Death rate per 100000 across South Asian Countries [29]

Death rate per 100000 across South Asian Countries [29]

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The Covid-19 pandemic has become a huge global health crisis. Whole world is suffering from this virus and yet we are unable to find any evident solution of this virus. This paper summarizes the experiences (facts and figures) of the first, second and third waves of Covid-19 across various regions of the World like Asia, Africa, Europe and South Am...

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... these countries India was the second country which recorded largest number of cases among the world with nearly 9 million cases approximately [27] . If we compare the death rate in Asian countries India had 11.6% per 100000 people [28] while Pakistan had 6.0%, Afghanistan had 6.6%, Nepal had 9.6% and Bangladesh had 5.2% [29] as shown in Table 1. Covid-19 has widely affected the social behavior of the people living in different regions of the world. ...