Data structure

Data structure

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Information systems development (ISD) project control has been traditionally seen as a tool against agency concerns, i.e. to align the interests of project participants with the organization’s interests. However, this perspective barely fits into the agile worldview. Agile methods, that became popular choices for ISD projects, shifted away from the...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... names of these dimensions were taken from literature [35,41,44,54]. Once the first-order concepts, second-order themes and aggregate dimensions were identified, it was possible to prepare the data structure shown in Figure 1. The data structure visually highlights the journey from the words of participants to key findings and this is fundamental for the rigorousness of qualitative research [23]. ...
Context 2
... this section, controllers' reasons to control their agile ISD projects in the technology department of Danish container shipping company are described. First, this is done by presenting the data structure (Figure 1), and then findings are illustrated with the help of quotations. ...


... La "relación de agencia" se encuentra circunscrita a una serie de actuaciones entre las partes, en la que el agente ejecuta en nombre de otro u otros, como representante del llamado principal, donde la incertidumbre en los resultados relacionados con las decisiones del administrador en muchos momentos es incontrolable (Zhao y Shi, 2024). La relación de agencia debe esta medida por mecanismos de control que permitan una secuencia custodiada de los resultados y las decisiones, no siempre se tiene la certeza de las actuaciones del agente, por lo que es necesaria la generación de bloqueos en los que se justifique una medida, la cual, a su vez puede llegar a mejorar la comunicación y la cooperación entre las partes (Virag, 2021). ...
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El libro Dinámicas de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas: Perspectivas y Desafíos ofrece una visión integral de las oportunidades y desafíos que enfrentan las industrias culturales y creativas en la actualidad. Desde la importancia de equilibrar el dominio público y los bienes comunes de información, hasta la necesidad de adaptarse a los nuevos modelos de negocio y promover una cultura de aseguramiento. Los autores proporcionan insights valiosos para profesionales, investigadores y estudiantes interesados en el campo de las industrias culturales y creativas.
... However, the fact that these doctor-orientated support procedures focus on individual solutions, thereby raising the possibility that they are insufficient [47]. It is more common for burnout to be caused by variables at the organisational level, and interventions to prevent burnout may be more successful if they focus on factors such as health and safety as changes to be taken into account at the organisational level [48]. ...
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The reality of the occurrence of burnout in human resources has been increasingly recognised as a result of today’s transforming and competitive society, which exerts a very high level of stress and anxiety on workers, generating a notorious problem in the field of human resource management. Problems related to symptoms of exhaustion, mental weakness, personal devaluation, inability to solve professional problems, restlessness, and eating disorders. These problems manifest themselves in terms of personality, triggering feelings of threat, panic, nervousness, or suicide. Such disorders pose a threat not only to the person but also to the quality of their professional activities. In this way, burnout syndrome can cause a mental and physical breakdown requiring complex medical assistance. In view of the above, it is imperative that organisations take preventative and corrective measures to tackle this phenomenon. This entry covers topics such as the history of the concept of burnout, the concept, its causes and consequences, and predictive methods. By approaching the aforementioned topics using the existing literature on burnout syndrome, this entry aims to demystify the subject of burnout in human resources.
... The fact that these supporting physician-directed procedures focus on individual solutions, however, raises the possibility that they are insufficient. It is more common for burnout to be caused by variables at the organisational or system level, and interventions to prevent burnout may be more successful if they concentrate on altering the system rather than modifying the behaviour of individual physicians [2]. Changing timetables, lessening the severity of workloads, boosting cooperation, and raising the percentage of physician engagement in decision-making are some examples of organisation-directed interventions. ...
... Peter Virag [2] performed a study on controlling Agile for Information systems development (ISD), which can be costly in project execution. Project control is a norm in project management, which studies have shown. ...
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Project teams often fight to find a balance between the triple restrictions of money, scope, and schedule to deliver excellent products or services. The dual goal of realising benefits and satisfying the needs of stakeholders drives this conflict. It is possible that the climate and pace of the project will not be able to keep up with the increased demand for the deliverables, which will lead to burnout among project members and possibly attrition for the team. In this work, we analyse the factors that lead to project settings that are not sustainable and provide solutions to address the problem. The reading of 28 pieces of literature relating to project management in the information technology (IT), construction, energy, and health sectors is required to accomplish this goal. The results of the review are tabulated and mapped to the process groups and knowledge areas outlined in the 6th edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). This is done based on the Project Management Institute (PMI). According to the findings, increasing focus on the Project Resource Management knowledge area, which interacts with the Planning and Executing process groups, is necessary for the development of an environment that is environmentally sustainable. Plan resource management, develop teams, and manage teams are three processes that are included in these categories and fall under the category of being particularly significant. The next most important area of expertise is project communication management, which is followed by project schedule management.
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This article intends to review the theoretical aspects and current research on agency theory. It aims to explore the main ideas, problems, and issues related to agency theory through a survey of the current literature. Agency theory is caused by agency relationships and information asymmetry which causes agency problems and agency costs. This article not only categorizes agency problems into six categories representing various concepts and problems but also solutions offered related to agency theory research over the last five years. This literature survey will enlighten practitioners and researchers in understanding, analyzing, mitigating agency problems, and guiding future research on agency theory.AbstrakArtikel ini bermaksud untuk meninjau aspek teoretis dan riset terkini tentang teori keagenan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi ide-ide utama, masalah, dan isu-isu yang terkait dengan teori keagenan melalui survei literatur saat ini. Teori keagenan disebabkan oleh hubungan keagenan dan asimetri informasi yang menyebabkan masalah keagenan dan biaya keagenan. Artikel ini tidak hanya mengkategorikan masalah keagenan ke dalam enam kategori yang mewakili berbagai konsep dan masalah tetapi juga menawarkan solusi terkait dengan riset teori keagenan selama lima tahun terakhir. Survei literatur ini akan mencerahkan praktisi dan peneliti dalam memahami, menganalisis, mengurangi masalah keagenan, dan membantu memandu riset selanjutnya tentang teori keagenan.
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan manajerial, ukuran direksi, proporsi dewan komisaris independen dan komite audit secara simultan dan parsial terhadap penghindaran pajak pada perusahaan pertambangan di BEI periode 2017-2021. Peneltian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sampel yang dianalisis yaitu 22 perusahaan. Sehingga data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 110 data laporan keuangan. Adapun teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran direksi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penghindaran pajak, sedangkan kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan manajerial, proporsi dewan komisaris independen dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penghindaran pajak pada perusahaan pertambangan di BEI periode 2017-2021.