Table 1 - uploaded by Maria-Cristina Iorgulescu
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Demographic profile of the respondents
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In the current economic environment, innovation is a common characteristic of both services and manufacturing enterprises. In the tourism sector innovation has become compulsory in the quest to achieve long term competitiveness. However, innovation is seldom assessed even after being integrated in the daily routine of tourism enterprises. The purpo...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... 12-17 were targeted at obtaining data regarding the demographic profile of the respondents. As shown in Table 1, the largest age group is 35-44 years and over 50 percent of respondents are female. This is not necessarily surprising, being known the fact that women represent the majority of personnel in the hotel industry. ...
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... According to Ivkov et al. (2018), in the restaurant industry, innovations appear as conceptual solutions in five main areas: design and atmosphere (e.g., interior and exterior appearance, colors, music, etc.), food and beverages (e.g., portion size, new ingredients, allergen-free, etc.), technology application (e.g., PMS, POS terminals, online reservations, smartphone applications, social media, etc.), and responsible business (e.g., ethics, eco-friendly packages, waste recycling, etc.) Amid the pandemic, technology has proven to be an invaluable resource for restaurants. Iorgulescu and Rvar (2013) view marketing as another type of innovation in the hospitality sector that gives new perspectives on employee-customer relations. Price innovation is rarely discussed but can be a source of competitiveness and a chance to achieve value (Hinterhuber & Liozu, 2014). ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, fast-food restaurants are thriving as they are closing throughout the country. Restaurants should continue to innovate and be resilient due to crisis because there will be strongholds and recovery. The study examines the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty using the researchers’ expanded Service Quality (SERVQUAL) framework with innovation and recovery as new constructs. Moreover, the research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic in the fast-food industry. Respondents of the study were 189 diners from selected fast-food restaurants in Pasay City, Philippines, through convenience sampling. The study employed a descriptive-correlational research design. The study revealed that the fast-food restaurant meets the expectations of its customers in terms of service quality even during the pandemic crisis; however, the new construct of innovation reveals the lowest rating among other service quality dimensions, and it is suggested to implement innovative strategies in adapting to the new normal setting. Other findings revealed that service quality has a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, it is recommended that the service quality in fast-food restaurants be re-measured to develop innovative strategies without compromising customer satisfaction and regain loyalty during the COVID-19 pandemic.
... Surveys also revealed that 90% of hotel guests prefer to stay in a hotel that cares about the environment. Many guests have given positive responses regarding their intention to stay in green hotels (Iorgulescu & Răvar, 2013). The cognitive picture elements, such as attributes of value and quality, can have a positive impact on the emotional picture, the overall green image of the hotel, and the intention to stay in an eco-friendly hotel (D'Souza et al., 2021). ...
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Green Hotels are environmentally-friendly properties whose managers are eager to institute programs that help protect our earth, like saving water, saving energy, and reducing solid waste and pollution, while saving money too. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the hotel industry worldwide. Thousands
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... small and medium-sized enterprises are particularly rarely equipped with the knowledge resources, are needed to innovate and collaborate with other companies and to innovate, develop synergies and share competences (Müller, 2006). According to Muller and Zenker (2001), the knowledge needed for innovation can be generated by organizations internally (for example, through r & D) or acquired from organizations external environment: partners, competitors, suppliers and customers (Iorgulescu et al., 2013). Innovation refers to the interaction between the various combined work production operators, new economically useful knowledge dissemination and use (Lundvall, 1992;Iorgulescu et al., 2013). ...
... According to Muller and Zenker (2001), the knowledge needed for innovation can be generated by organizations internally (for example, through r & D) or acquired from organizations external environment: partners, competitors, suppliers and customers (Iorgulescu et al., 2013). Innovation refers to the interaction between the various combined work production operators, new economically useful knowledge dissemination and use (Lundvall, 1992;Iorgulescu et al., 2013). there is some kind of novelty in innovations definition by interaction aspect as sharing of knowledge resources is pointed out. ...
... It is defined as a process where innovation does not occur in a linear way but is characterized by complex feedback communication mechanisms and interactive communications. Innovation as an expression of human creativity and unconventional thinking is not the result of economic development, but rather a source of sustainable economic and social progress (collins & Fahy, 2011;Iorgulescu et al., 2013 Although the scientific literature since 1936 to 2018 revealed 4 innovation analysis trends, which can be divided into smaller parts: novelty, the interaction processes, change, value creation and social progress, J. Jemeljanovič and G. Mikaliūnienė (2016) distinguishes different four innovation areas: economic, managerial, psychologic and technologic, which can classify innovation concept definition directions. All approaches, discussed in this paper, can be classified by these main groups. ...
... Besides the variety of definitions, the perception of innovation is another subject to study. Perception studies are generally about the customers perception of a specific innovative product/service (Onişor & Roşca, 2013;Charles & Issifu, 2015;Okereke, 2015), the perception of a specific innovative property of a product/service (Besier, 2015), perception of a specific type of innovation (Dabrowska et al., 2013), perception of innovation in a specific sector/group (Karaca, 2009;Pop et al., 2012;Anamaria & Maria-Cristina, 2013;Iorgulescu & Răvar, 2013;Abadi, 2014;Roussy et al., 2014;Gorghiu et al., 2015), forecasting the perception of customers (Lowe & Alpert, 2015). Hence, the perception of innovation is a current issue despite being a long-established term. ...
... Karakteristik pariwisata yang cenderung mudah mengalami perubahan akibat faktor eksternal memberikan tuntutan yang lebih kuat lagi bagi industri pariwisata untuk berinovasi. Penelitian mengenai inovasi dalam industri perhotelan oleh Iorgulescua & Ravar (2013), mengkaji mengenai persepsi manajer hotel terkait inovasi dalam organisasinya. Studi ini menyoroti frekuensi dan pentingnya beragam inovasi di industri perhotelan, baik inovasi pada produk dan layanan maupun pemasaran. ...
... Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa 2 dari 3 manajer percaya bahwa pelanggan akan membayar lebih untuk inovasi layanan yang dilakukan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa manajer hotel melihat inovasi sebagai faktor yang penting dalam persaingan industri dan kepuasan pelanggan (Iorgulescua & Ravar, 2013 Alsos, Eide, & Madsen (2014), hanya beberapa industri pariwisata yang memiliki hubungan aktif dengan lembaga penelitian. Industri pariwisata juga didominasi oleh usaha kecil dan menegah yang kurang memiliki prioritas dan kapasitas untuk mendukung kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan. ...
Industri Pariwisata kini dihadapi dengan lingkungan yang mudah berubah dan kian kompetitif sehingga menunjukkan kebutuhan yang semakin kuat untuk melakukan inovasi. Pada proses inovasi produk atau layanan baru, karyawan dapat menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan masalah sehingga individu memerlukan kapasitas untuk menghadapi situasi tersebut, yaitu resiliensi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara resiliensi dengan perilaku kerja inovatif pada karyawan industri pariwisata di Bali. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan metode survei melalui kuisioner dengan menggunakan skala The Resilience Scale-14 oleh Wagnild (2009) dan skala Innovative Work Behavior oleh Janssen (2000). Penelitian terhadap 117 karyawan industri pariwisata di Bali kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi dengan teknik Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara resiliensi dengan perilaku kerja inovatif pada karyawan industri pariwisata di Provinsi Bali. Hasil penelitian ini kemudian dapat menjadi panduan bagi industri pariwisata dalam meningkatkan potensi inovatif karyawan, melalui pengembangan kapasitas resiliensinya.Kata kunci: Industri Pariwisata, Perilaku Kerja Inovatif, Resiliensi
... La propuesta tecnocrática está asociada con mirar a las organizaciones como industrias [15] con fuerte presencia de tecnología. Por ejemplo, el solo uso de software especializado que agilice los procesos (véase [16]) o el e-learning [17]. También caracterizan esta perspectiva, la efectividad, el control por expertos [18], [19], las soluciones estandarizadas, eficientistas (Guerrero, 2006, citado por [15]). ...
A pesar de que el cambio en las nociones de los actores escolares es el inicio del cambio en la escuela, hay pocos estudios al respecto. Dado el efecto multiplicador del docente, sus nociones son clave para el cambio aludido. Se proponen tres perspectivas de la innovación educativa: filológica, tecnocrática y sociocrítica reflexiva. Mediante un cuestionario con ítems cerrados, escala de 0 a 10 y validados (alpha de Cronbach = 0.96) se indagaron las nociones en 119 maestros en formación. Se encontró que las tres perspectivas están presentes, la filológica muestra una ligera dominancia muy cerca de la sociocrítica-reflexiva. Lo anterior perfila a la perspectiva filológica como la paradigmática. Es una oportunidad para debatir y empoderar al docente a fin de consolidar una postura paradigmática. Se demuestra que los aspectos biográficos son importantes en las nociones y por tanto el cambio en la escuela. Los hombres reportan ser más sociables que las mujeres. No existe diferencia significativa entre las nociones de hombres y de mujeres. Los sujetos tenaces, empáticos, sociables y comprometidos son los que pueden liderar el cambio y este será hacia la evaluación holística, la actualización docente, la creatividad, la justicia social y la formación integral del alumno. Palabras Claves: Innovación educativa, Paradigma Tecnocrático, Paradigma Sociocrítico-Reflexivo, Paradigma Filológico, maestros en formación y líderes del cambio.
... members, establishing the conditions for growth and business improvement (). In addition, leaders have mastery of change and foster innovation within their teams, and seen from the tourism sector this is essential then organizational innovation requires intense human activity, which depends on the commitment of workers and continuous improvement (Iorgulescu & Sidonia, 2013). In the same vein, Teodorescu, Stăncioiu, Răvar and Boto (2015) and Bascavusoglu, Kopera and ș Wszendyby (2013), recognize in their research the importance of creativity, which as input from the human mind has become indispensable in the process of organizational innovation; so the creativity of workers and entrepreneurs come into measura ...
... Other research warns that due to the lack of motivation to innovate, because in some cases, the innovations implemented by managers are not gratified by customers, employees and shareholders; making leaders stop worrying (Iorgulescu & Sidonia, 2013). It also identifies the lack of skilled labor, lack of commitment by staff and financial mismanagement are elements that limit organizational innovation; that prevail there is a risk of increasing costs, maintaining low performance in providing services and reach customer dissatisfaction (Melo & Meira, 2014). ...
Purpose: This paper makes a literature review in order to analyze the current state of innovation in tourism companies and know the future research lines on the subject.
Design/methodology: The study chose a content analysis, which purpose was to examine the scientific journal articles about tourism, business management and economic-administrative studies, considering ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis, EBSCOHost and REDALYC databases. The procedure involves filtering papers based on criteria of relevance as addressing the issue and current facts (texts inscribed in the period 2008-2015). As a result 78 publications based on bibliographic content matrices were analyzed and classified according to their thematic profile. Moreover, a search for bases outside the above data was done, in order to know the situation of tourism companies in the Mexican context.
Findings: The review shows that papers are concentrated in six broad categories: a) organizational innovation, b) innovation strategies, c) innovation in products and processes, d) technological innovation, e) knowledge management in innovation and f) innovation models. Most studies are given in the context of hotels and restaurants; showing that innovation in tourism companies is an emerging theme study that will strengthen the development and competitiveness of the sector itself.
Originality/value: It represents an innovative contribution by providing information on how it has been addressed the issue of innovation in the context of tourism companies -restaurants and hotels-, besides provides an overview of research conducted in Mexico on the topic, being of interest to the companies and academic community.
... Hjalager (2010) classifies innovations into the following categories: product innovations, process innovations, management innovations (innovation related to human resources, i.e. training methods, staff empowerment, etc.), and logistics innovations. Some authors (Iorgulescu, Sidonia Rvar, 2013) recognize marketing as another type of innovation in the hospitality industry which brings new perspectives in the relationship between employees and customers. However, innovation in pricing is rarely discussed although it can be a source of competitive advantage and an opportunity for value capture (Hinterhuber, Liozu, 2014). ...
This paper tends to identify managers' current innovation activities and attitudes, and also perceptions of what might become future trends and the prospective course in the restaurant industry. Additionally, this paper analyses linkage between sociodemographic profile of managers and a type of innovation they prefer/apply. Full service casual dining restaurant managers from three different countries were interviewed in order to examine their attitudes towards innovations, and to reveal their perceptions of future trends. ANOVA was used to reveal differences between managers' attitudes towards the area of innovation. The results of qualitative study highlight five areas of innovation that could help managers create value based service and increase competitiveness. It is found that age, education level and experience of the restaurant managers affect the innovation type they apply. Additionally, this paper is the first to examine the linkage between socio-demographic profile of restaurant managers and a type of innovation they apply. It offers useful guidelines for hospitality managers.
The tourism industry regained its growth trend after the sanitary moment of crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The important structural transformations within the tourism market and the tourists' pattern of behavior requires a detailed updated analysis of the new context. The specific research objective is the analysis of the tourism market in the NorthEast Economic Development Region of Romania, with a focus on the activities of touristic nature as listed in the National Economy Activities Classification (CAEN) under Code 79. The result of this analysis is the emergence of the characteristics of the tourism offer and demand mechanisms, as well as the current behavior of the typical tourist visiting Romania, and particularly the NorthEast Economic Development Region of Romania, key values necessary for the future planning of the local travel agencies. The identified present-day opportunities will be subsequently utilized by organizing, intermediary and online travel agencies, as well as by owners and managers of other enterprises related to the tourism industry. The case study represents a foundation for further research regarding the adaptation strategies of the tourist enterprises currently having a business presence in this region.
Keywords: tourism market, travel agencies, tourist behavior, tourism network, tourism exhibitions
JEL Classification: D21, D47, D90, L11, M30, O19
The purpose of this research is to provide guidance for future research that may be related to the concept of innovation specifically within the hospitality industry, which is quite imperative when recent researches are being analyzed further and looked on in a deeper scope. Literature reviews examined in this study had a different drive. The main purpose was to analyze factors that influence business models in the hospitality industry, to provide fusion potential on collaborative innovation in tourism and hospitality and to determine dimensions for sustainable oriented hospitality innovation. This literature review seeks to inspect the existing literature published in the period 2012-2022 by using Emerald Insight and ProQuest database with the following keywords: “innovation” and “hospitality” concerning their a) research focus, b) methodology used, c) sample, d) results. All papers that matched the research requirements and time frame are presented. The two databases were carefully examined for the purpose of this study. This systematic and detailed literature review could be a useful base for future researches and service innovation as a key of business success and competitive advantage for the hospitality industry. One of the most significant findings is the relative lack of empirical researches conducted on the sample of restaurants.