Fig 4 - uploaded by Tatiana Lezina
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Distribution of changes by domains

Distribution of changes by domains

Source publication
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For citation: Stoianova O. V., Lezina T. A., Ivanоva V. V. (2020). e framework for assessing company's digital transformation readiness. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 36, iss. 2, pp. 243-265. At present, the focus of discussions on digital transformation has shi ed from issues of...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... of management standards related to these elds (standards and bodies of knowledge of IT management [TSO, 2011;ISACA, 2012;e Open Group, 2016], enterprise architecture management [e Open Group, 2018], and data management [Earley, 2017;Gwen, 2006] allowed distinguishing the domains "Using of data" and "Enterprise architecture" from the "Technologies" area. e distribution of changes (analyzed in the case-study) by these domains is shown in Figure 4. ...
Context 2
... results presented in Figure 4allow to conclude that the proposed domain system ensures the fulllment of requirement 2: a balanced distribution of criteria across domains. ...

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... An empirically-based digital readiness can be used as a guide to the most appropriate digital technologies, to evaluate antecedents and inputs, how to act, and how to measure DT success (Soomro et al., 2020). Existing standards provide general recommendations for changes and are not focused on the digital nature of transformation (Stoianova et al., 2020). Most reference models, including consulting models, address managing capacity in general without discussing specific digital technology-related capabilities (Wulf et al., 2017). ...
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... Additionally, recommendations on DT management by the academic community and specialized consultancies are chiefly aimed at developed nations that are digital leaders (Joubert et al., 2023), overlooking successful DT practices from companies in developing economies (Stoianova et al., 2020). Stentoft et al. (2020) point out the lack of studies that analyze variations of readiness and practice across industries and nations. ...
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Purpose This study identified the key factors that can be used to assess manufacturers' readiness for DT. Design/methodology/approach Non-participating observations and semi-structured interviews were applied to five large manufacturers in Brazil and four in the UK, using content analysis. Findings The paper (1) identifies and discusses the aspects that companies need to consider for digital readiness; (2) presents a model developed in building blocks for DT readiness, which goes beyond the technical dimension; (3) argues that few firms fully understand DT’s meaning, opportunities and risks, and they should invest in strategic and socio-managerial preparation; (4) emphasizes government support as crucial to assist the business digital journey and (5) highlights that DT is a human transformation and technology users are the primary agents of this change. Research limitations/implications Although the literature proposes models regarding the levels of digital maturity, the present study investigates which organizational aspects need to be taken into account to be ready for digital change. The present study identified digital resources concerning the digital context (for instance, agile, collaborative, absorptive and data analytics capabilities) and provided an integrated view that encompasses also external aspects of the environment that need to be taken into consideration when performing the analysis, a contribution to strategic management literature in the sense that it goes beyond studies that usually explore only internal aspects of the firm that cannot properly explain how digitalization can be achieved by an organization. Practical implications Technologies do not cause changes without people being able to extract and understand the value of the use and impact of these technologies. Business innovation demands engagement, attitudes and connections between people. If the factories do not mobilize and train internal and external collaborators to realize the value of digital technologies, the promised gains of DT will hardly be realized. Preparing people is one of the most challenging aspects of business digitalization. The proposed framework offers a multidimensional view of DT, providing insights into strategic aspects and the roles and mindset of employees in organizations on their digital journey, characterized by constant learning. DT is a work of change management, done with, for and by people. The article also helps companies identify critical factors to evaluate before operationalizing digital innovation practices. Social implications This study also contributes to policymakers, such as government and industry consortia, in establishing relevant factors when policies are being drawn. Analyzing the factors for a sector, in general, might inform the investment priority in actions that might foster DT for that sector. Given the recurring turmoils in the global economic environment, broad policies need to be established by the government for business digitalization, which can boost the performance of the productive sector. Originality/value This study provides valuable insights consolidated into a DT readiness model. The article helps companies identify critical factors to evaluate before operationalizing digital practices. It compares the differences and commonalities among factories in an underdeveloped country versus an industrialized nation.
... Digital strategies, where a company's approach to digital technology is integrated into its overall business strategy, are essential for modern businesses (Stoianova et al., 2020). A digital strategy outlines a company's vision in the context of digitization, including the strategic measures needed to achieve this vision. ...
... Organizational barriers such as insufficient structure, lack of technological expertise, cultural divides between management and workers, and psychological factors like resistance to change and fear of transition pose significant challenges. These issues reflect the novelty of digitalization and the difficulties organizations face in moving beyond familiar operating environments (Stoianova et al., 2020). ...
... The findings of this study support Hypothesis 1, demonstrating that a well-defined digital strategy significantly influences the digital transformation of SMEs. This aligns with existing literature, which emphasizes the crucial role of integrating digital technology into an overall business strategy (Stoianova et al., 2020). Additionally, this study reinforces the findings of Stoianova et al. (2021), which highlights the significant challenge posed by the lack of a clear digital strategy, particularly during the early stages of digital transformation. ...
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The digital transformation of SMEs encompasses more than the mere adoption of new technologies; it necessitates comprehensive changes in business processes, organizational structures, and corporate culture. This research leverages the technical, organizational, and environmental (TOE) framework to examine SME leaders' perspectives on the key elements driving digital transformation within their organizations, focusing specifically on organizational factors. Data were collected from 232 Malaysian SME leaders and analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to ensure reliability and test the hypotheses. The findings indicate that digital strategy, technical capability, and managerial capability significantly influence SMEs' ability to digitalize their business processes. These conclusions are framed within the Malaysian context of SMEs, acknowledging that the industrial type of SME participants was not controlled for. The study suggests that SME leaders should formulate strategies to streamline digital transformation and invest in organizational and technological resources to enhance their digitalization efforts, thereby improving their capabilities and international competitiveness.
... The work in [16] explores a combination of factors (prerequisites) that determine the readiness of Russian companies for digital transformation. It formulates those prerequisites for the readiness assessment system in the form of a framework. ...
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Banks and financial institutions in Sudan after ban lift are under increasing pressure to digitize services and operations so as to reduce digital gabs with its peer's institutions worldwide, and be ready for competency in the digital economy. Challenges with disruptive concepts such as IoT, physical systems, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence which are called Industry 4.0 with its business counterpart digital transformation face all banks in Sudan. Most banks and institutions are not ready for this digital transformation as they do not have the capabilities or digital literacy needed for digital transformation. In this paper due to the lack in such research work and the specificity of Sudan case which need specific criteria in assessing digital transformation readiness, we have proposed, implemented and testes a novel framework for assessing digital transformation readiness for banks and financial institutes in Sudan. This framework aims to assist banks and financial institutions by providing comprehensive guidance to assess their current situation and how to achieve higher digital transformation in order to maximize the benefits from digital technologies.
... Digital transformation is a dynamic process that impacts all aspects of organizations' business, management, and internal and external environments (Stoianova et al. 2020). The context of digital transformation in SMEs can be understood by studying leadership, organization, technology, and process; it includes the industry's environmental aspects (Hausberg et al. 2019;Kwon and Park 2017). ...
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Digital transformation refers to redefining the business process via digital technology. The innovation and digital revolution have remarkable effects on the global economy by affecting organisational relevancy in the marketplace. SMEs are considered as a nation’s growth engine and seriously affected due to tech-adaptation challenges that arise at a fast pace such as COVID-19 outbreaks severely affected the SMEs businesses by the drop in demand and scarcity of resources all across the globe, including ASEAN region such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippine, Thailand etc. Thus, to begin with digital transformation, enterprises must be aware of the factors influencing it as only few countries are lagging in digital transformation in the ASEAN region. This paper aims to highlight the factors influencing the digital transformation of SMEs focusing on internal and external factors. The Innovation and Technology Adoption Theory was selected as the underpinning theory for this research, along with the holistic Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) Model as the chosen framework to reflect technology adoption theory. The present study raises some practical implications for policymakers, government and industries. It will help accelerate the rapid adaptation of digital technology for SMEs and directly affect the growth of SMEs. The present study singled out that organisational, technological and environmental factors provide a widespread view of digital transformation of SMEs.KeywordsDigitalInnovationTechnologyOrganisationEnvironmentSMEsTransformation
... For Hinings et al. (2018), top management supports new digital values and shifts the organizational belief system towards organizational change, fostering employee understanding of the digital strategy. In this vein, digitally mature organizations presumably have competent and digital-oriented leadership (Chirumalla 2021; Warner and Wäger2019) that nourish the objective importance and is supportive and committed to employees' needs (Pirola et al. 2019;Stoianova et al. 2020) and, among other things, be able to deal with resistance to change and manage the tensions generated by change. Also, it is associated with the development and support of a mentality towards being capable of responding to the disruptions related to using digital technologies (Porfírio et al. 2021;Sousa and Rocha 2019) and a fundamental role in triggering disruptive technology absorptive capacity within SMEs (Scuotto et al. 2022). ...
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Contributing to the scarce literature on how companies can deal with their business model of digital transition, this work explores the digital transformation (DT) process in small and medium enterprises (SME), investigating how organizational culture, structure, and leadership influence it. While such three factors are deemed essential components to facilitate DT, how they operate and how they relate to each other are still not very well-defined issues in need of in-depth investigation. This study employed a mixed-methods approach, following an exploratory sequential design. First, a conceptual model was developed based on qualitative data collected from expert interviews and analyzed through grounded theory. This stage uncovered 25 first-order concepts about culture, structure, and leadership, further organized into 6 constructs and hypothesis paths. Then, with a sample of 192 SMEs, the structural model was measured and validated using exploratory factor analysis and PLS-SEM. As a result, our study offers robust and timely research, whose conceptual model condenses a knowledge corpus that future research can benefit from, and it provides statistical extrapolations about how and how much those factors relate to each other in SME context; moreover, given the traditional scarce resources and lack of flexibility in SMEs, it provides orientation and guidelines to managers facing DT and needing to understand the organizational factors they should be aware of, where to focus energy, and what to expect as results. From a large-scale perspective, this study carries an impactful contribution to the many countries where SMEs play a major economic and social role.
... Moreover, we identified the dependency between digital transformation readiness assessments and such factors as employee engagement, proactivity, management maturity, and a range of others. These findings guided the development of the readiness assessment framework (the DTRA framework) [15], which includes the following domains: Systematic management, Enterprise architecture, Using of data, Maturity of business processes, and Corporate culture. ...
The article presents the results of the research on Russian companies’ readiness for digital transformation in 2017–2021. The purpose of the study is to observe how the understanding and the attitude of the representatives of Russian business towards the digital transformation and the self-assessment of company’s readiness for this transformation has changed. The source data are the results of surveys conducted in 2018 and 2021 among representatives of companies in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The paper focuses on establishing in Russian companies the Corporate Culture essential to the success of digital transformation projects. It is shown that large companies have shifted towards greater employee engagement and management support for initiatives. However, in small companies, there is still a lack of employee belief in digital transformation and a top-down implementation of digital transformation.
... The volatility of enterprises in the process of digital transformation requires special approaches to management and specialised analytical techniques (Skripkin, 2019). Information becomes a business asset of any company, entailing a change in requirements for the data management system (Stoianova, Lyozina & Ivanova, 2020). ...
... Table 5), including sectors with significant asset intensity. Note that companies from these sectors are also very active in implementing digital transformation (Stoianova, Lyozina & Ivanova, 2020). ...
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The period of high expectations of digital transformation benefits is followed by a period of discussion on strategies and methods for managing digital changes. Not only the rapid development of technology, but also the turbulence of the external environment contribute to the view that traditional approaches to strategic management of the company are irrelevant. Understanding the need to modify classic strategic management methods actualises the task of developing new methodological fundamentals for strategic management. The initial stage of solving this problem is the analysis of the current state of research in this area. This study analyses the Russian research community viewpoints on the prospects of companies' strategic management regarding the digital economy status quo and trends in Russia. This paper answers the following research questions. What impact does the digital economy environment of Russian companies have on their management systems and what are the prerequisites for changing approaches and mechanisms of strategic management? How do the basic strategic management approaches differ for companies with different experiences, capabilities, and expectations of digital transformation? The key managerial prospects of the study concern the benefits of various strategic management approaches for companies with different backgrounds, capabilities, and expectations of digital transformation.
... According to many studies, digital transformation is the ability of an organization to "adapt, respond, and position itself for success in the face of the rapid technology evolution" [14], which is changing the way businesses operate around the world [16]. However, the essence of digital transformation is the creation of a new production method based on technology and digital data and gradually converting to that method. ...
The study of digital transformation that leads to the implementation of the digital economy is a matter of special concern for businesses around the world. This study systematizes the theoretical basis of digital transformation in manufacturing enterprises and on that basis analyzes the current status and readiness for digital transformation of electrical equipment manufacturers in Hanoi. The analysis results show that electrical equipment manufacturing enterprises in Hanoi are at the beginning of digital transformation. Overall, companies show the highest levels of digital readiness in forward and backward linkages. The study also provides recommendations for businesses in the process of implementing digital transformation and recommendations on the state's macro policies in creating favorable conditions for businesses to successfully implement digital transformation in the future.