to 03:00 AM EST were more than upstream by eight and seven events each year, respectively. Under the conditions of controlled pumps’ discharge capacities, downstream farmers could irrigate 41% and 46% of the total irrigated area during the daytime rather than 28% and 32% under the actual conditions each year, respectively. Eventually, controlling pumps’ discharge capacities between locations could achieve equity of water distributions in terms of time and water volume during the daytime.