Descriptive Statistics of Task Knowledge

Descriptive Statistics of Task Knowledge

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This study examines the factors that influence the readiness of the auditors in the National Audit Department of Malaysia for accrual accounting adoption. The factors examined were change valence, task knowledge and resource availability while the auditors’ readiness were measured through change commitment and change efficacy in embracing the accru...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... see the implementation of accrual accounting is timely. Table 4 shows the details of the descriptive statistics for all constructs of task knowledge in descending order (declining score). There were no missing values for the scores as N=81. ...
Context 2
... result implies that higher change valence will result in higher change commitment and vice versa. Table-4.15 also shows that change valence has a moderate positive correlation with change efficacy (r = 0.659, p < 0.001). ...

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... Adoption related decisions seem to be more motivated by the objectives of accountability and transparency (Nitzl et al., 2020) to maintain the international harmonization process (Brito & Jorge, 2021). Developed countries, such as the UK, are leading this reform process and already have a high level of implementation of accrual accounting in the public sector (Ghani et al., 2019), in the belief that it will lead to better decision making (Hyndman & Connolly, 2011). Christiaens et al. (2015) underlined the connection of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) standards with the general (NPM) approach. ...
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Purpose: The necessity for a reliable set of international standards for the compilation of national accounts introduced the accrual accounting framework of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). Extensive efforts are made for convergence between Government Accounts (GA) and National Accounts (NA) under accounting standards. Design/methodology/approach: This study investigated the quality of governmental NA, in the context of ESA 2010, from 1999 through 2019, using relative value relevance models of long-term government bond yields. Findings: i) The accrual accounting framework ESA2010 generates value relevant (thus qualitative) NA financial reporting in EU member states and the United Kingdom (UK); ii) The financial variables that better interpret bonds’ return, thus governments’ necessity to borrow money, are showcased; iii) The usefulness of the ESA2010 conceptual framework for decision and policy making process considering that the accrual accounting basis fosters the financial reporting quality, is demonstrated; iv) The quality results set the premise for further discussion for the harmonization and alignment process of accounting standardisation with the ESA2010 accrual accounting framework as a resource for policy and decision making. Limitations: The methodology of value relevance models that is employed to assess the governmental statistical reporting quality with the ESA2010 accrual accounting framework is a private sector technique. Originality: This study contributes theoretically as it fosters the quality of accrual accounting basis. It moreover provides an empirical and practical contribution by introducing relative value relevance econometric models that provide stakeholders with reliable information on the financial position and performance of the government. It showcases significant financial variables and coefficients of statistical reporting for each government. With its value relevant results, it supports evidence-based decision making, allows comparisons between EU governments and the UK, and contributes to increased transparency and accountability.