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Mass media can set the public’s agenda, particularly during political campaigns. In the social media era, the public can now also set the mass media’s agenda, resulting in intermedia agenda setting. This study’s purpose is to examine the intermedia agenda-setting effects between Instagram posts and mainstream newspapers during the 2016 presidential...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... test Hypotheses 1 and 2, cross-correlations were estimated to examine the direction of the frequency of issue mentions between the Newspaper Index and Instagram Index for the top 10 issues. See Table 2. When examining the daily number of issue mentions in media content, it is important to consider the optimal time frame to study. ...Context 2
... general, the results in Table 2 demonstrate very little evidence of an agenda-setting relationship between the mainstream media and Instagram posts during the 2016 primary period. From the top 10 issues tested, only six of the issuesimmigration, civil rights, military, abortion, health, and bank-contained significant lags and/or leads. ...Context 3
... were no significant lags or leads between newspapers and Instagram posts for four issues: corruption, campaign finance, climate change, and gay/LGBTQ. Table 2 reports the cross-correlations results for the six issues containing significant lags and/or leads. Considering Hypothesis 1, there is very little evidence that the newspaper's issue agenda predicted Instagram posters' issue agenda between January and June 2016. ...Context 4
... Hypothesis 1, there is very little evidence that the newspaper's issue agenda predicted Instagram posters' issue agenda between January and June 2016. As Table 2 shows, there are three significant leads for two issues: civil rights and banking. There is no evidence that newspaper paper coverage of immigration, military, abortion, and health care predicted Instagram posts. ...Context 5
... nine significant lags shown in Table 2 indicate that Instagram posts predicted newspaper coverage on six issues during the 2016 presidential primary period: immigration, civil rights, military, abortion, health care, and banking. The latter offers only moderate support for Hypothesis 2, which asserts that Instagram posts predict the mainstream newspaper's issue agenda. ...Context 6
... is, there is a longer time span (more days) between Instagram mentions of immigration, military, and banking issues and the newspaper's coverage of these issues. Looking at Column 1 in Table 2, the cross-correlation indicates that Instagram posters' mentions of immigration predicted newspaper coverage 5-7 days prior with no reverse effects: newspaper coverage of the immigration did not predict Instagram posts. There were also no reverse effects for military, abortion, and health care. ...Context 7
... is also worth highlighting the somewhat reciprocal relationship between Instagram posts and newspaper content on the issue of banking. The impact of newspaper coverage on banking, particularly at Lead 2, had a higher magnitude than all other lags and leads in Table 2. The latter findings suggest that newspaper content was a stronger predictor of the Instagram posters' agenda on the banking issue than the reverse. ...Context 8
... the cross-correlations of these issue series in Table 2 reveal that there are more lags (12) and leads (3), which implies that Instagram posts have more predictive power over newspaper's issue agenda. The evidence for intermedia agenda setting is not overwhelming; however, as only 15 lags/leads out of the possible 84 lags/leads were significant (Considering that a total of 10 issues were empirically examined, technically 15 lags/leads out of 140 lags/ leads tested were significant). ...Similar publications
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... This study used a hybrid content analysis method, which engaged human coders and computer assistance to analyze the dataset (Guo et al., 2016;Su et al., 2017). In this process, human coders first created an initial keyword list based on previous presidential campaign agenda-setting research (Russell Neuman, Guggenheim, Mo Jang, & Bae, 2014; Vargo et al., 2014;Guo & Vargo, 2015;Towner & Muñoz, 2020). Second, coders developed another keyword list based on a manual content analysis of the 10% of Facebook posts (n = 1650) and revised the initial keyword list found in previous campaign agenda-setting research. ...
This study undertook an analysis of network agenda setting during the 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign, focusing on the interactions between the campaigns and their respective supporters within the context of a polarized social media environment. By employing social network analysis techniques to examine issue agendas, the study revealed a relatively weak correlation between the agendas of the campaigns and their affiliated supporters on Facebook. Conversely, it found a notable association between entities sharing the same ideological orientation—party supporters displayed a higher degree of engagement with their own party’s campaign, and vice versa. The implications of these findings, from a theoretical, methodological, and practical standpoint, have been thoroughly discussed.
... Following prior research (Conway et al., 2015;Kim et al., 2016;Towner & Muñoz, 2020), we collected data from seven publications in both their print and online versions: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The USA Today, The Star Tribune, and The Boston Globe. These publications were selected for two reasons. ...
... Newspaper articles were retrieved using LexisNexis and ProQuest with the following keywords, "BlackLivesMatter," "Black Lives Matter," and "BLM." LexisNexis and ProQuest are deemed high in sampling validity and have been extensively used in IAS research (see Conway et al., 2015;Towner & Muñoz, 2020). Consistent with prior studies (e.g., Vliegenthart & Walgrave, 2008), we used a 4-month timeframe from May 25 (the date of Floyd's death) to September 25, 2020, which returned 4,031 stories. ...
Performing two studies, we explore the intermedia attribute agenda-setting effects between the U.S. mainstream newspapers and Twitter. Leveraging computational methodologies, Study 1 analyzes 3,541 newspaper articles and over 1.06 million tweets about the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement, illustrating asymmetrical reciprocity of substantive attributes and mutual independency of affective attributes between both outlets. Study 2 performs in-depth interviews with 16 American journalists, showing that journalists increasingly see Twitter as a news source hub, a self-promotion platform, and a prism of distorted public sentiments. The juxtaposition of both studies revealed the paradigm and driving forces of the intermedia agenda flow.
... • Compared with participants who were not exposed to political information, participants who were exposed to political information on Facebook showed higher problem salience when sharing questions. These effects were most pronounced among those with low political interest [61] (Towner & Muñoz, 2020) Quantitative ...
The purpose of this review is to discuss how agenda-setting theory changes in the context of social media. Explore the influence and setters of social agenda-setting. A total of 75 social media agenda-setting studies on socio-political topics after 2015 were reviewed. The results show that the social media agenda does appear to be independent of the traditional media agenda. However, its influence is far less than the traditional media agenda, and the reverse influence is rarely achieved. The social media agenda-setters are still elite, not representative of the public agenda.
... The mass media has undergone a transformation, evolving into a diverse range of online platforms that offer people the opportunity to utilize them in accordance with their preferences. The online media channels encompassed in this study are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube [27]. ...
Socialization is a process of transferring knowledge through values and rules so that an individual can become a member of a group, and this knowledge transfer process can also be referred to as an ongoing learning process that impacts the formation of one's personality. Suppose the focus is on socialization by the Indonesian General Election Commission. In that case, the socialization efforts aim to form a community that understands the election process and the role of the community in the election stages. This effort is carried out by providing information containing the general election stages that are being carried out or will run. However, to what extent has the public responded to social media socialization efforts that the General Election Commission has carried out? This research will try to understand the public's response to the socialization that the General Election Commission carried out after the 2020 Simultaneous General Elections were held. The research data was obtained by conducting an online survey through online questionnaire media, distributed widely to research respondents from 16 February 2021 to 28 February 2021. The total number of research respondents reached 212 respondents from 24 provinces in Indonesia. Male respondents came to 144 people (64%), and the number of female respondents was 68 (32%). In processing data, this research uses Nvivo 12 Plus to assist researchers in processing qualitative data into more interactive data visualizations. The findings of this study indicate that the public's response to the dissemination of general elections through social media is very high; this suggests that social media has become the primary medium for the public to find information related to general elections. Furthermore, this research has also identified the tendency for the General Election Commission's social media account at the central level to provide the most information, namely the Indonesian General Election Commission. In addition, the public's assessment of account performance, the influence of socialization, and the quality of socialization have also been known. The last and no less important is the addition of public suggestions for socialization in the future.
... Social networks allow for greater democratization of the 'agenda', as any individual can share and disseminate information (Strömer-Galley, 2014). However, they have also led to the spread of fake news and misinformation (Towner & Muñoz, 2020;Guo and Vargo, 2020), which can affect public perception and, ultimately, the electoral process (Coleman & Wu, 2022). ...
... The media dominate the agenda in social networks, and a strong influence of mainstream media in determining agenda topics during elections is observed (Pedro-Carañana et al., 2020). In addition, it has been identified that the coverage of topics on Instagram differs from the press, and each media prioritizes different topics, which shows the variety of approaches and content on different platforms (Towner & Muñoz, 2020). ...
This article examines the role of social media and journalistic media in presidential electoral processes. A systematic review of scientific articles published from 2012 to 2022 was conducted. The results indicate that the media has a significant influence on public perception and the political agenda during election campaigns. Furthermore, the importance of evaluating political leaders in the voters' decision-making process is emphasized. In summary, the article provides valuable insights into how the media can shape the narrative and public opinion during presidential elections.
... A partir de la victoria de Barack Obama en la elección presidencial de Estados Unidos en 2008, las redes sociales se convirtieron en una herramienta utilizada en la mayoría de las campañas electorales, donde no solo el candidato, sino también su pareja, tienen una exposición mayor y más cercana a los ciudadanos (Túñez y Sixto, 2011). Por tanto, el uso de las redes sociales ha sido una estrategia importante para los personajes políticos al colocar en la agenda pública asuntos que los medios tradicionales no han difundido de la manera en la que ellos esperaban (Towner y Muñoz, 2020). Incluso, se tiene registro de cómo la información publicada en redes sociales puede ser recuperada como fuente de información para que los medios tradicionales generen noticias (Álvarez- Journal, 2022, 17(2) las labores que realiza en su casa, entre otras (Slimovich, 2020). ...
Se realizó un análisis de contenido, de corte cuantitativo, sobre las publicaciones en Instagram de la influencer Mariana Rodríguez, esposa del candidato a la gubernatura, Samuel García, durante las elecciones de Nuevo León en 2021. El estudio se guía en tres preguntas referente a los elementos que lograron un mayor engagement (cantidad de likes y comentarios), el rol del perfil de Instagram de Rodríguez durante la campaña y qué encuadre político fue utilizado en mayor medida. Los resultados demuestran una tendencia hacia el encuadre de escolta (M=.58), al registrar fotos y videos de Mariana en los que aparece a un lado de su esposo y usando los logos y eslóganes de campaña; mientras que el encuadre político de juego estratégico fue el más reiterado (M=.59), al indicar la viabilidad de campaña sin emitir propuestas. Se concluye que el perfil de Instagram sirvió como una estrategia de campaña que buscó humanizar a Samuel a partir de auto representar a Mariana desde su roles tradicionales de esposa. Lo anterior en detrimento de fomentar un espacio deliberativo con propuestas de campaña que permitiera a sus seguidores decidir la dirección de su voto.
... En algunos trabajos se puede ver la preocupación por la imagen de los candidatos, sus atributos y valoraciones, tanto en los medios de comunicación como en la agenda pública (Balmas & Sheafer, 2010;Martínez Garza, 2013;Kim, Gonzenbach, Vargo & Kim, 2016;Baumann, Zheng & McCombs 2018). En otras investigaciones se busca comprobar la hipótesis de transferencia de relevancia de temas y atributos, desde los medios de comunicación a la expresión pública, se destacan en estos trabajos la combinación de técnicas: el análisis de contenido en comparación con resultados de encuestas de opinión (Sheafer & Weimann, 2005 Towner & Muñoz, 2020). Finalmente, y relacionados con los objetivos de este artículo, un cuarto grupo de investigaciones se proponen analizar de modo general la cobertura informativa de las campañas electorales, a partir de variables como: tópicos, actores, fuentes, entre otras. ...
El siguiente trabajo caracteriza el tratamiento informativo durante las elecciones nacionales de 2019 en Argentina, con este propósito se observan y analizan las producciones de 19 portales digitales de diferentes empresas mediáticas del país. A partir de los aportes de la teoría de la Agenda-setting y por medio de la técnica de análisis de contenido cuantitativo se analiza la relevancia temática, la arena de acción de los acontecimientos, los atributos de la cobertura informativa, las fuentes utilizadas y los actores mencionados. En los resultados se da cuenta de que las noticias sobre la campaña electoral contribuyen a la polarización política con una agenda temática acotada y centrada en asuntos del proceso electoral y otros relacionados con la economía del país, también que existe una centralidad en los actores mencionados, con énfasis en candidatos presidenciales de los partidos políticos con mayores chances de una victoria electoral, y predominio de fuentes del ámbito político, lo que reduce la posibilidad de que otros espacios de la ciudadanía puedan establecer en los medios sus interpretaciones respecto al proceso electoral. En las conclusiones se relacionan las características de la cobertura con el contexto periodístico en Argentina y las oportunidades de proveer a la ciudadanía de información de calidad.
... Hal ini dapat dilakukan karena masyarakat lebih mudah untuk mencari topik informasi yang diinginkan hanya dengan meng-klik hashtag tersebut. Jika suatu hashtag telah menguasai platform media sosial seperti Instagram maka juga akan mempengaruhi arus pemberitaan surat kabar (Towner, 2020). ...
Kemunculan perusahaan media massa baik konvensional maupun digital menjadi hal yang tidak dapat dihindari di era globalisasi seperti sekarang. Kemunculan perusahaan media massa ini semakin memberikan ketersediaan informasi yang luas bagi masyarakat sehingga hak warga negara untuk mendapat informasi yang benar, akurat dan objektif dapat tercapai. Meski demikian, pada faktanya ternyata tidak semua informasi mampu menerapkan nilai-nilai yang telah ditentukan karena terdapat faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi. Salah satu faktor tersebut adalah adanya pembentukan agenda setting yang dilakukan oleh media massa dalam rangka melancarkan tujuan-tujuannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh agenda setting baik bagi masyarakat maupun media massa melalui analisis yang dilakukan pada lima penelitian terdahulu. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode eksploratif untuk dapat menemukan aspek-aspek yang ada maupun tidak ada mengenai teori agenda setting pada kelima jurnal tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa efek dari agenda setting sangat luas dan tidak terbatas yaitu mampu mempengaruhi individu, kelompok, hingga organisasi. Agenda setting juga mampu mendorong berbagai hal perubahan untuk masyarakat seperti menciptakan kebijakan baru, menghasilkan alternatif di tengah beragam ketidakpastian, hingga membantu warga negara dalam menentukan pemilihan pimpinannya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media massa memiliki fungsi strategis yaitu sebagai gatekeeper karena mampu menyaring dan menentukan informasi yang akan disampaikan ke khalayak hingga mempengaruhi opini publik.
... However, beyond initial exceptions (e.g. Towner & Munoz, 2020;Larsson, 2018; see also Koliska & Roberts, 2015), as a visual news platform Instagram is still largely uninvestigated. Future research projects will necessarily have to take into account the distinctive platform logics and mechanisms so far reconstructed, as well as new, challenging, epistemological and methodological issues concerning digital visual research design strategies (e.g. ...
By providing a review of a number of recent and relevant publications, this paper reconstructs major trends, topics and challenges within the state of the art of scholarly research on the platformization of cultural industries, addressing the crucial role that digital platforms have acquired in recent years in the production and circulation of a variety of cultural contents. More specifically, after offering an introduction on the ways in which the study of digital platforms emerged as strictly intertwined with the evolution of certain cultural industry sectors, such as gaming and video sharing, the paper addresses in depth three distinctive domains of cultural production and consumption: music, journalism, and photography. In so doing, the paper traces a variety of perspectives beyond the mainstream political economy-oriented focus of platform studies, suggesting emerging paths for future research on these rapidly shifting and increasingly debated issues.
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have increasingly played pivotal roles in shaping climate agendas and mobilizing individuals to engage in environmental initiatives. However, the nature of NGOs’ online interaction with users, especially in developing countries, remains largely unexplored. This study focused on the dynamics of engagement between a Chinese NGO, Chinese Weather Enthusiasts (CWE), and Chinese youth on the social media platform of Bilibili. The research comprised two main components. First, named entity recognition was employed to analyze weather-related terms in CWE’s posts on Bilibili and dynamic topic modeling was utilized to uncover shifts in thematic focus. Subsequently, descriptive analysis and negative binomial regression were employed to investigate the correlation between weather types and user engagement metrics. The study unveiled two noteworthy findings: first, CWE posts are closely linked to short-term weather, providing timely content that may meet the public’s demand for climate information. Second, the engagement of Chinese youth users is not affected by extreme weather types. Future research should continue to elucidate strategies that NGOs can employ to enhance online engagement among youth users.
Significance Statement
This study seeks to contribute to the current literature of climate communication by investigating how NGOs engage with Chinese youth on social media, an area that has received scant attention thus far. Focusing on an influential Chinese climate NGO, CWE, and its interactions with Chinese youth on the social media platform of Bilibili, this research sheds lights on strategies to communicate information related to extreme weather to this demographic. Examining factors that influence online user engagement offers both theoretical insights about the mechanisms of climate communication and practical implications for NGOs and policymakers to mobilize youth for environmental initiatives. The findings also underscore the importance of tailoring climate communication to align with the daily experiences of the target audience and public-centric approaches in climate communication strategies.