Distribution of Cardiac Surgery Patients by their Preoperative Risk Factors. N = 100

Distribution of Cardiac Surgery Patients by their Preoperative Risk Factors. N = 100

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2013 ٍ‫ي‬ ٌٍ‫انؼشط‬ ‫ونغاٌح‬ ‫آب‬ 2014 ‫ل‬ ‫احرًانٍح‬ ‫غٍط‬ ‫غطظٍح‬ ‫ػٍُح‬ ‫اذرٍاض‬ ‫وذى‬ 100 ‫نًسج‬ ‫انًٍكاٍَكٍح‬ ‫انرھوٌح‬ ‫جھاظ‬ ‫ػهى‬ ‫انًطٌط‬ ‫وتقاء‬ ً‫انجطاح‬ ‫انرساذم‬ ‫تؼس‬ ‫يطٌط‬ 21 ‫نهًطٌط‬ ً‫وانجطاح‬ ً‫انطث‬ ‫انراضٌد‬ ‫األول‬ ‫انجعء‬ ًٍ‫ذع‬ ‫حٍث‬ ٌٍ‫جعأ‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انًركوَح‬ ‫االؼرثاَح‬ ‫يهئ‬ ‫وذى‬ ‫نًطظى‬ ‫ؼجالخ‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫انًؼهوياخ‬ ‫وجًؼد‬ ‫ؼا...


... The finding of the current study found that mechanical ventilation is also a significant postoperative risk factor affecting patient experiencing CABG surgery. Which is consistent withTawfiq [38]who indicates 7% of patients undergoing CABG obtain mechanical ventilation for 24 to 30 hours. In slightly different findings by Erdil et al., [39]who indicated a smaller percentage of CABG patients necessitatecontinued ventilation (>25hours), with no significant difference amonggender of patients. ...
... Assim, pacientes tabagistas que não suspenderam o cigarro até quatro semanas antes do procedimento cirúrgico, podem apresentar maior permanência na UTI, devido à dificuldade existente na adequada oxigenação, exigindo maior tempo em ventilação mecânica.11 Da mesma forma, pacientes dislipidêmicos e com idade avançada podem apresentar tempo de ventilação mecânica ≤ 48 horas.1,16 Deste modo, é possível observar que, hábitos de vida, comorbidades préexistentes e a idade dos pacientes podem interferir no prognóstico dos sujeitos submetidos à cirurgia de troca de válvula. ...
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Objetivo: identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem no pós–operatório imediato de troca de válvula. Método: estudo documental, de corte transversal, realizado por meio dos prontuários de pacientes submetidos à cirurgias valvares entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014, em um hospital de grande porte, especializado em cardiologia, do Estado de São Paulo. Resultados: entre os 50 prontuários analisados, 58% pacientes eram do sexo feminino. Foram identificados 11 diagnósticos de enfermagem, sendo 55% classificados com foco no problema e 45% de risco. Os diagnósticos de enfermagem mais prevalentes foram Risco de Infecção (100%), Mobilidade Física Prejudicada (94%) e Risco de Queda (94%). Conclusão: o diagnóstico mais prevalente no pós–operatório imediato de cirurgia foi risco de infecção. Os diagnósticos identificados possibilitaram a compreensão mais adequada da experiência vivenciada pelo paciente e a percepção dos enfermeiros em relação ao processo saúde doença vivenciado pelo paciente, contribuindo para a otimização de recursos humanos e materiais.
... In the given study, the infected cases were 40% with 0.0% of non infected cases. The indication 7% of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft receive mechanical ventilation for 24 to 30 hours [43]. The study also indicates that female patients have a longer mean duration of mechanical ventilation (19.8 hours) compared to male patients (16.2 hours). ...
Background: Cardiac surgery involves measurable changes in lung functions in nearly all the patients. Major decline in pulmonary function Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) is observed on the first day after surgery. Several measures have been proposed to reduce these complications and improve oxygenation and hemodynamic indices such use of incentive spirometry (IS) and deep breathing exercises (DBEs). Aim: This study aims to evaluate the effect of preoperative breathing exercises combination on lung function outcomes postoperatively in patients with cardiac surgery. Methods and Materials: Quasi-experimental design study conducted in 75 patients planned to undergo cardiac surgery divided into; intervention group with 38 participants and control group with 37 participants. The intervention group received preoperative breathing exercises combination and control group received postoperative routine exercises only. All patients with on pump (CABG, valve, and CABG and valve) surgeries. Results: Patients in the intervention group had statistically significance related to improve lung function (all p≤0.002) and postoperative oxygenation, reduce mechanical ventilation period (p=0.011), and ICU length of stay (p= 0.002). Conclusion: Preoperative use of incentive spirometer and diaphragmatic breathing was an effective method for improving lung function. Also, improve oxygenation, reduce mechanical ventilation and ICU stay length Recommendations: Preoperative nursing management should incorporate breathing exercises to enhance lung function in cardiac surgery patients. Instructive spirometers and diaphragmatic breathing should be available preoperatively in surgical units for patients undergoing cardiac surgery, with nurses providing guidance sessions to improve lung function.