FIGURE 1 - uploaded by K. Vijayakumar
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Different body types (somatotypes) (A) Ectomorph, (B) mesomorph, (C) endomorph. A B C

Different body types (somatotypes) (A) Ectomorph, (B) mesomorph, (C) endomorph. A B C

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Introduction: Human body types (somatotypes) are classified into ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. The ectomorphs are physically weak and usually tall. Mesomorphs were characterized as muscular, thick skinned with good upright posture. Endomorphs characterized as fat, heavy, and usually short. Methods: This study is an interventional study, in...

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Context 1
... on the assessment and observation, the participants were categorized as ectomorph (Group -A), mesomorph (Group -B), and endomorph (Group -C) which are shown in Figures 1A-C, respectively. The characteristics of the subjects was shown in Table 1. ...

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... In general, the human body type is divided into three, namely mesomorph, endomorph, and ectomorph [2]. Endomorph type characterized as tending to be fat, heavy, and usually short [3] , while the mesomorph is muscular and the ectomorph is thin [4]. An example in this case is that somatotype overweight and obese people [5], found to be endomorphic mesomorph, mesomorphendomorph, and mesomorphic endomorph. ...
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Study Purpose. Somatotype is a parameter used to determine criteria based on body type. However, not many have done somatotype measurements in selecting prospective athletes. This study aims to analyze the somatotype of athletes in the Tarung Derajat martial arts sport Material and Methods. This research uses descriptive research methods with survey research types and quantitative approaches, namely an anthropometric measurement test to identify the type of human body. Anthropometric measurement test is carried out by measuring bone width, body circumference, body fat thickness, weight and height. Perposive sampling technique was used in determining the sample. In this study, there were 30 Tarung Derajat martial arts athletes consisting of 15 categories of motion art and 15 categories of fighting that were sampled. Results. The results of the study show that the central body type in athletes in the arts of motion with a percentage of 13% and 40% in combat athletes. Furthermore, the endomorph body type is 13% for motion art athletes and combat athletes with a percentage of 7%. For the endomorph-mesomorph body type as much as movement arts with a percentage of 67% and combat athletes by 47%, while for the Mesomorph, Mesomorph-Ectomorph body type there are no athletes and athletes in the arts of motion and fighting have an ectomorph endomorph body type with a percentage of 7%. The results of the study prove that in athletes in the movement arts category and fighters there are similarities in the body type they have which tend to have endomorph-mesomorph. Conclusions.The conclusion is that the dominant body type in Tarung Derajat athletes shows an endomorph-mesomorph tendency with a percentage value of 67% in the movement arts category and 47% in the fighter category. The data of this study provide the characteristics of fighting somatotypes, which can be used to establish references for systematic research in sports health sciences. The results of this study are expected to influence coaching for training concentration, with more emphasis on somatotype.
... Somatotype is a parameter used to measure and determine body composition (Chiu et al., 2021;Das et al., 2021;Ibáez-Zamacona et al., 2019;Khairil et al., 2021;Khairunnisa Balqis et al., 2020;Subramanian et al., 2019;Sukmawarti et al., 2019). In general, human body types are divided into three, namely mesomorph, endomorph, and ectomorph (Drywien et al., 2016;Kathirgamam et al., 2020). The endomorph type is characterized as tending to be fat, heavy, and usually short (Kathirgamam et al., 2020), while the mesomorph is muscular and the ectomorph is thin (Rahmah et al., 2020) (Khairil et al., 2021. ...
... In general, human body types are divided into three, namely mesomorph, endomorph, and ectomorph (Drywien et al., 2016;Kathirgamam et al., 2020). The endomorph type is characterized as tending to be fat, heavy, and usually short (Kathirgamam et al., 2020), while the mesomorph is muscular and the ectomorph is thin (Rahmah et al., 2020) (Khairil et al., 2021. An example of this is found in the somatotypes of overweight and obese people (Liu et al., 2021): endomorphic mesomorph, mesomorph-endomorph, and mesomorphic endomorph. ...
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Somatotype is a parameter used to determine criteria based on body type. However, not many have taken somatotype measurements when selecting prospective athletes. The purpose of this study is to examine the somatotype of fighters in Tarung Derajat Martial Arts. In this study, tests and measurements of somatotype were carried out using manual anthropometric measurements, including height, weight, skinfold measurements at five points (biceps, triceps, suprailliaca, subscapula, and calf), arm circumference, calf circumference, and measurement of the width of the humerus bone and femur. The purposive sampling technique is used in determining the sample. In this study, 15 Tarung Derajat martial arts athletes, consisting of seven men and eight women, were sampled. The results of this study showed that 7 athletes had a mesomorph endomorph somatotype with a percentage of 46%, 1 athlete had an endomorph somatotype with a 7% percentage, 6 central athletes had a percentage of 40%, and 1 athlete had an ectomorph endomorph somatotype with a percentage of 7%. Finally, the dominant body type in Tarung Derajat Fighter athletes is mesomorph endomorph (46%), followed by central (40%). This study's data provide physical characteristics of degree fighters, which can be used to establish a reference for systematic sports medicine research.