Demographic and Geographic Information Pertaining to XXX

Demographic and Geographic Information Pertaining to XXX

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Sustainability has existed since the day it was originated by the Brundtland Commission in the year of 1987. The term sustainability has been vaguely defined and it creates different interpretations. In line with today’s economic situation, organizations increasingly perceive sustainability as an opportunity for them to gain a competitive advantage...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... of Respondents: Table 2 displays a summary of the characteristics of the total sample of personal care and cosmetics customers who participated in the study. Table 2 indicates the demographic profile of the respondents most of the respondents were female 217 (51.7%) followed by male 203 (48.3%). ...
Context 2
... of Respondents: Table 2 displays a summary of the characteristics of the total sample of personal care and cosmetics customers who participated in the study. Table 2 indicates the demographic profile of the respondents most of the respondents were female 217 (51.7%) followed by male 203 (48.3%). In terms of age, out of 420 respondents, 154 (36.7%) respondents were 24-29 years old, 120 (28.6%) respondents were 30-34 years old, 62 (14.8%) respondents were aged between 35-44 years old, 49 (11.7%) of the respondents were 18-23 years old, 21 (5.0%) of the respondents were 45-49 years old, 9 (2.1%) of the respondents were below 18 years old and lastly, 5 (1.2%) of the respondents were 50 years old and above. ...

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... Moreover, as trust is established, customers are more likely to feel secure and satisfied with the specific brand, which eventually leads to increased loyalty and long-term relationships [51]. It is revealed that CSR efforts positively impact brand awareness, whereby consistent and integrated messaging across various channels may also enhance brand visibility [52]. According to researchers, effective CSR capabilities foster CrT by conveying a cohesive and trustworthy brand image [36,47]. ...
... Hence, customer trust is expected to mediate the relationship between CSR and brand awareness [5]. If the trust of the customers increases due to CSR, then customers are more likely to recall and recognize the brand, which supports elevating brand awareness [47,52]. It is suggested by the scholar that customer trust acts as a bridge by explaining how CSR impacts the brand by maintaining customer trust [37]. ...
... Based on these outcomes, H5 is accepted, which indicates that customer trust positively mediated the nexus between CSR and CsL. All these outcomes are closely consistent with previous related studies in which experts concluded a positive connection of CSR in various perspectives, such as customer trust [1,11,36,47,52,53]. Likewise, the study assumed two assumptions about the moderation of Society 5.0 (s5.0) among the nexus of CSR, BrA, and CsL. ...
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Society 5.0 (s5.0) are transformative models that both seek a human-centric approach by integrating certain capabilities for the betterment of stakeholders. This study investigates the nexus among CSR, brand awareness, customer trust (CrT), the s5.0 model, and customer loyalty (CrL) from the perspective of a developing nation, China. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares was applied to a sample size of eight hundred and ninety-three (N = 893). First, the study confirmed a positive relationship between CSR, brand awareness, and customer loyalty. Second, the study revealed a positive linkage through the mediation of customer trust. Finally, a moderating effect of the s5.0 model was found at the nexus of CSR, brand awareness, and brand loyalty. This study provides several insights into corporate social responsibility, brand awareness, and brand loyalty with additional facts on how customer trust and Society 5.0 may play important roles in engaging stakeholders such as customers in the present era. Therefore, managers should prioritize CSR along with Society 5.0 practices that can help to win over customers and elicit their loyalty and trust toward organizations.