Table 2 - uploaded by Attila Kertész
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Deployment parameters of our private OpenStack cloud.

Deployment parameters of our private OpenStack cloud.

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Context 1
... in the OpenStack documentation the storage role is not recommended for the controllers, in a small cloud (having 4-10 nodes) it can be reasonable. Finally we arrived to the deployment shown in Table 2. ...

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... Performance evaluation environment with open stack deployment, the test cases investigate the internal behavior of open stack in terms of computing. The results in terms of performance usage in uploading and downloading developments is improved with open stack methodologies [56]. ...
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... OpenStack is a distributed collection of open source cloud computing software projects that enterprises or cloud providers can adopt for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services [32]. 4.04.5-server ...
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... Performance evaluation environment with open stack deployment, the test cases investigate the internal behavior of open stack in terms of computing. The results in terms of performance usage in uploading and downloading developments is improved with open stack methodologies [56]. ...
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Cloud computing is one of the frontier technologies, which over the last decade has gained a widespread commercial and educational user base. OpenStack is one of the popular open source cloud management platforms for establishing a private or public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS) cloud. Although OpenStack started with very few core modules, it now houses nearly 38 modules and is quite complex. Such a complex software bundle is bound to have an impact on the underlying hardware utilization of the host system. The objective is to monitor the usage of system resources by OpenStack on commodity hardware. This paper analyzes the effect of OpenStack on the host machine's hardware. An extensive empirical evaluation has been done on different types of hardware, at different virtualization levels and with different flavours of operating systems comparing the CPU utilization, memory consumption, disk I/O, network, and I/O requests. OpenStack was deployed using Devstack on a single node. The novel aspect of this work is monitoring the resource usage by OpenStack without creating virtual machines on commodity hardware. From the analysis of data, it is observed that standalone machine with Ubuntu server operating system is the least effected by OpenStack and thereby has more available resources for computation of user workloads. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2020-01246 Full Text: PDF
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Cloud computing is one of the frontier technologies, which over the last decade has gained a widespread commercial and educational user base. OpenStack is one of the popular open-source cloud management platforms for establishing a private or public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS) cloud. Although OpenStack started with very few core modules, it now houses nearly 38 modules and is quite complex. Such a complex software bundle is bound to have an impact on the underlying hardware utilization of the host system. This paper analyzes the effect of OpenStack on the host machine’s hardware. For this purpose, an extensive empirical evaluation has been done on different types of hardware, different virtualization levels and with different flavors of operating systems comparing the CPU utilization, and memory consumption. OpenStack was deployed using Devstack on a single node. From the results it is evident that standalone machine with Ubuntu server operating system is the least affected by OpenStack and thereby has more available resources for computation of user workloads.
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Private IaaS clouds offer an attractive environment to be used in enterprise and scientific fields providing advantages such as scalability, security and avoids dependence on third parties. However, one of the challenges is to port applications to the cloud environment without compromising performance. In response to this, the goal of this text is to characterize the application''s performance in private IaaS clouds using scientific and enterprise applications. Therefore, the CloudStack was used to manage clouds and KVM and LXC-based were deployed as virtualization technologies. To represent real-world applications from the scientific and enterprise fields, it was used the NPB-OMP and PARSEC suite. These applications were benchmarked to characterize the high-performance and multi-tenancy environment. The statistical method was used to verify if there were significant differences among the clouds in each proposed environment. The results reveal that scientific and enterprise workloads are statistically different in the majority of the experiments performed in KVM and LXC-based clouds, however, there are results with non-significant differences.