Differences between the amplitudes of the coherence signal in various environment; clusters, groups and filaments. The amplitude of the coherence of all target halos combined is plotted as grey histogram. Blue, red and green markers show the amplitude within clusters, groups and filaments, respectively. The error bars corresponds to the standard deviation of the amplitude measured from the 100 catalogs in which the halo spin direction is randomised.

Differences between the amplitudes of the coherence signal in various environment; clusters, groups and filaments. The amplitude of the coherence of all target halos combined is plotted as grey histogram. Blue, red and green markers show the amplitude within clusters, groups and filaments, respectively. The error bars corresponds to the standard deviation of the amplitude measured from the 100 catalogs in which the halo spin direction is randomised.

Source publication
Full-text available
A recent study conducted using CALIFA survey data (Lee et al, 2019b) has found that the orbital motions of neighbor galaxies are coherent with the spin direction of a target galaxy on scales of many Megaparsecs. We study this so called `large-scale coherence' phenomena using N-body cosmological simulations. We confirm a strong coherence signal with...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... between 10 13 and 10 14 M . Targets that are considered to be in clusters (groups) are selected out to twice the virial radius of the cluster (group), in order to improve statistics and account for backsplash galaxies. For filament halos, we select halos that are located within 2 Mpc/h from the filament skeleton (see Section 2.2 for details). In Fig. 6, we plot the amplitude of the coherence signal as a function of range, for each of the target sub-samples. The coherence amplitude is largest around clusters. The coherence amplitude of groups and filaments is similar, although the group data points are consistently above the filament data points in most distance bins. We clearly see ...
Context 2
... al. 2021), it is reasonable to expect that filaments are a likely source of coherence. However, against our expectations, we found that the strongest coherence signals arose in the densest regions of the large scale structure, such as at the centers of clusters and massive groups, and not in filaments (see the third row of Fig. 5 and Fig. ...
Context 3
... one filament (Darragh Ford et al. 2019;Gouin et al. 2021). And with increasing number of filaments, it is difficult to imagine how the coherence would not be weakened as different filaments intersect the cluster in different directions. Yet, we found that the amplitude of the coherence was significantly stronger in clusters than filaments (see Fig. ...
Context 4
... the increased rate of mergers Figure 14. Same as Fig.6, but only targets in clusters are used. ...
Context 5
... results highlight the importance of dense environments such as in clusters and the centers of groups as sources of coherence. While filaments do contribute to the overall coherence, they are not the dominant source in the simulation box (see Fig. 6). Our results have highlighted some interesting dependencies on halo properties which could give constraints on the true origins of coherence. But we believe the use of high resolution hydrodynamical cosmological simulations, and a study of the time evolution of the coherence amplitudes would provide greater insight in the ...

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