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With the massive expansion in live streaming, enhancing the sustained engagement of users has become a key issue in ensuring its success. This study examines the relationship between real-time interaction, user perceptions, user intention to keep using live streaming, and whether this relationship differs between a live and a virtual live streaming...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... measure reliability, we used Cronbach alpha (CA) and composite reliability. The results for CA and CR are shown in Table 2 for sustained engagement behaviour (0.952, 0.952), social presence (0.934, 0.934), perceived trust (0.936, 0.940), engagement interaction (0.893, 0.897), and affective visual elements (0.968, 1.324), respectively. According to Hair et al. [59], a CR value above 0.7 indicates high reliability and a CA greater than 0.7 indicates good reliability of the indicator. ...Context 2
... validity is usually evaluated by the average variance extraction (AVE) and the combined reliability (CR) indicators. As shown in Tables 2 and 3, the standardized external loadings of the indicators in their structures, and the AVE of the different structures are greater than 0.85 [60,61]. Thus, all structures had good convergent validity. ...Similar publications
A bstract
The human visual cortex processes visual stimuli hierarchically. Early visual areas (V1, V2) of the ventral visual stream feed crude visual features (like orientation and edges) into later visual areas (V4, lateral occipital (Lat Occ), inferior temporal (IT)) that then encode complex visual features (like object form). Previous studies ha...
... It is intended for consumption by the public and often accessed via social media (e.g., YouTube Live, Facebook Live; Rogers, 2023). Mechanisms of interaction within live streaming is under researched (Wang and Li, 2020), although there is some research to suggest that interaction between presenter and audience is key to engagement (Lv et al., 2022). Live streaming in higher education (HE) institutions is well-documented with implementation in surgical teaching (Williams et al., 2011;Brandt, 2020;Fang et al., 2022), dental teaching (Iwaki et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2021), development of English-speaking skills (Shen et al., 2008;ChanLin, 2020), film studies (Robert and Lenz, 2009), and nutrition education programs (Adedokun et al., 2020). ...
... However, before further developing these live fieldwork broadcasts, future research should focus on methods to increase viewer numbers and engagement. Due to the novelty of live broadcasting in fieldwork, this may require looking toward other applications of live streaming/broadcasting and live interactive polling for inspiration on appropriate approaches (Wang and Li, 2020;Lv et al., 2022) and investigating the suitability of these methods within the live fieldwork broadcast content. This would help to better understand the viewer experience and identify ways to improve the live broadcasts. ...
Most live broadcast work in education operates with an expert to novice delivery mode, and in indoor settings such as surgical teaching environments. Those few examples of live broadcasts from outdoor locations have heavy resource requirements, limiting their uptake within Higher Education. Working with undergraduates in a students as partners approach, this research aims to test the feasibility of a low-cost and low-tech solution to co-produce a live fieldwork broadcast within the biosciences. The co-production partnership successfully produced a live broadcast from conception to delivery in 2022–2023 with three placement students and in 2023–2024 with two placement students and three mentors. The students were involved in all aspects of design, development, and delivery of the live fieldwork broadcast. A pocket wireless modem creates an outdoor wireless network with a mobile device and wireless microphones used to deliver the broadcast. Semi-structured interviews, student self-assessments, and a reflective researcher diary explored the impact of this approach to co-produce a live fieldwork broadcast. Enjoyable aspects of the placement identified were the opportunity for new experiences and a sense of achievement. The live fieldwork broadcast placement enabled the placement students to develop 28 skills, with 73% of skills identified by at least two of the placement students. Most skills developed were transferable (54% of student identified skills), including teamwork and project planning. The simple and low-cost technology used provides a solution to address the barriers of technology integration within fieldwork and offers insight into the experience of working in partnership during a live fieldwork broadcast.
... Verified accounts of idols on platforms provide fans with a sense of direct connection and authenticity, ensuring that the information they receive is accurate and trustworthy. Features like live chats or personalized responses from idols-whether through comments, mentions, or fan-exclusive content-further enhance this TR, fostering a sense of closeness and engagement (Yang et al., 2024b;Jie et al., 2022). ...
Trust (TR) significantly influences users’ Behavioural Intentions (BI) on Social Media (SM), particularly in highly engaged communities like K-pop fandoms. This study focuses on a single SM platform, X (formerly known as Twitter), examining TR as a multidimensional construct encompassing platform TR, idol TR, and community TR, and exploring its role in driving K-pop fans’ BI to engage in fandom activities. Using a qualitative approach, the study conducted non-participatory observations of 30 K-pop fans’ X accounts over a one-month period. Observations focused on behaviors such as content sharing, engagement with verified idol accounts, and participation in collaborative campaigns. Thematic analysis identified patterns linking TR dimensions with fans’ use of the platform. The findings reveal that platform TR establishes a secure foundation for engagement, as fans value X’s reliability and tools for fandom-specific activities. Idol TR, fostered by verified accounts and authentic interactions, amplifies content sharing and loyalty. Community TR strengthens collaborative efforts, with fans using X to organize hashtag campaigns and coordinate streaming projects. Together, these TR dimensions significantly influence fans’ BI to engage with the platform. The study contributes to technology acceptance literature by emphasizing TR’s multidimensional role within the unique context of K-pop fandoms on X. Practical implications suggest enhancing platform security, promoting authenticity in idol communication, and supporting community-driven initiatives. However, the study’s focus on a single platform limits its generalizability. Future research should examine multiple platforms, incorporate mixed methods, and explore TR dynamics across different fan communities and cultural contexts. Kepercayaan (TR) mempengaruhi Niat Tingkah Laku (BI) pengguna di Media Sosial (SM), khususnya dalam komuniti peminat K-pop. Kajian ini memfokuskan pada platform X (sebelumnya Twitter) dan meneliti tiga dimensi TR: kepercayaan terhadap platform, idola, dan komuniti. Dengan pemerhatian kualitatif terhadap 30 akaun peminat K-pop selama sebulan, kajian mendapati bahawa kepercayaan terhadap platform membina asas penglibatan melalui kebolehpercayaan dan alat khusus fandom. Kepercayaan terhadap idola, melalui akaun sah dan interaksi autentik, meningkatkan kesetiaan dan perkongsian kandungan. Kepercayaan terhadap komuniti menyokong usaha kolaboratif seperti kempen tanda pagar dan projek penstriman. Dimensi TR ini memacu penglibatan peminat di platform X. Kajian ini menyarankan peningkatan keselamatan platform, keaslian komunikasi idola, dan sokongan terhadap inisiatif komuniti. Penyelidikan masa depan perlu melibatkan pelbagai platform, kaedah campuran, dan konteks budaya yang berbeza.
... The selection of cluster heads in sensor networks can be based on different criteria. According to [12], the two criteria of node energy and node location were simultaneously considered to select the optimal cluster. In the proposed method, normal nodes request to join by sending join messages and sending their remaining energy to the temporary cluster head. ...
The application of machine learning in wireless sensor networks (WSN) has attracted much attention. Since references in WSNs are pre-defined, determining how to optimize the utilization of resources and achieve efficient load balancing has become a critical problem in WSNs. The goal of conventional green routing algorithms is to reduce energy consumption and increase network life cycles by improving routing schemes in wireless networks. However, sometimes problems arise, such as poor flexibility, focusing on a single operative, and relying on precise algebraic models. Machine learning techniques can adapt to environmental changes and employ multiple agents to make informed decisions, providing new ideas for energy-saving and intelligent routing algorithms in wireless networks. In this piece, we examine the suggestion of fictitious artificial intelligence. Developing a mathematical framework is an effective approach to formulating an ideal green routing strategy that addresses the shortcomings of conventional green networking techniques. This research summarizes past, present, and future advancements in environmentally friendly routing algorithms within wireless communication networks. The information in this article will be interesting for individuals interested in applications of machine learning in WSNs.
... To create an engaging environment, streamers should use visually appealing backdrops, music, and timely responses to viewer questions and comments. Lv et al. (2022) emphasize the importance of social presence in building trust, which can be cultivated through interactive features like polls and Q&A sessions that foster personal connections with viewers. ...
Aim: This study investigated the impact of live-streaming e-commerce on customer impulsive buying behavior. Methodology: This study used the Stimulus-Organism-Response model. It surveyed 385 participants in Toledo City, where live streaming is increasingly utilized for product promotion. Findings: The study reveals that all examined factors exhibit significant positive correlations with one another, though varying in strength. These correlations range from moderate to very strong, indicating that an increase in one variable will likely coincide with increases in others. The findings suggest a positive relationship between tiktok live-streaming, perceived enjoyment, arousal, pleasure, and impulsive buying behavior. Individuals who experience heightened levels of enjoyment, arousal, and pleasure in response to TikTok Live-Streaming stimuli are more inclined to engage in impulsive purchasing behaviors. Conclusion: The interrelationships observed among the independent variables of perceived enjoyment, arousal, and pleasure offer valuable insights into the drivers of impulsive buying behavior. In today's highly competitive global market, where success or failure hinges on differentiation, gaining a strategic edge is essential. Continuous improvement is a cornerstone of business evolution. A deep understanding of customer buying behavior provides a critical advantage in a rapidly changing marketplace, where staying ahead of competitors is key to sustained success.
... In the context of live streaming, visual effects as important attributes contained in the platform such as images and videos displayed by broadcasters in real-time, can create social interaction and provide a sense of warmth between users through attractive visualizations (Tong et al. 2022). This is also supported by research conducted by Lv et al. (2022) which shows that by watching live streaming with visual elements as stimuli such as live chat, giving love and gifts can have a significant effect on users' emotional responses, namely the perception of social presence so as to create long-term relationships between users of the live streaming platform. This research shows that emotional visual elements have a significant effect on social presence. ...
... Social interactions that occur such as giving gifts caused by live speech or the broadcaster's ability to create social presence through social interaction-oriented content. In research conducted by Lv et al. (2022) also stated that there is a positive effect of interaction that occurs when displayed through platforms between users on social presence. This is because the social interactions that occur can be created by broadcasters through their socializing ability to attract consumers. ...
Background: The use of live streaming on a social commerce platform is now an innovative step for business actors in marketing their products in real-time that can reach a wider market through digitalization. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of livestream attributes on social presence and behavioral intention also aims to determine the effect of motivational mindset as a moderator.Design/Methodology/Approach: This research uses a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires online using a purposive sampling method to 200 sample respondents who have used and made transactions via live streaming TikTok Shop in Surabaya. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis using the SEM-PLS and the data is processed using Smart PLS. Findings/Result: The results of the study stated that sociability has a positive significant effect on social presence, while information task fit and visual effect do not have a significant effect on social presence. Social presence has a significant effect on behavioral intention. Promotion focus does not moderate while prevention focus moderates the effect of social presence on the behavioral intention. Conclusion: Broadcasters need to focus on sociability such as friendliness to create a social presence for potential customers to make purchases.Originality/value (State of the art): The difference is the social commerce used, namely TikTok Shop, and previous studies using QQ and WeChat. This also complements previous research that suggests testing in each country with different societies, such as economic levels, political backgrounds, and cultural backgrounds, especially in Surabaya, Indonesia. Keywords: live stream attributes; social presence; behavioral intention; online live streaming shopping; motivational mindset
... Current research about virtual live streaming mainly focuses on virtual anchors, however, Lv et al. [35] argue that both at the technical level and user behavioral level, current research in this field is still at the stage of initial user acceptance and cognition and lacks any in-depth exploration of users' ongoing behaviors and mechanisms behind. Xu [54] mentions that the future will focus on the impact of color and light variation on the audience's sense of experience under this background. ...
... Plenty of visual information has been identified as an effective tool for attracting customers and enhancing immersion in content [44]. The anchor and interface are virtual animated images, so virtual live streaming interfaces will have higher requirements for visual stimulation and aesthetics [35]. Li [30] found that the construction of live-streaming virtualization scenes includes virtual role-playing, spatiotemporal experiences where the world is as close as neighbors, and interactive technology promoting sensory fusion, bringing a sense of participation and immersion to the audience through synchronicity. ...
... Secondly, this study classified customer engagement into cognitive, emotional, and behavioral (Chan et al., 2010;Hollebeek et al., 2016) to illustrate the effectiveness of webcare. Previous researchers have found that webcare plays a vital role in increasing customer engagement (Wongkitrungrueng & Assarut, 2020;Lv et al., 2022). This study demonstrates that proactive webcare and reactive webcare had a significant effect on customer engagement under the live streaming platform, further confirming that webcare improves customer engagement. ...
... The main managerial implication of this study is that we provide new insights into managing NeWOM on live-streaming platforms. Increasing customer brand loyalty on live-streaming platforms is a great challenge for companies (Lv et al., 2022). This study found that webcare can be an essential tool for managing customers' NeWOM and increasing brand loyalty. ...
Based on the negative electronic word of mouth (NeWOM) under the live streaming platform, the paper aims to explore the mechanism of proactive and reactive webcare on customer brand loyalty. We constructed three separate experiments with no webcare, proactive webcare, and reactive webcare in response to NeWOM during the live streaming platform. In this study, 210 valid questionnaires were collected for statistical analysis, including the Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson correlation analysis. Our findings reveal that proactive and reactive webcare positively influence cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement, with proactive webcare demonstrating greater effectiveness. We confirm a positive correlation between these forms of engagement and brand loyalty, highlighting the strong connection between behavioral engagement and brand loyalty. At the same time, this study provides crucial inspiration for the live-streaming platform managers to focus on providing proactive webcare and develop behavioral activities in live-steaming platforms to enhance customers’ brand loyalty.
... Additionally, the anchor, who plays the central role in ELS, can mobilize users' emotions by communicating with them in real time, thereby enhancing their immersive experience and influencing their subsequent behaviors (Cao et al., 2022). The engagement between the host and the consumer can alleviate the fatigue resulting from extended periods of ELS. ...
With the popularity and improvement of short video platforms, short video e-commerce live streaming (ELS) has emerged as a prevalent trend for promoting produce. Despite the widespread adoption of short video platforms and ELS, there remains a notable gap regarding the content of short video ELS, with many researches mainly emphasizing the path of ELS general development. Therefore, this study aims to optimize agricultural short-video ELS content, by identifying factors contributing to purchase intention and leveraging the advantages of short-video platforms. This study employs questionnaires, interviews, and the stability coefficient method to explore pathways for innovating agricultural ELS content. The results show that ELS scenes and anchor identity significantly affect purchase intention. Furthermore, an assessment of the hierarchical order of content elements has been established. Additionally, the interview findings indicate the significance of recognizing synergies between the benefits inherent in short video platforms and the content of agricultural ELS. This study can serve as a reference for ELS content optimization and have implications for agricultural ELS influence improvement.
... Broadcasts with an on-screen presenter often include interactive elements such as polls, games, and real-time reactions to comments, making the viewing experience more dynamic and engaging, helping to keep viewers' attention. A study by J. Lv et al. (2022) confirmed that having a presenter in the frame allows for emotional support, comfort and greater engagement with the content, which is relevant for creating long-term viewer commitment to a channel or platform. It also revealed that virtual hosts have a greater impact on perceptions of social presence compared to real hosts, which is related to viewers' interest in anime and virtual characters. ...
The aim of this study was to create a new, comprehensive methodology for assessing the quality and performance of video broadcasts using virtual human technologies. The research methodology included analysing existing methodologies and adapting them to the specifics of virtual hosts. New evaluation tools were developed, considering parameters such as technical quality, emotional support, interactivity, social presence, streamer attractiveness and intention to continue watching. The main results of the study showed that technological aspects of video streaming have a significant impact on viewers’ perception of such videos. High video and audio quality, and broadcast stability increase audience satisfaction and engagement. In addition, the emotional interaction between the virtual host and the audience promotes a deeper understanding and increases trust. The interactivity and social presence of the virtual host create a sense of community and engagement, which positively affects the overall perception of the broadcast. Viewers’ self-efficacy, information overload and cognitive dissonance factors were also examined, which helps to better understand the psychological state of viewers. The findings suggest that in order to achieve a high level of authenticity and trust in virtual influencers, it is necessary to consider technological aspects, aesthetic aspects, the level of trust in the host, parameters of its audience (their motivations, cultural and personal characteristics that can affect the specifics of assessing the quality and effectiveness of the broadcast), parameters of the host itself (realism, emotional expressiveness, interactivity, presence, and absence of humour, and so on). The proposed methodology allows for a comprehensive assessment of all these parameters, contributing to the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of live broadcasts with virtual hosts
... It has been shown that the appearance attractiveness of service workers can have a positive impact on customer response, Argo et al. (2008) found that service workers with higher appearance attractiveness resulted in higher customer satisfaction and customer purchase intention; Customers tend to choose attractive salespeople and are more likely to respond to their sales pitches, ultimately demonstrating a higher purchase intention (DeShields et al., 1996). Therefore, streamers who have a pleasing appearance and whose external stimuli agree with consumers' aesthetics will lead to more positive response behaviors, i.e., continued watching intention (Chen and Liao, 2022), continued engagement intention (Lv et al., 2022), and purchase intention Dong X. et al., 2023). ...
Live streaming marketing has become a popular topic of academic research. However, relatively few studies have been conducted in terms of the physical attractiveness of streamers, and even fewer studies have analyzed the changes in cognitive-emotional mechanisms that affect consumer response behavior. Based on SOR theory and cognitive-emotional system theory, this study proposes a theoretical research model and analyzes the internal mechanism of streamers’ physical attractiveness affecting consumers’ response using a combination of eye-tracking experiments and questionnaires. The results showed that: compared to streamers with lower physical attractiveness, consumers pay longer attention to streamers and products with higher physical attractiveness, and their response behaviors (continued watching intention, continued engagement intention, and purchase intention) are more active; compared to consumers with low involvement, consumers with high involvement pay longer attention to the product and perceive the process for a longer period of time; and quasi-social interaction and the flow experience play the role of a chain mediator between streamers’ physical attractiveness and consumers’ response behaviors. This study not only has certain theoretical significance for expanding the applicable boundaries of the physical appearance halo effect, but also has important practical significance for live broadcasting e-commerce companies to effectively adopt visual marketing and enhance customer retention.