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This systematic literature review explores the potential of machine learning-based approaches to detect and prevent bird collisions with wind turbines. It provides a comprehensive review of the current approaches and identifies critical gaps in the literature, which may serve as the groundwork for future research and development in this area. As a...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... 23 papers rather consider visual elements for bird identification which in fact means that VOLUME 4, 2016 only eight of 22 papers considered a further audio processing of already collected audio data (or combined data), which is mostly done with a further processing of the mel spectrum to corresponding Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coeffcients (MFCC) (Fig. 6). Both pre-emphases enable the researchers for the amplitude calibration of audio signals according to different frequency bands and thus to standardize and prepare the data for further processing. A common issue of audio recordings in the field is the differentiation of requested bird sounds with environmental signals or overlapping ...
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