Diagram of the three study sites in Mt. Kilala (A) and the person-hours spent to search for anurans (B) in Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental, Philippines.

Diagram of the three study sites in Mt. Kilala (A) and the person-hours spent to search for anurans (B) in Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental, Philippines.

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Mt. Kilala is part of Mt Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary located in Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental, Philippines, which hosts diverse and endemic species of flora and fauna-including amphibians. This inventory of anuran species yielded eight species of anurans that belong to six families. The highest species richness recorded was D=1.010 and...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... mountain is characterized by chromite mineral deposits where mining and logging took place in the past. The area is covered by an agroecosystem and dipterocarp forests where the three sites of the study were located (see Figure 2A). Random diurnal and nocturnal search for anurans were conducted during the fieldwork for 6 d. ...
Context 2
... coordinates of the three sites were recorded using a GPS device (Garmin Ltd., American Multinational Technology, Lenexa, Kansas City, USA). Habitat description of each study site was based on the assessment of Haribon Foundation Inc. Site 1 ( Figure 2A) is an agroecosystem of almaciga (Agathis dammara) plantation located at 198 m above sea level with coordinates of 06.60259°N and 126.13718°E. The site was characterized by a nearby flowing stream, large and small trees, and nearby coconut and banana plantations. ...
Context 3
... transect surveys are more efficient to provide greater records of species richness compared to using pitfall traps or funnel traps for amphibians ( Sung et al. 2011). The man-hour of sampling spent a total of 72 h, with 18 h spent in Site 1 (found 48 captures; see Table 1 and Figure 2B), 20 h in Site 2 (no captures), and 34 h spent in Site 3 (found 2 captures). More time was devoted to Site 3 compared to the other two sites during the field activity, but it also yielded only two anurans. ...
Context 4
... mountain is characterized by chromite mineral deposits where mining and logging took place in the past. The area is covered by an agroecosystem and dipterocarp forests where the three sites of the study were located (see Figure 2A). Random diurnal and nocturnal search for anurans were conducted during the fieldwork for 6 d. ...
Context 5
... coordinates of the three sites were recorded using a GPS device (Garmin Ltd., American Multinational Technology, Lenexa, Kansas City, USA). Habitat description of each study site was based on the assessment of Haribon Foundation Inc. Site 1 ( Figure 2A) is an agroecosystem of almaciga (Agathis dammara) plantation located at 198 m above sea level with coordinates of 06.60259°N and 126.13718°E. The site was characterized by a nearby flowing stream, large and small trees, and nearby coconut and banana plantations. ...
Context 6
... transect surveys are more efficient to provide greater records of species richness compared to using pitfall traps or funnel traps for amphibians ( Sung et al. 2011). The man-hour of sampling spent a total of 72 h, with 18 h spent in Site 1 (found 48 captures; see Table 1 and Figure 2B), 20 h in Site 2 (no captures), and 34 h spent in Site 3 (found 2 captures). More time was devoted to Site 3 compared to the other two sites during the field activity, but it also yielded only two anurans. ...

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... The current count is expected to increase with more data from local inventory studies (Diesmos et al., 2015;Sanguila et al., 2016). Efforts on anuran inventory and assessment to provide data on anuran diversity in Mindanao Island were carried out in different rural localities and mountain ranges (Relox et al., 2011;Warguez et al., 2013;Plaza and Sanguila, 2015;Sanguila et al., 2016;Toledo-Bruno et al., 2017;Coritico et al., 2018;Solania and Fernandez-Gamalinda, 2018;Vidal et al., 2018;Delima-Baron et al., 2021), while anuran inventories conducted within Davao City, particularly its watersheds, are lacking. Watersheds are important habitats for water-dependent organisms, including anurans (Salo and Solania, 2022). ...
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... The current count is expected to increase with more data from local inventory studies (Diesmos et al., 2015;Sanguila et al., 2016). Efforts on anuran inventory and assessment to provide data on anuran diversity in Mindanao Island were carried out in different rural localities and mountain ranges (Relox et al., 2011;Warguez et al., 2013;Plaza and Sanguila, 2015;Sanguila et al., 2016;Toledo-Bruno et al., 2017;Coritico et al., 2018;Solania and Fernandez-Gamalinda, 2018;Vidal et al., 2018;Delima-Baron et al., 2021), while anuran inventories conducted within Davao City, particularly its watersheds, are lacking. Watersheds are important habitats for water-dependent organisms, including anurans (Salo and Solania, 2022). ...
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Data on anurans in Davao City watersheds remains depauperate. This study provides the first account of anurans of the Panigan-Tamugan watershed using visual encounter survey (VES) and microhabitat searches along fifteen 10 × 10 m belt transects. A total of 14 species belonging to 11 genera and five families were recorded for all three sampling sites in the Panigan-Tamugan Watershed. Eleven out of 14 anurans species documented in this survey are endemic to the Philippines. Anuran families recorded during the survey included Bufonidae Gray (n= 3), Dicroglossidae Anderson (n= 4), Megophryidae Bonaparte (n= 2), Ranidae Batsch (n= 1), and Rhacophoridae Hoffman (n= 4). Additional records of anurans from this study, namely Fejervarya vittigera (Wiegmann), Occidozyga laevis (Günther), Pelophryne brevipes (Peters), and Philautus worcesteri (Stejneger), increased the number of species known from watershed areas of Davao City, as they were not reported in previous inventories conducted in the city. Species richness data may not necessarily reflect the true number of species in the site. Future studies should include an increased number of transects and man hours. Although the list comprises the limited information on this taxon in watersheds, more inventories are necessary for a full understanding of anuran composition in the city's several watersheds.
... Several studies have been conducted to describe the species diversity and distribution of the herpetofauna in the Philippines, including forested mountains of the Luzon PAIC (Mcleod et al., 2011;Devan-Song and Brown, 2012;Brown et al., 2012;Gojo Cruz et al., 2018), the Babuyan Island Group (Oliveros et al., 2011), Romblon Island Group , Panay Island (Ferner et al., 2000;Gaulke, 2011), Cebu Island (Supsup et al., 2016), and Leyte Island (Aureo and Bande, 2017). On Mindanao Island, herpetological surveys are increasing in frequency (David et al., 2006;Delima et al., 2007;Nuñeza et al., 2010Nuñeza et al., , 2014Nuñeza et al., , 2015Nuñeza et al., , 2017Beukema, 2011;Almeria and Nuñeza, 2013;Warguez et al., 2013;Sularte et al., 2015;Calo and Nuñeza, 2015;Plaza and Sanguila, 2015;Sanguila et al., 2016;Toledo-Bruno et al., 2017;Vidal et al., 2018;Delima-Baron et al., 2019). However, large areas of Mindanao are still unexplored (Heaney et al., 2006;Peterson et al., 2008;Siler et al., 2009;Beukema, 2011;Sanguila et al., 2016), and many new species are still being described Siler et al., 2009). ...
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... Megophrys stejnegeri Taylor, 1920 (Mindanao horned frog) is a common endemic anuran species found throughout much of the Mindanao Pleistocene Aggregate Island Complex, a biogeographic subprovince of the Philippines, composed of Basilan, Biliran, Bohol, Dinagat, Leyte, Mindanao, Samar, and Siargao Islands (Brown and Diesmos, 2009). Individuals of this species inhabit leaf litter of primary and secondary rainforests at varying elevations (Sanguilla et al., 2016;Vidal et al., 2018). On Samar, the species has been recorded from 160 m (southern Samar Municipality of Balangiga) to 760 m (central Samar Municipality of San Jose de Buan; RMB, personal observations). ...
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The Philippines is considered as a herpetofaunal center in the Southeast Asian region with high species richness and endemicity. The study investigates to document the anurans in the forest remnant in Gamut, Tago, Surigao del Sur. Transect and ocular survey for a total of 150 man-hours were carried out to document the species. A total of 10 species belonging to 8 genera under 6 families were recorded. Among these species, Pulchrana grandocula was the most abundant comprising 54% of the total population while the species Megophrys stejnegeri and Polypedates leucomystax were the least abundant with a relative abundance of 2% for each species. As for the species diversity, the anuran community shows moderate diversity index with Shannon-Weinner diversity index (H') of 1.59 with species evenness (J') of 0.69. Most of the anuran species observed were aquatic dwelling species wherein some are indicator of good water quality while others indicate the presence of water pollution. Sixty percent of the total species are reported to be endemic that includes Fejervarya vittigera, Limnonectes leytensis, Limnonectes magnus, Megophrys stejnegeri, Platymantis guentheri, and Pulchrana. grandocula. With respect to the conservation status, only the species L. magnus was assessed as a Near-Threatened, however, 40% of the composition has a decreasing population trend. Major threat observed in the area includes water contamination due to deforestation. Despite the limitation of various ecological supports as manifestations gradual habitat loss, the habitat still houses various anuran species with high species endemicity.