Figure 2 - uploaded by Julio Cesar Rivera Pedroza
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The research deals with an approximation to systemic design focused on sustainability, analyzing issues affecting the conceptualization of a product-system or service, in the initial stages of the design process, determining from a qualitative perspective on this phase of the project, a set of variables that are articulated both from basic design c...
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... Systems thinking encompasses a set of approaches that aid in the identification, organization, and analysis of these system elements and their interconnections (Meadows, 2008). Pedroza et al. (2013) present a structured approach to systems thinking referred to as the systemic model, where a design problem with many variables, subject to multiple objectives, is organized by systems thinking principles. Using the systemic model, the interdependencies and major objectives of the Maribot Vane system of reference were organized into formal, functional, and ergonomic subsystems. ...
... They states that "the multiple products of a family are an integral and integrable system which can be developed varying the degree of affectation in the context criteria". Rivera, Gonzalez and Hernandis also suggest that it can be relevant its consideration to address fundamental aspects of design such as sustainability [8]. ...
... The polynomial expressions for the curvature variable (C) as a function of the rotation angle, and the graphical representations corresponding to the different cases proposed are shown below: C1 = -4x10 -4 θ 4 + 1,33x10 -2 θ 3 -9,78 x10 -2 θ 2 + 0,78θ + 19,165; (8) C2 = -6x10 -4 θ 4 + 2,43 x10 -2 θ 3 -0,2194θ 2 + 0,963 + 18,949; (9) C3 = -3x10 -4 θ 4 + 8,1x10 -3 θ 3 + 4,5x10 -3 θ 2 + 7,97x10 -2 θ + 19,917; (10) C4 = -2x10 -4 θ 5 + 7,5x10 -3 θ 4 -0,11θ 3 + 0,717θ 2 -1,947θ + 21,544; (11) Correlation coefficient R 2 = 0.99 ...
This paper describes a case study carried out on the behaviour of an eccentric pulley transmission system housed in a manually operated abdominal-intestinal assistant device for human use. The aim is to establish a systemic framework that serves as a validation tool for mechanical systems in the initial stages of the product design processes. The proposed study system describes the device transmission process as a function of the input angle variation (dα), the height of the user’s feet (HF) and the pulley curvature function (C), resulting from the variation of its radius (dR) over time (dt). In order to explore and compare the different behaviours and identify possible solutions four different configurations of curvatures were proposed. Causal diagrams and differential equations describe the simulation scenario. The resulting application model supports the use of a systemic frame and methods as a pre-response to the validation of design proposals.
... Of the many commonly used systems design problem formulations, one that fits the problem well, and also offers good organizational structure to the requirements, is the systems thinking approach, which has been applied to other multi-objective optimization problems. A good example of the applicability of this method comes from Rivera Pedroza et al. (2013), who offer a case study where a design problem with many variables, subject to multiple objectives, is organized by the systems thinking principles in a method referred to as the systemic model. Using this study as reference, the interdependencies and major objectives are organized; the Maribot Vane system is visualized and presented accordingly in Fig. 2. ...
The Maribot Vane is an autonomous sailing drone project that has been in the prototype testing phase for two years, developing a fully capable platform to aid in long-term ocean research projects. With longer voyages required for further development, a more reliable physical platform is a high priority of the next-generation design. This paper applies a multi-objective, Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) approach to minimize the system cost and the probability of failure under anticipated operational conditions. The results will inform designers of the new platform about their trade-offs between the cost and reliability objectives.
... Se propone una perspectiva de sostenibilidad apoyada en una vision holistica y sistémica, que abarque varias disciplinas, panoramas y enfoques, que permitan y faciliten una acertada toma de decisiones. Para ello Rivera et al (2013), plantean dos contextos como componentes del sistema exterior, el contexto material y el contexto inmaterial, a manera de reconocer criterios que validen los supuestos o conocimientos sobre los conceptos identificados de la realidad percibida. de Rivera et al (2013) sostenibilidad. ...
La crisis ambiental es también un problema de comportamiento, y no está limitado sólamente a tecnología, producción y volumen. Por lo tanto, con la evolución y los avances en la tecnología, los procesos y métodos de producción para desarrar nuevos productos y servicios, es necesario analizar el nuevo papel del diseño en la sociedad actual. El objetivo propuesto de este estudio es el de describir la relación entre dinámicas de desmaterialización y digitalización (o informacionalización) de productos y servicios y la sostenibilidad. La investigación se lleva a cabo a partir de un estudio de caso con un enfoque cualitativo y un énfasis analítico-descriptivo, sobre la manera en que factores tales como los avances tecnológicos, junto con los comportamientos y las emociones de los usuarios influyen en la configuración de productos y servicios y su relación con la sostenibilidad. Es importante resaltar hasta qué punto se puede sentir amenazado el "know how" del diseñador con la aparición, cada vez más frecuente, de productos y servicios desmaterializados y/o digitalizados. En este sentido, se plantea que, más que una amenaza, puede ser una oportunidad para evolucionar, considerando enfoques sistémicos desde una perspectiva multi-objetivo, multidimensional y multidisciplinaria. El presente análisis podría proporcionar pistas en el campo del diseño, teniendo en cuenta el contexto inmaterial para desarrollar productos y servicios desmaterializados y digitalizados, comprometidos con una sociedad más sostenible.DOI:
... Adapted from Rivera et al (2013) In the indicated scenario, in relation to the criteria and qualities of the related phenomena of research. The material and the immaterial context are raised, as a way to identify criteria that validate the assumptions or knowledge about the identified concepts of perceived reality. ...
... These design criteria have key points in common with strategies like the LiDS-wheel (Brezet & van Hemel, 1997), as both tools consider stages of product life cycle. However, like the LCA, the initial phase of its implementation the design process produces mainly qualitative data, the reason it could not be determined the actual environmental impact of future products and services (Rivera, González, & Hernandis, 2013). Brezet & van Hemel (1997) Figure 5 shows the LiDS-wheel strategies (Brezet & van Hemel, 1997) according to their relation to the product system and the options that can be chosen for each strategy. ...
... In a previous study (Rivera, González, & Hernandis, 2013), we performed the integration of a tool or methodology for sustainable design or eco-design by applying the principles of the wheel of strategies LiDSwheel in the concurrent design model, since its principles can be applied at the conceptual stage in the development of a product and a process. In the analysis of the input variables, characteristics of the project are identified and are defined the requirements and previous determinants in its general aspects before performing the subdivision into the basic subsystems. ...
The objective of this study is to analyse the Concurrent Design Model (CDM). Well, as tools and design methodologies such as ABC-Analysis, MET-Matrix, Eco-Design Checklist, LiDS-wheel, Environmental Assessment of Product Strategy, among other means, oriented towards the sustainable processes and eco-design, identifying, classifying and evaluating their compatibility with the aforementioned model. In addition, it seeks to understand the value of the intangibility of the services and its relationship to lifetime. According to redirect mental schemes, going from designing physical products only, to product-systems meet specific demands of customers. This analysis considers sustainability criteria and basic design criteria in the initial stages of product development projects and or sustainable services. Thus are defined factors such as those generated by Vezzoli & Manzini (2008) and Shedroff (2009); that seek to reach sustainability by optimising the lifetime of both products and services. Subsequently analysis, are employed strategies (such as new concept development, reduction of material usage, reduction of impact during use, among others). These originating from primary analyzes, specifically, should be aggregated at the CDM, aiming the incorporation of elements that will provide improvements concerning to environmental aspects of product development / sustainable services. These strategies focus on the lifecycle of products and multi-criteria for the rapid integration of environmental aspects. As a result, it seeks to find premises related to the development of eco-efficient projects, permeated by one methodological approach to the traditional design.
... [3] At the same level, without the predominance of one over the other, to facilitate a more detailed analysis of the system under study. These subsystems in turn are composed by subsystems, components, variables, objectives and elementsthese last would be the maximum degree of disaggregation proposed- [4]. ...
... By means of these analyses can be identified, besides the input variables related to the MC of a design problem, others relations associated with an IC in which emotional aspects, values and psychological and psychosocial factors are considered, by way to satisfy nonmaterial needs of the users/consumers. [4] Needs that often are overlooked in the configuration of a product or service and that in addition are also relevant at the moment to generate a sustainable design solution. It is from this approach that the above contexts are analysed to identify elements that are connected with sustainability, considering theories related to human needs, emotions, and values. ...
... The research is conducted in a descriptive way in order to analyse needs, emotions, and values of users/consumers to identify motivations that could be related to the sustainability. On the basis of an earlier work from Rivera et al [4], in which components and branches of the OS in the CDM system, were analysed to achieve recognition of these motivations (needs, emotions and values) and their relationship to sustainability. ...
The purpose of this study is to analyze aspects, needs, values, emotions and desires of users/consumers as part of the Immaterial Dimension and its connection to Sustainability. As hypothesis suggests that a greater knowledge of the behaviour of users/consumers, can be identified needs, emotional aspects and/or values which are directly related to sustainability. It may be possible through a systemic approach which is both multidisciplinary and multiobjective wherein the Outer System of the Concurrent Design Model is analyzed; identifying components belonging to the immaterial context and at the same time are related to sustainability. Hence arises it is necessary to go beyond physical product and product experience, since the point of interest is analyze the immaterial context in addition to material context, to identify how from this intangibility may be identify some key points to achieve sustainability.
... En el estudio de Rivera & Hernandis (2012b) se propone el análisis del sistema exterior, mediante el enfoque de todos los componentes, hacia tres subsistemas principalmente: análisis de tendencias, análisis del perfil de usuario y el análisis de referencias; con la mira puesta en las tendencias, los escenarios de las mismas, Figura 1. Modelado teórico. Fuente: adaptado de Hernandis (2003) la determinación de un perfil de usuario objetivo y la definición de los requerimientos que puedan satisfacer sus necesidades, como también las referencias o productos que puedan ser similares en alguno de los aspectos del proyecto en desarrollo; también, identificando, además de las variables de entrada relacionadas con el contexto material de un problema de diseño, otras variables asociadas con el contexto inmaterial, que cuenten con factores psicológicos y psicosociales, los cuales se ignoran en muchas ocasiones para la configuración, y que son además relevantes en el momento de generar una solución de diseño sostenible (Rivera, Hernandis, & González, 2013). ...
... El análisis de diferentes escenarios es parte fundamental en Figura 2. Esquema de derivación del sistema exterior. Fuente: adaptado de Rivera (2013) la generación de tendencias; para lograrlo, es necesario observar la innovación y la visión antropológica de la sociedad, para direccionar las tendencias y que así, estas emerjan. Un ejemplo de ello se puede ver en el libro de Kelley & Littman (2010), Las diez caras de la innovación, estrategias para una creatividad excelente, en donde se muestra, a lo largo de la historia, cómo se ha innovado, y se destaca el perfil "antropológico", pues el análisis de la sociedad es un elemento esencial en la investigación en diseño, de modo que se puedan valorar las propuestas para generar soluciones más acertadas con los ideales óptimos buscados por los consumidores. ...
... • Sustainable Catharsis (Catarsis sostenible) La tendencia Sustainable Catharsis surge a raíz de la actual crisis ambiental en el globo terráqueo, y es el resultado, entre otros factores, de procesos de desarrollo instintivos e irreflexivos de las sociedades sobre el medio ambiente (Rivera et al., 2013). Esta crisis se evidencia ambientalmente con diversos factores, entre ellos: el agotamiento de fuentes de energía, la contaminación y la desertificación de suelos y aguas; también en el deterioro de la capa de ozono, el efecto invernadero, el cambio climático y la disminución de la biodiversidad. ...
When considering conceptual design in the early stages and analyzing the concurrent design model, this paper shows the main basic com-ponents of the model and emphasizes the outer systems where it is proposed a derivation to encompass a broader spectrum that includes multiple disciplines and objectives that can often be overlooked or ignored when proposing and de-veloping a product or service. It is important to consider that a multidisciplinary and multi-objective approach is important for the integration of sustainability cri-teria in products and services. Although two external system components, both material and intangible contexts arise. The study is based on analysis of trends which can be identified and generate design requirements of a product with the implementation of sustainability criteria.
Portuguese natural stone processing companies are suffering a decline in emerging markets. Design, as an integral component of innovation and strategic business management, plays a vital role in a company's growth, internationalization and competitiveness. By conducting an Internet survey with companies that participated in the PED RA trade fair in Batalha, Portugal, the value these firms place on design was analyzed. The profile of companies that differentiate themselves based on design was also identified. Results indicate that none of the companies surveyed have an R&D department, not even those that differentiate themselves based on design. Nor did these companies value the majority of benefits that design offers. They do, however, expressly value the qualities of the material they work with (its durability, texture and unique character) and use these to differentiate themselves in the market. It can be concluded that there is experience, deep technical knowledge and a culture related to the product in this sector, but there is no model to encourage the integration of design management into values of innovation, differentiation and competitiveness. As a result, opportunities for product innovation with natural stone are continually missed.
El posicionamiento de las empresas del sector de la piedra natural de Portugal sufre una recesión en los mercados emergentes. El diseño, como actividad integrante de la innovación y de la gestión estratégica empresarial, tiene un papel deteminante en el crecimiento, en la internacionalización y en la competitividad de las empresas. Por esto, mediante encuestas realizadas por internet a las empresas que participaron en la feria PEDRA – Batalha, Portugal – se ha pretendido evaluar los diferentes aspectos del diseño mejor valorados por ellas, así como identificar el perfil de aquellas que se diferencian específicamente por el diseño. Los resultados obtenidos indican que ninguna de las empresas entrevistadas tiene departamento de I+D+i, incluso las que dicen diferenciarse por el diseño, y además no aprecian la mayoría de las aportaciones que el diseño puede ofrecer a una empresa; sin embargo, valoran expresamente los atributos del material: la resistencia,
la textura o el carácter único de éste, siendo la característica que utilizan como estrategia de diferenciación en los mercados. Podemos concluir, por lo tanto, que existe la cultura, la experiencia y un conocimiento técnico muy profundo sobre el material en el sector, pero no existe un modelo que fomente la integración entre la gestión del diseño y los valores de innovación, diferenciación y competitividad, por lo que se pierden continuas oportunidades en la innovación en productos en piedra natural mediante el uso de diseño.