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Descriptive statistics of the variables.

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Existing science evidence sustained that students’ preferences for a learning approach (i.e., deep or surface learning) depend on several contextual variables. In this study, we used the network psychometrics perspective to investigate the interactions between the elements that define students’ learning preferences. We aimed to understand which are...

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... analyses yielded small differences between our sub-samples (Table 2). Although the differences were statistically significant because of the large sample, the largest standardized mean difference was smaller than d = .13 ...

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During the past decade, novel Deep Learning (DL) algorithms/workloads and hardware have been developed to tackle a wide range of problems. Despite the advances in workload/hardware ecosystems, the programming methodology of DL-systems is stagnant. DL-workloads leverage either highly-optimized, yet platform-specific and inflexible kernels from DL-li...


... The 137.80% increase in engagement shows that the intervention transformed students from passive recipients of information to active participants in their learning journey. This shift aligns with Smarandache et al. (2022), who argued that active participation and contextualized learning strategies enhance both interest and comprehension. ...
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Vocational students are not very interested in economics, which makes vocational education difficult. This study aims to determine how effective the teaching method guided by PowerPoint media is to increase the interest of BDP students in class X of SMK Negeri 2 Nganjuk on the material of economic actions, motivations, and principles. The study used a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest and involved 34 students selected through a random sample group. Data were analyzed by paired t-test after the learning interest questionnaire was used. Results showed a significant increase in students' learning interest; the t-count value (5.5334) was greater than the t-table value (1.668). Each metric indicating student learning interest, feelings of happiness, engagement, interest and attention all increased. On average, these increased from 32.76 to 76.62. These findings confirm the effectiveness of the strategy in increasing learning interest and show how important it is to innovate in vocational education. This study provides suggestions for teacher competency development as well as further research on how academic achievement and job readiness of vocational students are affected in the long run.
... There has been significant research across disparate disciplines using diverse methodologies into the possible factors that may influence SAL. These studies revealed that individual factors, such as gender, educational attainment, optimistic expectations of the major, learning experiences, and interest-to-effort ratios can have a significant influence on the SAL (Duff & Mladenovic, 2015;Qureshi et al., 2022;Smarandache et al., 2022;Smith & Mathias, 2010). However, as the influence on SAL varies across different courses and majors, SAL may also be related to teaching contexts (Baeten et al., 2010;Barattucci et al., 2017;Dart et al., 1999;Han & Geng, 2023;Sigurðardóttir & Heijstra, 2020;Wang et al., 2023). ...
... Other than reducing unreflective approach to learning and increasing organised studying techniques to lower burnout levels, universities can also consider practices that help ignite interest in learning, since interest can play a crucial role in determining SAL [62]. Some ways include facilitating students' interest in studying through cultivating effective practices (e.g., developing shared understanding of the task) for collaborative learning [35], engaging in problem-based learning [24], or even active assessment methods [47], with the intention of encouraging the active processing (e.g., doing, thinking) of content [63]. ...
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Assessing students’ approaches to learning (SAL) is crucial for evaluating their critical thinking abilities and subject domain comprehension. A deep approach and organised studying have been linked to lower study-related burnout, while an unreflective approach is associated with elevated levels of burnout. Despite evidence of the SAL–burnout connection, limited research exists on the bidirectional relationship between the two constructs. This study aims to fill this research gap by analysing changes in SAL and burnout during the freshmen year and determining whether there exists a reciprocal relationship between these constructs. Freshmen data was collected from two cohorts (Cohort 1, n = 261; Cohort 2, n = 216) at the beginning and end of their first year. Findings revealed increased overall burnout, exhaustion, cynicism, and inadequacy from T1 to T2 in both cohorts. Deep approach decreased across T1 and T2 in both cohorts, while organised studying decreased in Cohort 1 but remained unchanged in Cohort 2. Conversely, unreflective approach decreased in Cohort 1 but increased in Cohort 2. Bidirectionality between SAL and burnout was observed in both cohorts, indicating that higher unreflective approach could lead to increased cynicism, and vice-versa. These findings highlight the importance of recognizing the interplay between unreflective approach and cynicism for interventions targeting reduction in unreflective approaches and emphasizes the need to consider the potential unintended consequences of heightening freshmen’s cynical attitudes towards studying when attempting to reduce unreflective approach.
... The educational systems aim to provide individuals with the skill sets required by the labor market to prevent them from becoming NEET (OECD, 2022). Moreover, career identity and outcome expectations can be differentiated between general education and vocational education due to distinct learning environments, varied educational achievement standards and specific content profiles (J€ uttler et al., 2021;Lehmann, 2009;Zhang et al., 2022;Smarandache et al., 2022;Asikainen et al., 2020;Kromydas, 2017;Brennan, 2008;Tuononen and Parpala, 2021). These variations among different learners may influence their goalsetting and lead to the formulation of distinct plans for achieving those goals. ...
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Purpose This study aims to investigate the relationship between academic motivations and the risk of Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) among university undergraduates and Vocational Education and Training (VET) undergraduates. Design/methodology/approach The sample included 402 Vietnamese university undergraduates and 250 VET undergraduates in the southern region of Vietnam. Students took part in a survey, with all participants being informed about the study’s purpose and assured that their involvement was entirely voluntary. In addition to descriptive statistics, the study employed linear regression in SPSS to examine hypotheses. Findings The findings indicate that, for university students, intrinsic motivation and mastery approach motivation are associated with reduced NEET risk, while performance avoidance motivation is positively linked to this tendency. In contrast, for VET students, extrinsic motivation and performance approach motivation are negatively associated with NEET risk, but mastery approach motivation may exacerbate the risk. Originality/value Grounded in the principles of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and Achievement Goal Theory (AGT), the study proposes that university students may prioritize competence improvement, knowledge acquisition and the satisfaction of their learning interests, which they believe will help them acquire valuable knowledge beneficial for their future careers. Conversely, VET students emphasize performance and external achievement, which may enhance their outcome and reduce NEET risk. These findings offer significant theoretical and practical insights into the adoption of SDT and AGT and also provide educators or policymakers with more detailed information regarding university and VET students’ learning and development.
... Apart from Google Sites-based learning media, the application of the right learning model is a determining aspect of the success of the learning process. [10]. Problem-based learning is a problem-based learning model or case study that can improve skills in solving problems, being able to think critically, and being independent in learning. ...
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This research and development aims to develop learning media that can provide new learning resources to students, support the learning process of theory and practicum, overcome material that students find difficult, create an independent atmosphere in learning, and increase student interest in learning. This research and development methodology uses the R&D (Research & Development) method with the 5D development model developed by Pranata in 2009, which has five complex stages, namely: (1) define, (2) data collection, (3) design, (4) develop, and (5) disseminate. This learning media was tested by media experts, material experts, and users who are undergraduate students of Informatics Engineering Education who have taken data communication and computer network courses at the State University of Malang. This research and development produce quantitative and qualitative data using data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires. The results of this research and development can be concluded that: (1) the validity and reliability test of the instrument as many as 30 question items have a value of r count> from r table, which can be declared valid and obtain a reliability value of 0.948 with a reliable or powerful instrument category, (2) media experts obtained a total score of 86 per cent with very valid assessment criteria, (3) material experts obtained a total score of 96 per cent with very valid assessment criteria, (4) limited trials obtained a total score of 88 per cent with very valid assessment criteria, (5) field trials obtained a total score of 86 per cent with very feasible assessment criteria and (6) learning interest obtained a total score of 85 per cent with a very good assessment category
... To account for the rapid development of technology in student learning, the concept of SAOLT (Ellis & Bliuc, 2015) was developed based on the students' approaches to learning (SAL) framework (Marton & Säljö, 1976). SAL integrates students' learning motives and strategies (Biggs, 1987), and it is a well-established and widely used framework for exploring university students' learning process (Smarandache et al., 2021). The SAL framework differentiates between a deep approach (an active learning method emphasising the understanding of the content) and a surface approach (a passive learning method emphasising the reproduction of the content). ...
Technology is constantly changing the language learning environment and online language learning (OLL) has attracted increasing attention. In this study, EFL learners’ perceptions of the OLL environments and the relationships between these perceptions and the learners’ emotions and approaches to online learning technologies were investigated. A sample of 567 Chinese university EFL learners from 18 public higher education institutions across 5 provinces responded to an online questionnaire survey. The data analysis based on structural equation modelling revealed that the EFL learners’ perceptions of task orientation, innovation and individualisation were positively related to the deep approach to online learning technologies. However, unlike previous findings, no significant relationship was found between the factors of the relationship dimension and the students' approaches to online learning technologies (SAOLT). Perceived innovation was found to be negatively related to enjoyment, and perceived personalization was found to be positively related to anxiety. Furthermore, the learners’ emotions, especially anxiety, significantly mediated the relationship between perceived task orientation and the surface approach to online learning technologies. Overall, the findings of this study improve the understanding of EFL learners’ online learning experiences and provide practical insights for enhancing the quality of OLL environments and promoting learning outcomes.
... Taking these into account, the current study selected students' learning approaches (SAL) framework that incorporate learners' deep approach and surface approach (Pintrich, 2004). Recent research has shown that students' approaches in traditional learning contexts were correlated with psychological factors such as motivation and enjoyment (Coertjens et al., 2016) and contextual factors such as perceived support from instructors (Smarandache et al., 2021). In light of the advancement of ICTs, scholars have recommended exploring learners' approaches in such contexts (Ellis & Bliuc, 2015, 2017Han & Geng, 2023;Takase et al., 2020). ...
... Recent studies have indicated that environmental factors impacted students' approaches (Han & Geng, 2023;Smarandache et al., 2021;Yeung & Yau, 2021). Among the literature, there is consensus that the development of deep approaches to learning requires a supportive learning environment that integrates essential instructions such as the setting of clear course objectives, organizing learning activities, and connecting them to professional practice (Han & Geng, 2023;Smarandache et al., 2021;Zalazar-Jaime et al., 2021). ...
... Recent studies have indicated that environmental factors impacted students' approaches (Han & Geng, 2023;Smarandache et al., 2021;Yeung & Yau, 2021). Among the literature, there is consensus that the development of deep approaches to learning requires a supportive learning environment that integrates essential instructions such as the setting of clear course objectives, organizing learning activities, and connecting them to professional practice (Han & Geng, 2023;Smarandache et al., 2021;Zalazar-Jaime et al., 2021). In addition to providing academic and non-academic support to students, learning support such as instructional support, peer support, and technical support has been considered an integral part of influencing learners' performance since students' perception of such support has been considered a critical intervention construct, particularly in the technology-enhanced environment (Fang et al., 2018;Han & Geng, 2023). ...
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MOOC attrition rates have become a research hotspot in open and online education, requiring researchers to pinpoint psychological, technological, pedagogical, and technical factors that could mitigate this problem. For this aim, the current study applied a tri-phenomenon approach to explore language learners' perceptions of support coupled with the moderation role of their motivation plays in shaping their learning approaches to MOOC. To do so, 428 language learners who completed their online language course on the Iranian MOOC platform answered the study survey before getting their course certificate. An analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed that MOOC instructional and peer support were positively correlated with learners' deep approach while negatively correlated with the surface one. Although technical support was provided in this instance, it did not contribute to shaping language learn-ers' motivation and deep approach. Moreover, language learners who attended MOOCs to learn language intrinsically perceived more instructional support, whereas language learners who joined these courses to pass some obligations or get course certificates perceived greater peer support that could help them pass such criteria and shape their deep approach to MOOC. Further, both types of motivation significantly mediate learners' instructional and peer support within their deep language learning approach in MOOC. As a result of these findings, both theoretical and practical contributions have been reported in the study to lead MOOCs' enrolment to have a deep approach.
... for the surface scale. The questionnaire was previously validated on students' Romanian population (Smarandache et al., 2022). ...
... A possible explanation may be related to the academic workload that increased from one semester to the next and which students had to learn how to manage. As the informational load expanded during the academic year, most students switch from a DA to an SA, trying to find shortcuts to cope and meet educational demands (Baeten et al., 2010;Piumatti et al., 2021;Prat-Sala & Redford, 2010;Smarandache et al., 2022). Experience throughout the semesters may determine this change because it has helped them assess course requirements and conclude that an SA is sufficient to fulfil them (Geitz et al., 2016). ...
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Based on the Achievement Goals Theory and Students' Approaches to Learning, we proposed a model in which students' self-efficacy acts as a mediator between stu-dents' performance-approach goals orientation and their approach to learning in dealing with academic tasks throughout an academic year. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the model on a sample of 565 first-year university students at three different moments. The results showed that self-efficacy in academic tasks at T2 totally mediated the relationship between performance-approach goals at T1 and the deep approach at T3 and partially the relationship with the surface approach at T3. The results underline that if the direct effect of performance-approach goals is that of the surface approach intensification without any impact on the deep approach, an increase in the deep approach and a decline in the surface approach can be observed through self-efficacy in academic tasks. K E Y W O R D S deep and surface approach to learning, longitudinal study, performance-approach goals, self-efficacy
... The questionnaire consists of 49 items on a Likert scale where 1=total disagreement and 5=total agreement, grouped into nine scales. To identify how students approach their learning, we applied the R-SPQ-2F (i.e., Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire - Biggs et al., 2001) adapted and validated on the Romanian student population previously by Smarandache et al. in 2022. The R-SPQ-2F questionnaire includes 20 questions related to how students approach their learning (i.e., grouped into two main scales), with a Likert scale of 5 points (from 1=Very rarely true to 5=Almost always true). ...
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A didactic grant competition for academics is organized annually at the West University of Timişoara (WUT), offering a grant to the winners of a public student-centered activity project competition. The teaching grant winners later take part in a program to develop their pedagogical skills in student-centered teaching based on the WUT's reflexive-collaborative (i.e., RCL) instructional model. Next, during one academic semester, grant winners must implement the RCL instructional model in one specific subject matter. Based on a quantitative quasi-experimental design, this study examined the impact of a pedagogical program offered to the beneficiaries of the 2020 grant competition at both teachers' and student levels. At the teachers' level, we measured their conceptions of teaching, teaching approaches, and psychological resources. At the students' level, we investigated their evaluation of their teachers' teaching behavior and their learning approaches. Analyses such as Two-way mixed ANOVA, Quade's ANCOVA, and Mann-Whitney U were conducted to investigate the gathered data. Academics in the EG reported statistically significant improvements in their conceptions of promoting active learning. According to their students, teachers in the experimental group employed more student-centered assessment methods and teaching behaviors that encouraged active learning. Our results also showed that academics in the control group reported higher resilience levels at the end of the academic semester, and according to their students, their more traditional teaching approaches seemed more effective in stimulating their students' understanding of fundamental concepts. The results could have been more significant regarding the students' learning approaches. Because of the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we encountered several obstacles in the impact assessment process (e.g., high values at the pretest, the impossibility of matching students' answers). Although our findings have some limitations, the present article has noteworthy implications for stakeholders involved in in-service teacher training programs, in particular, conducted in higher education institutions. Practical implications of the findings for both academic developers and future research are discussed.
... The elements contained in interest are (1) Interest is a psychological symptom; (2) There is concentration of attention, feelings, and thoughts from the subject because they are interested; (3) There is a feeling of pleasure towards the object being targeted; (4) There is a will or tendency in the subject to carry out activities to achieve goals [56][57][58]. Thus the interest in learning can be characterized by: (a) a sense of pleasure and liking for the lesson; (b) attention in the teaching and learning process; (c) curiosity towards mathematics more than other disciplines; (d) persistence in studying; and (e) willingness to be more involved in various activities [54], [59]. ...
... Authentic Web learning is a learning method by utilizing electronic devices online or online. Authentic Web learning allows the teaching and learning process to be carried out by anyone, anytime and anywhere [56,57]. Like the principles of other online activities, distance and time are no longer a barrier to carrying out activities, including learning in this case. ...
This research aims to develop Authentic- Web based Learning in increasing students’ motivation and interest in learning Natural Sciences. The research method used a quantitative survey method with respondents as many as 50 middle school students in the city of Padang, West Sumatra. Data collection uses: questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. The main instruments and data in this research are questionnaires on validity, practicality, motivation and student interest in learning. The research results show that the Web Learning used has been validated by experts for usability (92%), information quality (93%), service interaction (91%). The results are in the very valid category. Meanwhile, for practicality, information was obtained from users, namely ease of use, average score (91.8%), usability (91.7%), appearance (91.7% and presentation of material (90.1%). Meanwhile, the results of the motivation variable analysis The highest indicator is “MV10 (There are interesting activities in learning)” with an Outer Loadings value of 0.907, while for student interest in learning the highest indicator is “MT9 (Perseverance in learning)” with an Outer Loadings value of 0.958, meaning that this aspect of the indicator is dominant for students in applying Authentic Web Based Learning in Natural Sciences learning. Authentic Web Based Learning can be an alternative in increasing students’ motivation and interest in learning science.