Figure 5 - uploaded by Bashkim Idrizi
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Distortions (a) and length differences of 1km (b) in state coordinate system of Croatia Kosova: As part of former Yugoslavia, from 30's of last century the coordinate system established based on ellipsoid Bessel1841 and Gauss-Krüger projection with Central Meridian 21°, Scale factor at the central meridian 0.9999 (secant projection), False easting 7500000m, and False northing: 0m, locally known as FRYREF30 and internationally as MGI/Balkan zones 7 (EPSG 31277), was in official use until year 2001. Study of Length Differences from Topography to Map Projection within the State Coordinate Systems for some Countries on the Balkan Peninsula (9602) Bashkim Idrizi (Macedonia, FYR), Lyubka Pashova (Bulgaria), Ismail Kabashi (Kosovo), Medzida Mulic, Dzevad Krdzalic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Drazen Tutic, Nada Vucetic, Karlo Kevic (Croatia), Gojko Nikolic and Radovan Djurovic (Montenegro) FIG Congress 2018 Embracing our smart world where the continents connect: enhancing the geospatial maturity of societies Istanbul, Turkey, May 6-11, 2018
Source publication
All geodetic measured quantities from the physical surface of the Earth are reduced to the geoid and surface of adopted reference ellipsoid through applying corrections on the measured values, as well projected to the map projection. Before calculating the Cartesian coordinates of points in a formal state geodetic coordinate system, the horizontal...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... in state map projection were evaluated by 88160 test model pints, by referring to GRS80 earth ellipsoid. The range of distortions is from -10cm/km along the central meridian up to 70.73cm/km at the largest point of test model from the central meridian ( figure 5a), while the mean distortion is 4.35cm/km (Table 1). By computing successive length differences from the topography surface up to state map projection plain, horizontal lengths of 1km from topography surface are reducing their lengths with average value of -0.55cm/km, and range from -38.94 to 70.05cm/km (figure 5b). ...
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... Since the possibility for usage of official data by responsible institution for geospatial information is very limited, as source data have been used test model developed for analyses of length differences between topography and geoid as well as between geoid and referent ellipsoid, with 10893 points with Cartesian/geographic coordinates in the state coordinate system in ground resolution of 1km shown in figure 1 (Idrizi etAll 2018), while for elevation dataset the ASTER global DEM [6] with 30m spatial resolution have been used. ...
... Three EGM models (2008, 1996 and 1984) for the national area of the Republic of Kosova are developed as separate point vector datasets with 1km ground resolution (Idrizi etAll 2018), while later converted to raster datasets, and finally merged into multiband raster dataset based on obtained elevation values, obtained geoid heights for three models, and calculated values between geoid heights and with elevations. Schema for whole process is given in next figure 3. Three grids of 10893 points (6, 7 and 8) with values for coordinates, elevations, and geoid heights for three EGM models, at final step of calculation, before developing multiband raster dataset, have been used for calculation of differences between geoid heights of three models and ellipsoidal heights based on difference between the elevations and geoid heights of three models (step 9). ...
Due to current situation in Kosova with the national geoid, which is still under development, utilization of global EGM's is more than necessary. In this research, multiband raster datasets with 1km spatial resolution of existing EGM 2008, 1996, and 1984 have been developed. Maximal and minimal differences between the models, range of extreme values of geoid heights in three geoid models, mean heights and other data calculations, are given in this paper. Calculation have been performed with online geoid calculator GeoidEval, in grid of 10893 points. Based on developed multiband raster model dataset and calculated differences between the models, three maps for the territory of Kosova were compiled. Main purpose of performed research analyses and developed GIS datasets for geoid heights, is free and open for usage by the geo community in Kosova, till the establishing of state gravimetrical network and model.
In this paper, the necessity for geometrical corrections of calculated distances in web and mobile maps is elaborated. Based on performed research analyses, in case of long routes, differences between distances calculated by web and mobile maps and traveled distance measured by car odometer are evident. For this study, many lengths longer than 200km have been measured by car during travel by our side, meanwhile the lengths for same paths have been calculated in many web and mobile maps produced by some global manufacturers. Study resulted with two geometrical factors as potential generator of differences: 1. Geodesic distance over ellipsoidal height of route segments, and 2. Slope distances of route segments. In our case study, both corrections have been calculated, and the corrected lengths were calculated in order to eliminate the influence of both factors to distances calculated by web and mobile maps.
As part of former Yugoslavia, from 30’s of last century, the coordinate reference system locally known as
FRYREF30 and internationally as MGI/Balkan zones 7 (EPSG 3906), was in official use until year 2001.
The state coordinate reference system (CRS) of the Republic of Kosova (KOSOVAREF01) as independent country
was defined on year 2001. It is the legal and technical base for all official spatial data in Kosova.
Even though it was established on year 2001, until July 2019 it was not internationaly coded as formal state CRS in
EPSG. Upon initiative to register it as official state CRS in EPSG database (, request
EPSG 2019.042 was accepted, and Kosova’s CRS was registered with nine EPSG codes: 9140 (geographic 2d), 9138
(geocentric), 9139 (geographic 3d), 9141 (projectedCRS), 9144 (coordinate transformation from Kosovaref01 to
WGS84), 9143 (coordinate transformation from MGI 1901 to WGS84), 9142 (coordinate transformation from MGI
1901 to Kosovaref01), 4542 (area) and 1251 (geodetic datum)
The article deals with the length differences between georeference surfaces within the state coordinate system of Serbia. It's an analysis starting from the topography, through geoid and ellipsoid, to the map projection. During the literature review, analyses of the length changes from topography to the state map projection for the geographic territory of Serbia were not found. The set of initial data consists DEM and the geoid model, as well as vector data that contain the boundary of the research area. Calculation will be performed on the basis of 88439 points of grids, located at a distance of 1km, while the analysis will be done by comparing average deformations, extreme deformation values, percentage of positive and negative values of deformations, as well as percentage of length without deformations. The aim of this research is to provide a set of data on length differences that covers the entire territory of Serbia.