Table 2 - uploaded by Federico Ramírez
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Descriptive statistics for the EU-28 variables. 

Descriptive statistics for the EU-28 variables. 

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This research analyzes the main variables that determine immigration in Europe andincludes aspects related to the economy, population, healthcare, and environmental sustainability.The empirical analysis consists of two sets of data: one made up of all EU member states (EU-28)and the other containing countries that form a part of the Eurozone (EU-19...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... first descriptive results on the size of migrant flows (INMIG) into Europe (see Table 2 and Table 3) indicate that they are relatively higher (roughly 1.49%) for countries that adopted the Euro (EU-19) compared to member states as a whole (EU-28). On average, the highest immigration figures were recorded during the period of economic recovery (2013)(2014) for the EU-28, whilst the economic boom (2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007) shows the highest levels for the EU-19. ...
Context 2
... Tables 2 and 3, we can observe that, for all EU countries (EU-28), GDP per capita (GDPERCAP) in the total sample is higher (8.71%) in comparison with countries that have adopted the single currency (EU-19). Growth in GDP (GDPGRO) is generally slightly higher (7.52%) for the EU-19; however, if we examine the sub-periods, we find a sharp drop from the boom period to the financial crisis (−79.73% and −81.97% for the EU-28 and EU-19, respectively). ...
Context 3
... descriptive study of the population (see Tables 2 and 3) shows that population growth (POPGRO) has been considerably higher for the EU-19 compared to the EU-28, by 63.44%. For the EU-19, this growth has not been interrupted, while the EU-28 experienced a decline during the period of economic recovery. ...
Context 4
... first results shown in Tables 2 and 3 with regard to the fertility rate (FERTIL) show reasonably homogeneous behaviors for the EU-28 and EU-19 groupings. In the period where the economy passes from the boom period to the economic crisis, it can be observed that the fertility rate rises for both groups (5.32% and 6.75%, respectively). ...
Context 5
... the other hand, we analyze the effects of the level of pollution emissions (POLLEM) on the influx of new immigrants. Tables 2 and 3 show that the volume of investments made to prevent and mitigate damage caused to the environment (PROTE) indicate that, for both groups of countries, the costs inherent to this activity have increased, although they have been slightly higher in EU-19 countries (3.32%) compared to the whole EU-28 group. During the boom period, Europe spent more than 38 and 39 million euros and rose to 44 and 55 million euros for EU-28 and EU-19 countries, respectively. ...
Context 6
... observe that the levels of debt among European countries have risen throughout the 14-year period studied here, both in absolute terms and with regard to the percentage of GDP (see the descriptive statistics in Tables 2 and 3). The results of the regression indicate that the level of debt (LGOVDEBT) incurred in Europe reduces the amount and permanence of immigration to a significance level of 5%. ...


... In this way, individuals may come up with ways to sustain their basic needs and the needs of their families (Jin & Kim, 2017;Oulhaj, 2020). These situations may be experienced by anybody who is facing a crisis in the family and the community as a whole (Komorowski, 2018;Grau Grau & Ramírez López, 2017;Krstić, Krstić & Đekić, 2018). Therefore, any family crisis, like health-related problems, death, and even serious troubles with family members, is a contributing factor to such actions of an individual. ...
Imprisonment of any family member affects the lives of the immediate members, especially if it is the head of the father who is convicted, leaving other members in pain because of the situation. This study determined the challenges encountered by the family members of the patriarch inmates in Iligan City, Philippines, during the first quarter of 2021. The study utilized the phenomenological research design. Ten identified family members composed the number of participants interviewed using a structured interview guide made by the researcher. The study utilized Moustaka’s Transcendental Analysis in analyzing the data. Responses to the interview were analyzed utilizing NVivo software producing the four main themes: striving for sustenance and survival; financial and moral drawbacks; emotional grief; and annoying unsolicited public opinions towards the situation. These identified challenges encountered by the family members may serve as a benchmark for the concerned government agency in crafting programs that will help the family members of the patriarch inmates. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the support system of the concerned government agency towards the family members of the patriarch inmates. Furthermore, since most of the challenges the family members encounter is more focused on the emotional aspect of their lives, the social welfare department may strengthen their programs in supporting these families through effective evaluation of the situation for them to craft appropriate counseling techniques for these identified families. Keywords : emotional grief, imprisonment, moral drawbacks, striving for sustenance, unsolicited public opinions
... Buna göre bireyler daha sağlıklı olduklarında kendilerini daha iyi hissederek işgücü piyasasında daha aktif olurlar. Bununla birlikte sağlık sisteminin tüm ülkelerde çağın koşullarına uygun ve yeni ihtiyaçlara uyumlu bir şekilde uyarlanması gerekmektedir (Francesca & Petretto, 2019, s. 153 Literatürde göçün nedenlerini araştırmaya yönelik yapılan pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür (Mayda, 2007;Naude, 2010;Nica, 2015;Simpson, 2017;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018;Arif, 2019). Bununla birlikte OECD ülkeleri için yapılan çalışmaların yaygınlığı (Mayda, 2007 ...
... ;Geis, Uebelmesser, & Werding, 2013;Docquier, Peri & Ruyssen, 2014;Ravlik, 2014;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Drazenovic, Kunovac & Pripuzic, 2018;Arif, 2019) bu ülkelerin sahip olduğu göçmen nüfustaki özellikle son yıllardaki artışı açıklamada önemlidir. Öte yandan sağlık harcamalarının göç için bir çekici unsur olup olmadığının belirlenmesi hususunun literatürün ihmal edilen bir yönü olduğu söylenebilir. ...
... Buna göre bireyler daha sağlıklı olduklarında kendilerini daha iyi hissederek işgücü piyasasında daha aktif olurlar. Bununla birlikte sağlık sisteminin tüm ülkelerde çağın koşullarına uygun ve yeni ihtiyaçlara uyumlu bir şekilde uyarlanması gerekmektedir (Francesca & Petretto, 2019, s. 153 Literatürde göçün nedenlerini araştırmaya yönelik yapılan pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür (Mayda, 2007;Naude, 2010;Nica, 2015;Simpson, 2017;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018;Arif, 2019). Bununla birlikte OECD ülkeleri için yapılan çalışmaların yaygınlığı (Mayda, 2007;Geis, Uebelmesser, & Werding, 2013;Docquier, Peri & Ruyssen, 2014;Ravlik, 2014;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Drazenovic, Kunovac ...
... Bununla birlikte sağlık sisteminin tüm ülkelerde çağın koşullarına uygun ve yeni ihtiyaçlara uyumlu bir şekilde uyarlanması gerekmektedir (Francesca & Petretto, 2019, s. 153 Literatürde göçün nedenlerini araştırmaya yönelik yapılan pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür (Mayda, 2007;Naude, 2010;Nica, 2015;Simpson, 2017;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018;Arif, 2019). Bununla birlikte OECD ülkeleri için yapılan çalışmaların yaygınlığı (Mayda, 2007;Geis, Uebelmesser, & Werding, 2013;Docquier, Peri & Ruyssen, 2014;Ravlik, 2014;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Drazenovic, Kunovac ...
... Grau ve Lopez (2017) Avrupa'daki göçmen nüfusun göç kararında etkili olan faktörleri tespit etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Söz konusu çalışmada ele alınan temel belirleyiciler ekonomi, nüfus, sağlık ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik etrafında şekillenmiştir. ...
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Uluslararası göç hareketlerinin nedenlerinin belirlenmesi günümüzde önemli bir beşerî sermaye olarak kabul edilen insan faktörünün mobilitesinin kontrol edilmesi açısından uygulanması muhtemel politikalara yön vermektedir. Bu kapsamda, çalışmanın amacı göçe ev sahipliği yapan G7 ülkelerinde göçmen nüfusun söz konusu göç kararında etkili olan çekici faktörleri ekonomik değişkenler bakımından belirlemektir. Bu amaçla temel makroekonomik göstergelerden kişi başına GSYH, işsizlik oranı, enflasyon oranı ve ekonomik küreselleşme endeksi temel açıklayıcı değişkenler olarak benimsenmiş ve ilgili veriler yıllık olarak 2000-2017 dönemi için temin edilmiştir. Panel ARDL tahmin yöntemi benimsenerek uygulanan analiz bulgularına göre uzun dönemde kişi başına GSYH ve ekonomik küreselleşmedeki artışların G7 ülkelerine yönelik göçün çekici unsurları olarak belirlenirken, enflasyon oranındaki bir artış göçmen sayısında azalışa neden olmaktadır. İşsizlik oranının ise uzun dönemde göçmen nüfus üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisine rastlanmamıştır.
... Gallardo-Sejas et al. (2006) investigate motives of European immigrants, but they only analyze cross-sectional data of 139 origin and 1 3 13 destination countries from the year 2000. Grau and López (2017) also analyze immigration to the EU but for a shorter period (2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014) and not using a PPML approach. In addition, they do not include political determinants. ...
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The present study empirically analyzes determinants of immigration to EU member countries for the period 1998–2016. By performing PPML regression, it investigates the dynamics of different political and economic determinants. In general, there are two opposing effects: better living conditions in the origin country increase the feasibility of migration (feasibility hypothesis), but they also decrease international differentials, thus diminishing the incentive to migrate (incentive hypothesis). Indeed, better economic conditions in the origin country ease the budget constraints of potential migrants and thereby stimulate emigration to EU countries (feasibility hypothesis). At the same time, the income differential between destination and origin country is also positively related to migration, supporting the incentive hypothesis. Contrary to these findings about economic determinants, the impact of political determinants is only robust in one direction, for migration from outside the EU. Here, worse political conditions in the origin country increase the need to migrate, causing flight migration (need hypothesis). Altogether, economic determinants appear to outweigh political factors.
... The share of the young population in the origin country has a positive and significant impact on emigration rates, but Mayda defined young people as a group from 15-29 years old. Grau Grau and Ramirez Lopez (2017) found that GDP per capita and GDP growth behave similarly, with reasonably high significance levels (5%). The positive nature and size of the coefficients indicate that they are decisive for migration flow and positively affect growth in the numbers of immigrants entering Europe. ...
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The Eastern enlargements of the European Union (EU) since the early 2000s have included post-transitional economies at a lower level of development than the existing member states and thus, have significantly affected the East-West migration flows and labour markets on both sides. This has provided a distinctive opportunity to study the effects of liberalisation and to identify economic factors leading to migration flows with the purpose of enabling better estimations of future migration trends. In this research, a panel data analysis with pair of country fixed effects and time fixed effects is used to explore several pull and push factors of the East-West EU migration flows in the period from 2000 to 2017. Results indicate that emigration rate responds rather quickly to the changes in GDP per capita and unemployment rate of the youth population in immigration country, with statistically significant elasticity coefficients, suggesting that international migration contributes significantly to adjusting the labour supply to fluctuations in economic activity.
... LE at birth belongs to the indicators of EU SDG indicator set for Goal 3 [12,13]. Live expectancies are very often used for international comparison of living standards, economic development in selected countries, they are used as an indicator of public health condition and status, they can explain the relation between the LE and pollution in selected areas [44,45]. Live expectancy (LE) is also calculated for specific ages and characterize the average number of years that a person at that age can be expected to live. ...
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Sustainable development is a key task for governments that should end poverty, ensure prosperity, create better conditions for health, education or social needs. The set of indicators to be monitored for evaluation of successes or failures of the sustainable development varies by intergovernmental organizations like OECD or EU. To discover the status and dynamics of variables which are part of the sustainable development goals of the OECD countries is the main aim of the presented analysis. To measure the convergence of socio-economic indicators the coefficient of variation was used. The Pearson’s correlations coefficient and regression analysis were applied to detect the linear relationship between a pair of variables. The OECD countries were compared not only by using univariate statistical methods but also by applying a multivariate approach. The cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used for a set of indicators to monitor the countries from a wider perspective. The analyzed indicators GDP per capita or real change in GDP per capita belong to variables of economic activity. Variables of life expectancy at birth, standardized death rates for noncommunicable diseases belong to indicators of health. Altogether fifteen selected indicators were used for a multivariate analysis of OECD countries in two periods of time.
... There have been researchers who have said that to avoid the risk of becoming an uncontrolled phenomenon, government policies to manage the flow of migration should aim to address and achieve the following objectives: prevention of the entry of false tourists, by ensuring that they are required to obtain a visa; signing readmission agreements with the countries concerned to control immigration; fostering and regulating recruitment in the countries of origin through bilateral migration agreements; strengthening border surveillance [25]. ...
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Migration flows affecting Europe over recent years have generated a wave of solidarity but also fear and threats. European countries are divided into host countries or countries of transit due to their economic attractiveness but from the beginning, it was clear that asylum policies were far from similar and insufficiently flexible. Although Romania is considered as one of the transit countries for immigrants heading to Western Europe and it has not been confronted with an influx of refugees, it has developed specific policies in line with the acquis communautaire in order to be prepared for any situation of influx. The purpose of this research is to assess how asylum policies have been implemented in Romania and what improvements are necessary in order for them to become more sustainable. In Romania’s case, we used a SWOT analysis in our research methodology. This study aims to address relevant topics regarding the recent increasing trends of asylum applications and to analyse how the asylum policies in Romania can generate an adequate response. Furthermore, specialized institutions may consider our recommendations on how to improve the management of the asylum system in Romania.
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Background: Migration processes play an important role in the economic development of a country and form the human resources necessary for developing countries. Therefore, forming a favourable legislative framework for a certain category of migrants affects the attraction of the necessary human resources for the country. Motivation: Generally, the level of immigration has risen over the last 50 years, and around 3.6% of the total population in the world are immigrants. Identifying the influencing factors that motivate people to migrate is very important. This understanding informs well-designed immigration and effective solutions for foreign policy. Aim: To analyse and model the impact of the factors influencing the choice of the destination country, examining what attracts a person to a country or, on the contrary, why a country may not be chosen. Additionally, this paper seeks to forecast the dynamics of immigration in Spain for 2022-2024 under the impact of selected factors for analysis. Methods: To create a regression model using the R-Studio software based on a data set for the 2000-2021 years. The scientific hypothesis is that the following could have an influence on the level of immigration to Spain: inflation, level of employment and education, government spending on social protection, the share of the ICT sector in the GDP of the country, as well as the economic crisis in the USA for 2007, and legal factor such as the presence of open borders for the African population in 2019, a characteristic not shared by other European countries. The last two indicators, proven significant in attracting immigrants, were incorporated into the model as dummy variables. Results and Conclusions: The research proved a non-linear negative impact of a logarithm of spending on social protection expenditure and the third degree of inflation-conversely, a positive impact of the third degree of employment level. Additionally, the forecast of immigration in Spain under the impact of the above factors was discussed. The paper will be of interest to the government since migration is not only important in terms of the country's demographic structure but also has a direct impact on a country's national economy. It can either strengthen or weaken the country's economic development, making it significant to policymakers.
If contractual work (waged) is traditional employment, “the new work” is represented by entrepreneurship and self-employment and to a certain extent by various forms of “subsistence economy”. We develop an instrument to understand how new work shapes the short-term labor market's sustainable functioning. The dynamic interaction between labor market macro-aggregates related to employment status is treated in a systemic approach. We analyze the Granger Causality (GC) relations between contractual/dependent work, non-contractual/independent work and the work’s social protection. A total of 14 VAR models have been analyzed following the Toda and Yamamoto (J. Econ. 66: 225–250, 1995) procedure as detailed by Giles (Testing for granger causality. Econometrics beat: dave giles, 2011), using 2 datasets (1999Q1-2018Q1 and 2008Q1-2018Q1). The main conclusion is that only a sustainable entrepreneurship mechanism could make the Romanian labor market suitable for the actual challenges. A powerful call for a new type of entrepreneurial behavior becomes evident in the case of Romania.KeywordsSustainable entrepreneurshipWaged employmentSelf-employmentUnemploymentInnovation