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Democratic Consumption and Democratic Principles Over the Centuries

Democratic Consumption and Democratic Principles Over the Centuries

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This think piece explores the idea of democratic consumption. After explaining its etymological roots, 12 principles of democracy are described. A narrative of the review of literature (organized by century 19 th , 20 th and 21 st) is followed with an analysis of common threads and emergent patterns. Five ideas were associated with democratic consu...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... think piece sought evidence of democratic consumption in the literature, which scholars traced back over three centuries. The focus tended to shift over time with each century concerned with different democratic principles (see Table 2). In the 1800s, democratic consumption was clearly associated with both the common good and resocializing people to consume for human dignity and simplicity. ...
Context 2
... evident in Table 2, several democratic principles were consistently linked with democratic consumption (e.g., economic freedom, equality, freedom and rights, and the rule of law) with the current century the most expansive in its inclusion of the 12 rights set out in Table One. Five democratic principles were not linked with democratic consumption: an independent judiciary; control of government's abuse of power (especially in the marketplace but also in the policy arena); anything to do with elections; and multiparty systems (although somewhat ...